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CS61B: Data Structures Midterm #2, Spring 2019


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CS61B: Data Structures

Midterm #2, Spring 2019

0. So it begins (1 point). Write your name and ID on the front page. Write the exam room. Write the IDs of your neighbors. Write the given statement and sign. Write your login in the corner of every page. Enjoy your free point ☺ .

1. Tree Removal.

a) (13 points). Suppose we have the BST shown below. Give the tree that results from deleting “4” using the procedure from class (a.k.a. Hibbard deletion). Use the successor, not the predecessor. Draw your answer in the box located to the right of the tree below.

b) (20 points). Suppose we want to write a method that deletes the smallest item in a BST rooted at TreeNode x. Fill in the code below. The method should return the root of the BST after deletion. Assume the TreeNode class has three fields: item, left, and right. You may assume x is never null. If deletion results in an empty tree, you should return null.

private TreeNode deleteMin(TreeNode x) {

if (x.left == null) { return ____________; }

___________________ = deleteMin(__________);

return _____________;


For reference, the TreeNode class is defined as shown below:

public class TreeNode {

public TreeNode left;

public TreeNode right;

public int item;

}  ...

2. Hash Tables. Suppose we have a correct hash table implementation of a set as seen in lecture, where:

•   We store the buckets in an array, where each bucket is a linked list (i.e. separate chaining).

•   We resize to 1.5x the number of buckets at the end of an add operation if the load factor is ≥ 1.

•   We reduce our hashcode with floorMod(hashCode(), M). Recall that floorMod is just %, but handles negative numbers correctly.

•   For parts a-c: We currently have N = 19 items and M = 41 buckets. Assume calls to add add unique items to the hash table

a) (5 points). What is the current load factor? It is OK to leave your answer as a fraction: _________

b) (10 points). Suppose a user calls contains. Give the minimum and maximum number of times the contains method would need to call equals. Do not assume anything about the distribution of items in the hash table.

Min: ______________  Max: _______________

c) (10 points). Give the minimum and maximum number of add calls that can cause the next resize. Min: ______________  Max: _______________

d) (12 points). Suppose we define an ExamOomage class that has 4 instance variables int r, int g, int b, int a, each in the range [0, 255]. Assume that it provides a correct equals method as well as a hashCode method that returns some integer. Do not assume anything about the quality of the hashCode method. Suppose we run a timing experiment using a Problem2HashSet (as defined in the bulleted list above) as follows:

public static void timingTest(int N) {

Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); Problem2HashSet<ExamOomage> hsp = new Problem2HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 1) {

hsp.add(ExamOomage.randomPoint()); //returns ExamOomage with

}                                      //random r/g/b/a in [0, 255]



Using the code above we get the runtimes below:

N = 1000  : 0.026 seconds

N = 10000 : 1.00 seconds

N = 49123 : 26.96 seconds

N = 100000: 118.43 seconds

From the given data, which of the following best matches the average time per add operation?

Each add on average costs: ○ Θ(1)        ○ Θ(log N)     ○ Θ(N)     ○ Θ(N2)      ○ Θ(2N)

e) (12 points). Give an example of a hashCode() function that would yield timing results similar to those shown in the table above.

return ______________________________

3. KdTree. Suppose we have the KdTree shown below.

a) (8 points). Give the result of the call to nearest(new Point(2, 2)).

○ A (4, 5)     ○ B (2, 11)     ○ C (3, 3)     ○ D (1, 12)     ○ E (6, 3)     ○ F (7, 2)     ○ G (7, 6)

b) (10 points). Assuming we’re searching for nearest(new Point(2, 2)). Which child of A is the “good child”, i.e. should definitely be explored? Briefly explain your answer.

○ B        ○ E           Explanation: ____________________________________

c) (10 points). Assuming we’re searching for nearest(new Point(2, 2)). Without actually exploring A’s children, what is the closest possible point to (2, 2) that could exist in A.right (or its

children)? That is, provide an answer based only on how A partitions the space. Give an x and y value. Best possible point: (____, ____)

d) (16 points). Give the order in which the vertices are visited to complete the call to nearest from part a. If some nodes are not explored due to pruning, do not include them. For example, if the KdTree nearest method visited A, then visited E, then pruned both of E’s children, then pruned A’s left child,    you’d write only A then E. The first node has been provided for you. You may not need all provided     entries. You can use either the perpendicular or diagonal pruning rule (both give same answer).


e) (10 points). If we added the point (5, 1) to the tree above, where would it go?

○ C.left     ○ C.right     ○ D.left     ○ D.right     ○ F.left     ○ F.right     ○ G.left     ○ G.right

4. LLRBs.

a) (10 points). Suppose we have the LLRB below, where red links are given as thicker dashed lines. If   we add 15, what single LLRB operation will we need to perform? Give your answer as                            rotateLeft(X), rotateRight(X), or colorFlip(X) where X is the node which we rotate or color flip. Reminder: colorFlip(17) would mean flipping all edges touching 17. Don’t forget to fill in the  value in parenthesis!

○ rotateLeft(    )      ○ rotateRight(    )     ○ colorFlip(    )

b) (24 points). Starting from the figure of the LLRB above (i.e. without adding 15), what LLRB           operations will we need to complete if we add the value 40? By LLRB operation, we mean                    rotateLeft, rotateRight, and colorFlip. Give your answer by filling in one bubble per line and filling in the value in parenthesis, where line 1 corresponds to operation #1, etc. You may not need all  five operations.

Op #1:

rotateLeft( )

rotateRight(    )

colorFlip(    )

Op #2:

rotateLeft( )

rotateRight(    )

colorFlip(    )

Op #3:

rotateLeft( )

rotateRight(    )

colorFlip(    )

Op #4:

rotateLeft( )

rotateRight(    )

colorFlip(    )

Op #5:

rotateLeft( )

rotateRight(    )

colorFlip(    )

c) (12 points). Draw the 2-3 tree corresponding to the LLRB from part a (i.e. without adding 15 or 40).

5. PNH (0 Points). What is a “desire path”?

6. WQUzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapp (24 points).

For each of the three figures below, give a sequence of 4 Weighted Quick Union union calls (without  path compression) that could result in the figure shown. If two trees are unioned with the same weight, assume the first arguments root is put below the second argument (i.e. first side’s new parent is the second side). If the figure is impossible to create using 4 or fewer union calls, fill in the circle marked “Not possible” . You may not need all blanks.

Assume that before your union calls, all items are originally disconnected.













○ Not


○ Not


○ Not


Reminder: For each figure, either fill in the blanks for the union calls, or mark Not possible” .

7. Shortest Paths. Suppose that we run Dijkstra’s algorithm on the graph below from the vertex 0.

The table below shows the results right after vertex 2’s edges have been relaxed.

vertex #


























a) (16 points). In what order were the vertices visited? The last value has been filled in for you.


b) (4 points). What vertex will be visited next? _____________

c) (16 points). Give the distTo array after the next vertex is visited (i.e. after all its edges are relaxed).

vertex #











d) (4 points). Suppose all of the edges in the graph above were undirected.

How many edges would be in the minimum spanning tree? ________________



Mark The Paper In The Way That You Like Best

8. Les Visiteurs. Suppose we have the tree below. Suppose it is implemented using TreeNodes.

public class TreeNode {

public TreeNode left;

public TreeNode right;

public int item;

}  ...

In lecture, our implementation for the preorder traversal printed a node when it was visited, but this can be generalized so that visiting” can be any arbitrary action. Code for this idea is given below.

static void preorder(TreeNode n, Visitor v) { if (n == null) { return; }


preorder(n.left, v);

preorder(n.right, v);


interface Visitor {

void visit(TreeNode x); }

a. (8 points). Suppose we perform a preorder traversal on the tree above using the Printer visitor below. Write the output of the program in the blank provided.

class Printer implements Visitor {

public void visit(TreeNode x) {

System.out.print(x.item + " ");




b. (16 points). Suppose we perform an inorder traversal using the Adder visitor defined below. Draw the tree that results in the provided box.

static void inorder(TreeNode n, Visitor v) {

if (n == null) { return; }

inorder(n.left, v);


inorder(n.right, v);


class Adder implements Visitor {

public void visit(TreeNode x) {

if (x.left != null)  { x.item += x.left.item; }

if (x.right != null) { x.item += x.right.item; }



c. (20 points). Suppose we perform a preorder traversal using a GlorpGlorp on the tree to the right, i.e. we call TreeNode.preorder(n, new GlorpGlorp()), where n is the root node of the tree.

class GlorpGlorp implements Visitor { Printer printer = new Printer();

public void visit(TreeNode x) { TreeNode.inorder(x, printer);



Write the output of the program in the blank provided below.


d. (12 points). Give the DFS preorder and postorder starting from 5 if we were to treat the tree at the top of this page as a graph. If a node has multiple neighbors, traverse the smallest neighbor first.

DFS Preorder: _____________________

DFS Postorder: _____________________

9. Heaping. a) (20 points). In lecture and project 2A, we implemented a Heap as an array, but we could also implement as a recursive data structure, e.g. a tree of TreeNode objects. Write a sink method that sinks the value in the given TreeNode. You’ll need to use the min helper method given in the text box.

public static void sink(TreeNode n) {

if (n == null) { return; }


if (_______________________) {



if (_______________________) {







b) (15 points). If we create a SinkVisitor whose visit method simply calls sink(x). Give a complete tree with 4 nodes for which TreeNode.preorder(n, new SinkVisitor()) does not result in a heap if n is the root of your tree. No credit will be given to trees that are not complete.

10. Asymptotics

a) (44 points). Give the runtime ofthe following functions in Θ notation. Your answer should be a function ofN that is as simple as possible with no unnecessary leading constants or lower order terms. Dont spend too much time on these !

_Θ_____  public static void g1(int N) {

for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 3) {

for (int j = 0; j < i; j += 1) {





_Θ_____  public static void g2(int N) { // ASSUME N IS A POWER OF 2.

for (int i = 1; i < N; i = i * 2) {



System.out.print("power egg");


_Θ_____  public static void g3(int N) {

int j = N / 2;

for (int i = 0; i < j; i += 4) {

for (j = 0; j < N; j += 1) {





_ Θ_____  public static void g4(ArrayList<Integer> x) {

int N = x.size(); // size takes constant time

if (N == 1) { System.out.println(x.get(0)); return; }

// subListCopy(P, Q) returns a copy of the list from [P, Q), // i.e. exclusive of Q, and takes Θ(Q – P) time.