FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2018 Assignment 2: Functional Programming in Haskell

You will create an autonomous player for the card game “Oh Hell” . You will do this by filling in the undefined playCard and makeBid functions in the Player.hs file that you receive in the code bundle. Oh Hell is a trick-taking card game in which the obje


Assignment 3: Othello Bot

You will write a player robot—or AI or bot for short—for the 2-player board game Othello. The objective is to choose the best move at each turn of the game in the face of an opponent (human or bot) who will seek to do the same.


Assignment 1: Shapes

Upon completion of this assignment, you will have a working Haskell program that uses the CodeWorld API to draw various colourful shapes on the screen, including lines, polygons, rectangles, circles, and ellipses. We have prepared a basic framework for yo


Assignment 2: Raster Graphics

This assignment continues on from your previous assignment, but considers the situation where there might not be an API like CodeWorld for drawing shapes on the screen. In particular, when drawing pictures on a modern bitmapped computer display we need to


COMP1100/1130 [2019 S1] Assignment 1: Shapes


COMP1100/1130 [2019 S1] Assignment 3: Sushi Go


COMP1100/1130 [2019 S1] Assignment 2: Turtle Graphics


COMP2209 Assignment Instructions


The University of Hong Kong COMP3258: Functional Programming Final Project (Jigsaw Sudoku Game)


CMT304 Functional Programming


Project Specification — proj2

The objective of this project is to practice and assess your understanding of functional programming and Haskell.


Models of set theory
