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JOI1287, Fall 2021 Assignment #1


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JOI1287, Fall 2021

Assignment #1

Total Marks: 40

Application of Concepts Using SPSS

Assignments are to be submitted to the Assignment #1 folder on Quercus

In this section you will use SPSS to complete all analyses. The dataset (“Assignment dataset_F21.sav”) contains information for n=178 cases. Before beginning any analysis, your final sample must be determined. Randomly select 13 cases, write down the case ID numbers, and then delete these cases from your datafile. Do not select all 13 in a row. Keep track of the case ID numbers, and report these at the beginning of your paper so that it is clear which cases were removed. The cases you select should not be the same as those selected by another student in the class. Do not renumber the case ID’s, leave these as they appear in the original dataset. These codes each represent a particular case and should not be altered. Your final sample should have n=165 cases.


The following is a list of tasks you will need to complete in SPSS using the data provided:

1. Review the codebook provided (under Description of Data below – last page) and the information in the Variable View of SPSS to determine if the assigned scale of measurement for each variable is accurate. Please make note of any changes you made as you will need to communicate those changes to me in your response to this section (5 marks).

2. Identify and produce appropriate descriptives (frequency, measures of central tendency, deviations, graphical displays) for two categorical variables in the datafile. Please remember that your choice of descriptives depends on the measurement scale. Explore and comment (8 marks).

3. Identify and produce appropriate descriptives (frequency, measures of central tendency, deviations, graphical displays) for two continuous. Please remember that your choice of descriptives depends on the measurement scale (10 marks).

a. what is the shape of each distribution based on visual inspection of the graphs?

b. what conclusion can you draw about the symmetry of these distribution by comparing the size of the central tendency measures and examining the graphs for these variables? Explain the reasons for your answer.

4. Use the CROSSTABS command in SPSS to explore the relationships among the categorical variables in your data. You do not need to explore every single relationship but think of one that might be most meaningful or interesting. Please comment on your observation (4 marks).

5. Choose two categorical variables: (1) one with only two categories and (1) one with more than two categories. Use the SPLIT FILE command with each of the categorical variables one at a time and then run appropriate descriptives for one continuous variable. This means you will be running two separate sets of descriptive analyses for each of the categorical variables chosen. Please remember to take the SPLIT FILE OFF once you have completed this task. Please comment on your observation (8 marks).

**As you work through this section of the assignment to each task some of the SPSS procedures completed may have been done through trial and error as you become familiar and comfortable with the program. However, once you are satisfied that you have successfully completed each task assigned, please make sure that the syntax and output provided from SPSS matches these tasks only. In other words, please submit a clean SPSS syntax and output file (5 marks).


o Submit your assignment in one MS Word or PDF file to Quercus.

o Prior to uploading your file, please include your name in the saved documents.

o Your assignment should include:

o Written interpretation of the findings from descriptive analyses. This may include (but is not limited to) meaningful/interesting/problematic observations or patterns in your data. Any ideas, speculations, and questions that you may have about your data. In other words, tell me a story about your data, pretend that I have no prior knowledge about your data and you want to report the results of your descriptive analyses in such a way that I can understand the nature of the variables.

o SPSS output and syntax. (Your output should include syntax lines with comments, please copy/paste the relevant contents of this file and add to your interpretation).

Example for formatting

1. Crosstabulations

Sex and Setting


/TABLES=setting BY sex




Setting in which Sesame Street was viewed * Sex Crosstabulation





Setting in which Sesame Street was viewed






% within Setting in which Sesame Street was viewed









% within Setting in which Sesame Street was viewed









% within Setting in which Sesame Street was viewed




You should explain your observation and interpretation of the findings that are noticeable after each output.


Demographic variables: age, sex, marital status, children, education level, hours at work, hours on domestic chores, years on the job.

Coping strategies: A set of 7 scales were administered to measure various coping strategies that people use; the higher the score, the more it is used.

Proactive Coping

Reflective Coping

Strategic Planning

Preventive Coping

Instrumental Support

Emotional Support

Avoidance Coping

Workplace stressors/characteristics: The higher the score, the more that characteristic is perceived or displayed.

Fair Treatment

Job Satisfaction1

Emotional Exhaustion

Professional Efficacy



Life Satisfaction1


Life Satisfaction2

Job Satisfaction2