关键词 > INFO6205

INFO 6205 Virus transmission simulation


INFO 6205 Spring 2021

Project Description

Virus transmission simulation

• Your task is to simulate the spread of a virus such as SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind COVID-19.

• Your simulations will take into account:

• The R factor of the disease (bonus points for including the k factor);

• The usage and effectiveness of masks;

• The prevalence of testing and contact tracing;

• The availability and efficacy of the vaccine;

• Any barriers to entry (including quarantining) into the subject area.

Goals/requirements of the project

• This is a somewhat open-ended project. The goal is for you to understand how to do simulations (you’ve already done some) and how to draw conclusions from your observations.

• You must describe the worst-case growth of any algorithms you create. Additionally, any data structures you employ must explain any invariant(s). Explain where you are getting entropy from for the simulation.

• In particular, I would like you to compare at least two viruses with different k/R factors: the most obvious one would be SARS-CoV (“SARS”).

• You must write (and successfully run) unit tests for all of your formulas, rules, etc.–your code should have at least 60% coverage by line.

• The various parameters that you require must be defined via a configuration file (e.g. config.ini) that is easy to update.


• I expect you to form into teams of two or three (although other cardinalities will be considered).

• One person will be primarily involved in modeling the problem while the other will be concerned with a graphical user interface.

• If there is a third person, that person will be mostly concerned with documenting, charting, and cataloguing the results of the simulations.

• I need to know your team makeups by midnight of the 27th.

• An editable spreadsheet will be provided for this.

Schedule and Deliverables

• Schedule

• Teams: midnight 3/27;

Project deliverables: midnight on 4/19.

• Deliverables (via Github)

• Code (Java or Python);

• Unit tests (with proof of running);

• GUI;

• Report:

• Complexity, invariants, entropy source;

• Conclusions;

• Graphs.


• (40) On-time with minimum requirements satisfied;

• (5) Repository (clean, and with contributions from all team members);

• (20) Conclusions;

• (10) Evidence (graphs, data, etc.);

• (10) Code (Java or Python);

• (5) Unit tests;

• (10) User Interface (video if possible);

• (5) Bonus points for any outstanding efforts, e.g. using k-factor.