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BUSI3400 Assignment 1


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Assignment 1

Due: October 18, 2022

1. (10 marks)

Using the Crow’s Foot methodology, create an ERD that can be implemented for a medical clinic, using at least the following business rules:

a. A patient can make many appointments with one or more doctors in the clinic, and a doctor can accept appointments with many patients. However, each appointment is made with only one doctor and one patient.

b. Emergency cases do not require an appointment. However, for appointment management purposes, an emergency is entered in the appointment book as “unscheduled.”

c. If kept, an appointment yields a visit with the doctor specified in the appointment. The visit yields a diagnosis and, when appropriate, treatment.

d. With each visit, the patient’s records are updated to provide a medical history 

e. Each patient visit creates a bill. Each patient visit is billed by one doctor, and each doctor can bill many patients.

f. Each bill must be paid. However, a bill may be paid in many installments, and a payment may cover more than one bill.

g. A patient may pay the bill directly, or the bill may be the basis for a claim submitted to an insurance company.

h. If the bill is paid by an insurance company, the deductible is submitted to the patient for payment.

2. (10 marks)

During peak periods, Temporary Employment Corporation (TEC) places temporary workers in companies. TEC’s manager gives you the following description of the business:

· TEC has a file of candidates who are willing to work.

· If the candidate has worked before, that candidate has a specific job history. (Naturally, no job history exists if the candidate has never worked.) Each time the candidate works, one additional job history record is created.

· Each candidate has earned several qualifications. Each qualification may be earned by more than one candidate. (For example, it is possible for more than one candidate to have earned a BBA degree or a Microsoft Network Certification. And clearly, a candidate may have earned both a BBA and a Microsoft Network Certification.)

· TEC offers courses to help candidates improve their qualifications.

· Every course develops one specific qualification; however, TEC does not offer a course for every qualification.  Some qualifications have multiple courses that develop that qualification.  

· Some courses cover advanced topics that require specific qualifications as prerequisites.  Some courses cover basic topics that do not require any prerequisite qualifications.  A course can have several prerequisites.  A qualification can be a prerequisite for more than one course.

· Courses are taught during training sessions.  A training session is the presentation of a single course.  Over time, TEC will offer many training sessions for each course; however, new courses may not have any training sessions scheduled right away.

· Candidates can pay a fee to attend a training session.  A training session can accommodate several candidates, although new training sessions will not have any candidates registered at first.  

· TEC also has a list of companies that request temporaries.

· Each time a company requests a temporary employee, TEC makes an entry in the Openings folder. That folder contains an opening number, a company name, required qualifications, a starting date, an anticipated ending date, and hourly pay.

· Each opening requires only one specific or main qualification.

· When a candidate matches the qualification, the job is assigned, and an entry is made in the Placement Record folder. That folder contains an opening number, a candidate number, the total hours worked, etc. In addition, an entry is made in the job history for the candidate.

· An opening can be filled by many candidates, and a candidate can fill many openings.

· TEC uses special codes to describe a candidate’s qualifications for an opening. The list of codes is shown in Table P4.10.





Secretarial work, at least 45 words per minute


Secretarial work, at least 60 words per minute


General clerking work


Programmer, Visual Basic


Programmer, C++


Database Administrator, Oracle


Database Administrator, IBM DB2


Database Administrator, MS SQL Server


Systems Analyst, level 1


Systems Analyst, level 2


Network Administrator, Novell experience


Web Developer, ColdFusion

TEC’s management wants to keep track of the following entities:









Given that information, do the following:

a. Draw the Crow’s Foot ERDs for this enterprise.

b. Identify all possible relationships.

c. Identify the connectivity for each relationship.

d. Identify the mandatory/optional dependencies for the relationships.

e. Resolve all M:N relationships.

3. (10 marks)

The Journal of E-commerce Research Knowledge is a prestigious information systems research journal.  It uses a peer-review process to select manuscripts for publication.   Only about 10 percent of the manuscripts submitted to the journal are accepted for publication.  A new issue of the journal is published each quarter.  Create a complete ERD to support the business needs described below.

· Unsolicited manuscripts are submitted by authors.  When a manuscript is received, the editor will assign the manuscript a number, and record some basic information about it in the system.  The title of the manuscript, the date it was received, and a manuscript status of “received” are entered.  Information about the author(s) is also recorded.  For each author, the author’s name, mailing address, e-mail address, and affiliation (school or company for which the author works) is recorded.  Every manuscript must have an author.  Only authors that have submitted manuscripts are kept in the system.  It is typical for a manuscript to have several authors.  A single author may have submitted many different manuscripts to the journal.  Additionally, when a manuscript has multiple authors, it is important to record the order in which the authors are listed in the manuscript credits.

· At her earliest convenience, the editor will briefly review the topic of the manuscript to ensure that the manuscript’s contents fall within the scope of the journal.  If the content is not within the scope of the journal, the manuscript’s status is changed to “rejected” and the author is notified via e-mail.  If the content is within the scope of the journal, then the editor selects three or more reviewers to review the manuscript.  Reviewers  work for other companies or universities and read manuscripts to ensure the scientific validity of the manuscripts.  For each reviewer, the system records a reviewer number, reviewer name, reviewer e-mail address, affiliation, and areas of interest.  Areas of interest are pre-defined areas of expertise that the reviewer has specified.  An area of interest is identified by a IS code and includes a description (e.g. IS2003 is the code for “database modeling”).  A reviewer can have many areas of interest, and an area of interest can be associated with many reviewers.  All reviewers must specify at least one area of interest.  It is unusual, but it is possible to have an area of interest for which the journal has no reviewers.   The editor will change the status of the manuscript to “under review” and record which reviewers the manuscript was sent to and the date on which it was sent to each reviewer.   A reviewer will typically receive several manuscripts to review each year, although new reviewers may not have received any manuscripts yet.

· The reviewers will read the manuscript at their earliest convenience and provide feedback to the editor regarding the manuscript.   The feedback from each reviewer includes rating the manuscript on a 10-point scale for appropriateness, clarity, methodology, and contribution to the field, as well as a recommendation for publication (accept or reject).   The editor will record all of this information in the system for each review received from each reviewer and the date that the feedback was received.  Once all of the reviewers have provided their evaluation of the manuscript, the editor will decide whether or not to publish the manuscript.  If the editor decides to publish the manuscript, the manuscript’s status is changed to “accepted” and the date of acceptance for the manuscript is recorded.  If the manuscript is not to be published, the status is changed to “rejected.”  

· Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it must be scheduled.  For each issue of the journal, the publication period (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer), publication year, volume, and number are recorded.  An issue will contain many manuscripts, although the issue may be created in the system before it is known which manuscripts will go in that issue.  An accepted manuscript appears in only one issue of the journal.  Each manuscript goes through a typesetting process that formats the content (font, font size, line spacing, justification, etc.).  Once the manuscript has been typeset, the number of pages that the manuscript will occupy is recorded in the system.  The editor will then make decisions about which issue each accepted manuscript will appear in and the order of manuscripts within each issue.  The order and the beginning page number for each manuscript must be stored in the system.  Once the manuscript has been scheduled for an issue, the status of the manuscript is changed to “scheduled.”  Once an issue is published, the print date for the issue is recorded, and the statuses of all of the manuscripts in that issue are changed to “published.”