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ACCTN578-22B Test 2 Format


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ACCTN578-22B Test 2 Format

Multiple Choice Questions (2*15 = 30 marks)

Table Normalisation #1 (20 marks): A business process is described, and the according REA Diagram with cardinalities is provided. In addition, the required attributes for each entity are listed in the question.

Based on the REA diagram, you are required to design the necessary tables with the given attributes. All tables designed must be in third normal form.

Table Normalisation #2 (10 marks): A badly designed table is given (which violates the normalisation rules). You are required to re-design the table(s).

Query (10 marks): A few screenshots of queries’ design view (2-4) are given. You are

required to explain what is the query’s purpose (i.e. the created query table tells you

what?). If the query in the screenshot is wrong, you are required to explain what is wrong.

Data Analytics (30 marks): An Excel file can be downloaded in the Test from Moodle. You are required to create tables/ visualisations using either Excel or Power BI to meet the question requirements. You need to upload your Excel or Power BI file to Moodle.