关键词 > MSCA31012



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Part A (Team): Business use case , datasets and tools relating to the final project

1. Create a presentation of about 4 – 5 slides which addresses the following about your final project.

 Executive summary

 Data Sources

 Business Use Case

 Data/tools you plan on using


 Single submission per team.

 Submissions should be made in the form of a powerpoint presentation

Part B (Individual): Manipulating, Categorizing, Sorting and Grouping & Summarizing Data

Data ( Sakila dataset )

 For the rest of the questions use the Sakila database schema which can be found in the course material:

 Full documentation:



Part B Submissions

 For each question, you are required to provide the SQL query you used along with assumptions made (if any)

 Solutions must be submitted as a single .sql file.

 Pick any 5 queries to also be executed via R and submitted as an additional R-markdown file knitted to PDF or HMTL.

Note : Bonus points given for following SQL best practices and formatting with line breaks.


 Copy the section below into a new SQL file and edit it using MySQL workbench. Assignment 2


** File: Assignment2-PartB.sql

** Desc: Manipulating, Categorizing, Sorting and Grouping & Summarizing Data

** Author:

** Date:


############################### QUESTION 1 ###############################

# a) Show the list of databases.

# b) Select sakila database.

# c) Show all tables in the sakila database.

# d) Show each of the columns along with their data types for the actor table.

# e) Show the total number of records in the actor table.

# f) What is the first name and last name of all the actors in the actor table (only show unique names)?

# g) Insert your first name and middle initial ( in the last name column ) into the actors table.

# h) Update your middle initial with your last name in the actors table.

# i) Delete the record from the actor table where the first name matches your first name.

# j) Create a table payment_type with the following specifications and appropriate data types

# Table Name : “Payment_type”

# Primary Key: "payment_type_id”

# Column: “Type”

# Insert following rows in to the table: 1, “Credit Card” ; 2, “Cash”; 3, “Paypal” ; 4 , “Cheque”

# k) Rename table payment_type to payment_types.

# l) Drop the table payment_types.

############################### QUESTION 2 ###############################

# a) List all the movies ( title & description ) that are rated PG-13 ?

# b) List all movies that are either PG OR PG-13 using IN operator ?

# c) Report all payments greater than and equal to $2 and Less than equal to $7 ?

# Note : write 2 separate queries conditional operator and BETWEEN keyword Assignment 2

# d) List all addresses that have phone number that contain digits 589. A separate query for phone numbers that start with 140, and a third query that ends with 589

# Note : write 3 different queries

# e) List all staff members ( first name, last name, email ) whose password is NULL ?

# f) Select all films that have title names like ZOO and rental duration greater than or equal to 4

# g) What is the cost of renting the movie ACADEMY DINOSAUR for 2 weeks ?

# Note : use of column alias

# h) List all unique districts where the customers, staff, and stores are located

# Note : check for NOT NULL values

# i) List the top 10 newest customers across all stores

############################### QUESTION 3 ###############################

# a) Show total number of movies

# b) What is the minimum payment received and max payment received across all transactions ?

# c) Number of customers that rented movies between Feb-2005 & May-2005 ( based on paymentDate ).

# d) List all movies where replacement_cost is greater than $15 or rental_duration is between 6 & 10 days

# e) What is the total amount spent by customers for movies in the year 2005 ?

# f) What is the average replacement cost across all movies ?

# g) What is the standard deviation of rental rate across all movies ?

# h) What is the midrange of the rental duration for all movies

############################### QUESTION 4 ###############################

# a) Customers sorted by first Name and last name in ascending order.

# b) Count of movies that are either G/NC-17/PG-13/PG/R grouped by rating.

# c) Number of addresses in each district.

# d) Find the movies where rental rate is greater than $1 and order result set by descending order.

# e) Top 2 movies that are rated R with the highest replacement cost ?

# f) Find the most frequently occurring (mode) rental rate across products. Assignment 2

# g) Find the top 2 movies with movie length greater than 50mins and which has commentaries as a special features.

# h) List the years with more than 2 movies released.

Part C (Individual): Combining Data, Nested Queries, Views and Indexes, Transforming Data

Part C Submissions

 For each question, you are required to provide the SQL query you used along with assumptions made (if any)

 Solutions must be submitted as a single .sql file.

 Pick any 5 queries from this assignment to also list to be executed via Python and submitted as an additional Python Jupyter Nodebook downloaded as a PDF or HTML file. The python submission must also include at least one data visualizations ( using something like matplotlib or plotly)

Note : Bonus points given for following SQL best practices and formatting with line breaks.


** File: Assignment2-PartC.sql

** Desc: Combining Data, Nested Queries, Views and Indexes, Transforming Data

** Author:

** Date:


############################### QUESTION 1 ###############################

# a) List the actors (firstName, lastName) who acted in more then 25 movies.

# Note: Also show the count of movies against each actor

# b) List the actors who have worked in the German language movies.

# Note: Please execute the below SQL before answering this question.


UPDATE film SET language_id=6 WHERE title LIKE "%ACADEMY%";

# c) List the actors who acted in horror movies.

# Note: Show the count of movies against each actor in the result set.

# d) List all customers who rented more than 3 horror movies.

# e) List all customers who rented the movie which starred SCARLETT BENING

# f) Which customers residing at postal code 62703 rented movies that were Documentaries. Assignment 2

# g) Find all the addresses where the second address line is not empty (i.e., contains some text), and return these second addresses sorted.

# h) How many films involve a “Crocodile” and a “Shark” based on film description ?

# i) List the actors who played in a film involving a “Crocodile” and a “Shark”, along with the release year of the movie, sorted by the actors’ last names.

# j) Find all the film categories in which there are between 55 and 65 films. Return the names of categories and the number of films per category, sorted from highest to lowest by the number of films.

# k) In which of the film categories is the average difference between the film replacement cost and the rental rate larger than $17?

# l) Many DVD stores produce a daily list of overdue rentals so that customers can be contacted and asked to return their overdue DVDs. To create such a list, search the rental table for films with a return date that is NULL and where the rental date is further in the past than the rental duration specified in the film table. If so, the film is overdue and we should produce the name of the film along with the customer name and phone number.

# m) Find the list of all customers and staff given a store id

# Note : use a set global operator store_id, do not remove duplicates

############################### QUESTION 2 ###############################

# a) List actors and customers whose first name is the same as the first name of the actor with ID 8.

# b) List customers and payment amounts, with payments greater than average the payment amount

# c) List customers who have rented movies atleast once

# Note: use IN clause

# d) Find the floor of the maximum, minimum and average payment amount

############################### QUESTION 3 ###############################

# a) Create a view called actors_portfolio which contains information about actors and films ( including titles and category).

# b) Describe the structure of the view and query the view to get information on the actor ADAM GRANT

# c) Insert a new movie titled Data Hero in Sci-Fi Category starring ADAM GRANT

# Note: this is feasible

############################### QUESTION 4 ###############################

# a) Extract the street number ( characters 1 through 4 ) from customer addressLine1 Assignment 2

# Note: this is a compound query

# b) Find out actors whose last name starts with character A, B or C.

# c) Find film titles that contains exactly 10 characters

# d) Format a payment_date using the following format e.g "22/1/2016"

# e) Find the number of days between two date values rental_date & return_date

############################### QUESTION 5 ###############################

# Provide 5 additional queries from the Sakila dataset and the specific business use cases they address.