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ECON2002 Intermediate Macroeconomics


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ECON2002 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Groupwork Report Guidance

Introduction to the Group Project

The Groupwork element of ECON2002 involves production of a Group Report.

Total weighting: 30%

Length: 3000 words (+/- 10%)

Report Due Date: Week 10 on Friday 18th November by 23:59 Singapore time. Submission Method: Online via Turnitin link on course Canvas site

TO BE CONFIRMED - Additional Requirements: SPARK submission within 24 hours (i.e. Monday 21st  November by 23:59 Singapore time).

Learning Outcomes

The Group Report is designed to assess understanding of macroeconomic concepts and the ability to analyse and interpret data. The Groupwork is designed to assess all four of the course learning           outcomes:

1. Discuss competing theoretical arguments about the operation of the macroeconomy;

2. Access and analyse macroeconomic data which are pertinent to contemporary macroeconomic debates in Australia and overseas;

3. Engage in critical thinking through the comparative assessment of competing macroeconomic models and policy frameworks; and

4. Collaborate with fellow students in the evaluation and presentation of arguments about macroeconomic theory and policy.

The Assessment Task(s)

Report Structure

The group report must be based on a standard report structure (i.e. it should have an Executive Summary and include a set of Recommendations).

Section Structure

Executive Summary


1               Sections in Main Body of the Report










The Executive Summary, References and Appendices do not count towards the overall word limit of 3000 (+/- 10%).

The structure of the main body of the report, as well as the length of each section, is for the Group to decide .

Assessment Criteria

The following generic criteria will be applied in grading the report:

1. Clarity of expression

2. Logical structure of report

3. Clear problem defined

4. Accurate analyses of data

5. Logical interpretation of data, results and source materials

However, the following Table provides a more detailed assessment rubric to give you a better idea what we are looking for:

Group Report Assessment Criteria

Data Utilisation & Analysis

Selection of appropriate data

Use of appropriate indicators to demonstrate/ highlight issues

Use of appropriate data sources

Presentation/ visualisation of data

Figure and table numbers/ titles

Data sources identified

Appropriate use of time series/ cross-

sectional data

Quality of charts/ figures

Data manipulation/ analysis

Appropriate use of data analysis techniques Validity and accuracy of data analysis            Missing data and data reliability issues considered

Interpretation of data/ depth of analysis

Refer to Figures in text

Commentary on data

Depth of interpretation beyond descriptive

Knowledge & Understanding


Demonstrates understanding of key concepts


Demonstrates understanding of relevant theories

Policy issues

Demonstrates understanding of policy context

Research debates

Demonstrates understanding of relevant research debates

Conclusions/ recommendations

Ability to draw evidence-based conclusions and make appropriate recommendations

Report Structure


Within acceptable word limits (3000 +/- 10%)

Report format

Follows report structure

Page, Table and Chart numbers etc

Referencing scope

Use of appropriate range sources

Referencing standards

Use of consistent referencing standards (you can use Harvard or APA, but you must be consistent

Report Cohesion/ Flow

Consistency of formatting

Demonstrates consistent formatting

Flow of content

Integration of report sections

Extent of overlap/ duplication

Avoidance of unnecessary overlap/


Working in Groups: Success in Group Work: Effective Teamwork and Project Management

Group Project Arrangements

By the end of Week 2 you should arrange yourselves into groups of 4-6 students. You should do this proactively, do not wait for someone to invite you.

Ideally, we are looking for groups of 4 or 5, but 6 is the absolute maximum number of students per group.

Once you have established your group, one group member should email me with a list of the group members (names and student IDs).

The Team Leader should also notify the Course Coordinator, via email, of any subsequent changes to group membership.

If, by the end of Week 2, any students have not been able to find a group the Course Coordinator will assign students into groups on a random basis.

Each group is to appoint a Group Facilitator/ Team Leader. This individual should be the one to           communicate with the Course Co-ordinator if any queries/ problems should arise. However, other     Group members can also contact the Course Co-ordinator if there are any queries/ problems relating to the group they wish to discuss.

Once you have established your groups you should meet (online or in person) to discuss and               complete the Pre-Project Action Plan. The form is provided below and is also available on the course Canvas site. The form should be completed and emailed to the Course Coordinator, by the Team       Leader, by the end of Week 4.

The report is to be submitted by the Team Leader (only), along with a Groupwork Assessment Cover Sheet with the Group name (i.e. A, B, C … etc), names and student number of all group members.       Students whose name and student number have not been included on the Cover Sheet of the Group Project Report will receive a mark of zero.

TO BE CONFIRMED: SPARK - Self and Peer Assessment:

Please Note: We will decide whether or not to utilise SPARK by the end of Week 4. If we do then:

A single mark is initially given for the group assignment. This mark will be then moderated by "self and peer assessment" using the SPARK software so that individual group members may receive     different marks. Any moderated individual mark received by each group member is based on         contribution to the assignment and, more importantly the ability to work with others.

Individual group members are required to submit a self and peer assessment through SPARK within  24 hours of the Group Report submission date. Failure to complete SPARK, without valid reason, will result in a mark of zero. The criteria for the self and peer assessment are found - along with the         instructions on how to use SPARK - on Canvas. Please note: NO SPARK NO MARK.

Guidance on the use of SPARK can be found in the following link:



A common requirement, when applying for a position/job at all levels of an organization, is to be     able to demonstrate your ability to work productively as part of a group or team. It is likely that you have already studied the benefits of teams as part of your degree including productivity and              achieving common goals. Likewise, in an academic environment, studying collaboratively can            enhance outcomes. Students learning from one another benefit from activities that require               articulation and peer review of their knowledge.


In ECON2002, for assessment item 2, namely the Group Report you will work as a group. You will      assume the role of a team to work together professionally. The group shall normally consist of FOUR or FIVE (5) individuals. You are responsible for joining and forming your group. Group members         should exchange contact details and formulate and agree on a Pre-Project Action Plan (see form        below and available on Canvas). The Pre- Project Action Plan records agreement to member roles,    group rules, task allocations and responsibilities, and also records agreed project milestones. The      Pre-Project Action Plan should also address how problems and issues, should they arise, will be          managed.

The group agreement, and plan, is to be completed, signed by all group members and provided to the learning facilitator via email by the end of Week 4.

Following are some helpful CTL resources for the action plan and general conduct of group work include:

• Pre-Project Action Plan: please see relevant form for completion at the end of this document. You can also find the document here:


• Templates for Managing Teams: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/faculty/businesslaw/resources- staff/teaching-and-learning/ASSESSMENT

In general, by the time this course is undertaken, students should have developed the skills and          capacity to manage their own group plans, meetings and processes. Accordingly, assessment focuses on group outcomes rather than processes.


For adverse circumstances (AC), please follow the AC process or contact the Course Co-ordinator.

Group work functions best when everyone participates actively and equally in the development of    the project. However, sometimes there may be a need to address situations where one or more        members do not attend meetings or complete work. In the first instance, such issues should be         resolved within the group. The Pre-Project Action Plan should include details agreed at the outset to cover such possibilities. The plan notwithstanding, students should familiarize themselves with the   relevant University policies in terms of the equity and respect that should be afforded to all                members of our academic community. Some useful resources regarding potential problems include:

Dealing with freeloading Assessing group tasks pdf scroll down to page 17


• Dealing with conflict, absence and non-cooperation

www.lboro.ac.uk/admin/ar/policy/aqp/appendix/10/app10b.doc ]

If the grievance issue cannot be resolved within the group, the next step is to discuss the situation with the Course Co-coordinator. All members of the group may be required to attend these            meetings and furnish appropriate records in order to ensure all team/ group members are treated equitably.

Effective Project Management

How your Group operates is up to you as a group to decide. However, many (but not all) of the techniques involved in project management can be applied in the context of student group work.

A set of introductory learning materials designed to assist you in the effective management of your groupwork project will be made available via Canvas.


The single (i.e. overall) ‘group’ mark given for the group report will be available via Canvas within 15 working days of the report submission date. Qualitative feedback on the report will also be provided (via Turnitin on Canvas).

Assuming we opt to utilise the SPARK software, the report marks for each group will then be        adjusted based on your "self and peer assessment" outcomes (using the SPARK software). These individual marks will then be made available via Canvas by Monday of Week 14 – so that you will have all your coursework grades before taking the Final Exam.

ECON2002 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Group Pre-Project Action Plan

Group # ______________________________

1/ Our group, listed below, has agreed to research and analyse the following country:


(We understand that approval is required from the facilitator to make any changes to this selection).

Group Members




2/ We have agreed upon our grade expectations for this assessment item:


3/ We understand that this assessment is a team effort and the grade will initially be awarded equally, but that grade adjustments may be made based on the use of the SPARK Peer Assessment software:


4/ We agree on the following course/s of action should a potential problem arise noting that, for all events, in the first instance we shall first inquire about the team member’s personal circumstance and /or health, safety and wellbeing and offer support as might be appropriate. We also agree to treat each team member with dignity, courtesy and respect and function and behave in accordance with the relevant University policies.