关键词 > BSYS501/JavaScript代写

BSYS501 JavaScript Intro Course


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Task Overview

You have already learned basic programming on JavaScript through the JavaScript Intro Course. For this assignment, you should complete all the ten steps of building a quiz and create five multiple-choice questions at the last step of the JavaScript Intro course.

Two multiple-choice questions are already given in the instruction of the course. For the other three questions, you can design them based on any topic discussed in the BSYS501 course (e.g., Database, Information Security, Telecommunication, Ethics in IS, etc.).

After the assignment submission deadline, the workshop instructor will check your progress on the JavaScript course and 5 multiple-choice questions that you have created at the last step of the course.

Course Learning Outcome Assessed

● Use scripting tools to calculate, manipulate and validate data.

Time Commitment

Around 10 hours for the self-study of the material related to Assignment 1 and around 5 hours to complete the assignment.

Suggested Procedures

In order to be able to successfully complete the assignment, you should attend all the weekly workshops and complete the JavaScript course.

Marking  and Feedback

The penalty for late submission will be a reduction by 5% or one grade (e.g. B+ to B) per day up to a maximum of five days. An assessment item will not be marked if it is more than five days late.

Submission Information

● After completing the steps of the JavaScript course, the built quiz will be automatically saved on the CodeAvengers platform.





1. Complete all the ten steps of building a quiz (5 marks for each 9 steps before the MCQs)

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/ 45 pts

2. Create five multiple-choice questions at the last step

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/ 55 pts