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Inft2012 Application Programming – Assignment


Sixes and sevens

The dice game called Sixes and sevens is a little difficult to describe, but is very easy to play once you’ve had a game or two to get the idea. It’s a good combination of luck and judgement – a thoroughly enjoyable game. There are two players, each of whom is trying to reach an agreed total with a pair of dice.

Each player has a ‘cumulative score’, and there is a single ‘running score’ which is used in turn by whichever player is currently active. The active player rolls the dice as many times as (s)he likes, and the numbers that show on them are added to the running score. The alternative to rolling the dice is to pass them to the opponent; when a player does this, the running score is added to the player’s cumulative score.

Why would a player ever bother to pass the dice? Because there is a risk in rolling them. If either of the dice rolls a six, the running score is lost, and the dice automatically pass to the opponent. The idea is to roll until the running score contains something worth saving, and then to save it in the cumulative score by passing the dice.

Once your opponent has the dice, you have nothing to do (except bite your nails, if you’re that way inclined) until either the opponent wins or the dice come back to you. Winning means getting to the goal score or above it. The points don’t all have to be in your cumulative score; the program should be smart enough to know when the sum of the cumulative and running scores has reached the goal.

Oh, yes, one small point: if you’re silly enough to throw a seven (in the specific form of a six and a one), you lose not only the running score but also your cumulative score, and your turns ends. Next time it’s your turn you start again from nothing. Note that this does not apply to other combinations that make seven: two and five or three and four.

A goal between 50 and 100 seems to make for a reasonable game. Goals of less than 50 tend to let the first player win too often, while goals of more than 100 tend to have lots of sevens, and so go for a long time. 

The following table shows the progress of a whole game, with brief comments to help you understand the description above.

Your assessment task

Your task is to write a program in C# with which two users can play Sixes and sevens against each other, or a single user can play against the program. You can and should start immediately. If you put this task off, you will certainly run out of time

As programming is a complex task, you are also required to maintain and submit a journal, in which you indicate when and for how long you work on which aspects of the assignment. You will also briefly list questions that arise, difficulties that yo encounter, how you overcome them, and lessons that you learn. You should keep the journal in the same folder as your C# project, so that it will be handed in when you hand in the project. By the time you’ve finished the program your journal will probably be many pages long.

Start with a new project. The folder name and the project name should both be your name, without spaces, followed by the abbreviation Assgt. So Kellie Bohlsen, Tan Han Kee, and Simon would have folders and projects called KellieBohlsenAssgt TanHanKeeAssgt, and SimonAssgt respectively. If you work in a pair, the name may be the name of either student in the pair, or of both. Be sure that the folder is in a suitable location to work from.

This is a complex task, so the steps below are our suggestion as to how you might tackle it. You don’t have to approach the tasks in this order, but we think you’ll find it easier to do so, and in general to complete each task before moving on to th next. We understand that some people might not complete the whole assignment. If you tackle the tasks in the order shown here, it should give the marker something reasonable to assess, regardless of how far you get.

1. Read this document very carefully, all the way through. Begin your journal. If there are aspects of the game that you don’t understand, read the description again, sentence by sentence. Follow the sample game shown above, and be sure yo understand every play and every outcome. Then play the game several times. Play it with pen, paper, and dice if you have dice. If not, write a simple program that rolls a pair of dice (perhaps just displaying the digits, not the graphical faces). Play the game with pen, paper, and these program dice. You will not be able to program the game if you don’t understand the game.
Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Design a suitable form, thinking carefully about what controls you will require and where they will be on the form. Try to arrange it so that the user’s gaze doesn’t have to leap about all over the form, and so that the most common mouse movements are reasonably small. Then create the form. Do your best to get it looking reasonable, and be sure that all of the spelling and grammar are correct. There is no excuse for poo English on a program’s interface. Note: while it is possible to use multiple forms for this assignment, there is no requirement to do so. In particular, you should use only one form for the game itself.

3. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Write some code to display random numbers between 1 and 6 on the two dice. Will your program simply display the number, or the face for that number, or will it add a littl animation, displaying different faces in turn to give the impression of the dice rolling? If the dice roll, will they always stop after the same number of faces, or will that have a random element, too? Perhaps you should start simple and add feature later, once you have the rest of the program working. 

For this, as for other pieces of code you develop, consider having a “Test” button on the form that simply tests this piece, so that when you run the program it goes directly to the bit you’re working on. But remember to remove that button and its event handler before handing in the assignment.

4. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Write some code to add the scores of the two dice to a running score for the turn. Write some code to allow the player to pass the dice to the other player. When this happens, the running score should first be added to the player’s cumulative score and then set to zero for the next player. 

5. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Make sure that the two players’ turns are correctly managed. When the first player passes the dice, they go to the second player; when the second player passes the dice, they go to the first player.

6. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. At this point you can actually start playing the game, which is a good way to test the program. Remember, if one die shows a six, the running score is lost and the dice pass to the other players; and a six and a one not only loses the turn but also resets the player’s cumulative score to zero.

7. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Write some code to recognise when the active player’s cumulative score plus running score has reached a predefined total. To start with you might like to make that total 50, but soon you might add a way for the players to choose any goal score.

8. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Once you have the game working properly, add a count of which player has won how many games. The program should also randomly choose who starts each game.

9. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Looking at your code, there’s probably lots of code that’s very similar for the two players. See if you can find a way of reducing most of that to single pieces of code. Functions and void methods could be very helpful for this.

10. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Write some code for the program to be one of the players, playing against a user. Keep it simple at this stage. Perhaps the program will roll the dice once or twice, then pass them back to the user if it hasn’t rolled a six and lost the turn.

11. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. You might find that the timings are odd when it’s the program’s turn. Perhaps it rolls the dice and then tells you it’s going to roll them, or perhaps everything it does is so fast that you don’t see it at all. See if you can work out a way of getting the interface timed right so that the human player can see what the program is doing when it plays. The timing might be affected by how the program communicates with the player. Does it use message boxes (which stop the program until the user responds)? Does it display messages in a label or a text box? Does it do something different again? Does it simply not tell the user what it’s doing? If you need the program to pause for a while, try these lines, where iMillisecs is the delay time in milliseconds: Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(iMillisecs); To avoid repeating the lines, perhaps you could write them into a method! Then they could have an informative name, too.

12. Re-read this document very carefully. Keep your journal up to date. Perhaps it’s time to give the program a strategy. You should probably spend some time working out what your own strategy is. When you’re playing the game, assuming that you sometimes decide to pass the dice and add the running score to your cumulative total, why do you make that decision? Is it to do with how many times you’ve rolled the dice this turn? How close to the goal score you are? What the running total is? How close to the goal score your opponent is? 

Once you know what your strategy is, you need to decide whether it’s a suitable strategy for the program. Is it necessarily the best strategy? Is it easy to program? Might there be simpler strategies that are just as effective?
In your journal, explain the strategies you have considered. Clearly explain which one you’ve chosen, and why you’ve chosen it. Then write the strategy into the program – and clearly explain it there, with program comments. If for some reason you can’t get it working, explain that in your journal, too. In the end, your journal should explain every strategy that you’ve considered, which one you ended up implementing, and why. 
program. Is it necessarily the best strategy? Is it easy to program? Might there be simpler strategies that are just as effective?

In your journal, explain the strategies you have considered. Clearly explain which one you’ve chosen, and why you’ve chosen it. Then write the strategy into the program – and clearly explain it there, with program comments. If for some reason you can’t get it working, explain that in your journal, too. In the end, your journal should explain every strategy that you’ve considered, which one you ended up implementing, and why.

By now the program should be working pretty nicely. Add some more frills if you like – a good program can often be made better; but don’t assume that more frills will get you more marks! 

Assessment criteria

Your work will be assessed according to the following criteria:
  • design, construction, and appearance of form (including spelling: there is no excuse for not spelling everything correctly)
  • appropriate naming of controls and variables, using the conventions taught in this course
  • suitable documentation (appropriate and useful comments) in the code
  • successful completion of each of the steps listed above; whether the program does what it’s meant to do
  • user-friendliness of the interface – how easy it is to use
  • programming style – doing things in a way that ‘good programmers’ are likely to do them
  • your journal, clearly showing the design and development process
Marks can then be lost for:
  • failure to follow these instructions, eg about how to hand in your work
  • submitting your assignment after the deadline
  • syntax errors
  • runtime errors
However, note that if the marker uncovers evidence that you have cheated in any way, for example, by sharing your code with others in the class or by copying design or code from anyone other than your partner and not explaining this in you journal, the matter will be reported to the Student Academic Conduct Officer as a case of collusion or plagiarism. Be particularly careful with images: if you use a picture on your form, you must reference it, saying where you got it from, both in your journal and in a comment in your code. Using other people’s images without reference is plagiarism.

Handing in your work

You are to hand in your assignment electronically using Blackboard’s Assignment facility.

When your journal is complete, save it as a pdf, and ensure that the pdf is in the top-level folder that also contains the files and folders of your program. 

Because you need to hand in a whole folder and its contents, you will have to zip all of the files together. When you zip your folder and its contents, in way that preserves their directory structure, be sure that you produce a .zip file, not some othe format such as a .rar file. (If you’re at all unsure about this, tell your operating system to display file extensions as well as file names.) There are many zipping software packages, some commercially available, some free, and some provided with  operating systems. Well before you submit your assignment, be sure that you have access to appropriate software and know how to use it. Once you have zipped your folder, be sure to unzip it to a new location to check that it unzips correctly. Also be sure that the zip file has the same name as the folder, ie your name without spaces followed by Assgt: examples are SimonAssgt.zipTanHanKeeAssgt.zip, KellieBohlsenAssgt.zip. 

When you are ready to submit your zipped file, log in to Blackboard, go to the site for this course, and follow these steps . . .

  • Select the Assessment folder.
  • Click the Assignment link, which takes you to the appropriate upload page.
  • Under Assignment submission, click Browse my computer (next to Attach files), and navigate to your zip file. Alternatively, just drag the file from where it’s located into the dashed rectangle. In the comments field put your name(s).
  • When you’ve done that, click the Submit button.
  • If you don’t see a message saying the assignment is complete, go back and check that you’ve done all these steps.
  • If you revise your assignment and want to resubmit it, go back to the Assignment link, and click Start new submission on the assignment’s Review submission history page. We will mark only the most recent submission, and if it’s submitted late it will be marked as late. You might be required to demonstrate your program, and perhaps to explain your approach, in a subsequent tutorial.

Paired work

For this assignment you are permitted and encouraged to work in pairs. Obviously, within a pair, collaboration is strongly encouraged. Outside the pair, it is not permitted. Different programs that are judged to have significant parts in common will be regarded as possible cases of academic misconduct. For this reason, it would not be a good idea to base your work significantly on other people’s work, including work found in books or on the Web; and it would not be a good idea to seek help from classmates or from online forums etc. The goal is to see how well you can program, not how well you can adapt existing programs, either your own or somebody else’s. If you do need to get help from others, for example in debugging code that should be explained in both the journal and comments in the code.

When two students choose to work as a pair, the naming of solution, projects, and files (as described above) can use the name of just one student or of both, but the journal and the opening comments in the program should clearly indicate th names of both students in the pair. Only one copy of the work needs to be handed in, and both students in the pair will get the same mark for the assignment, regardless of who did how much of the work, unless it is clear that this would be a serious injustice.

Academic integrity – getting assistance or code

In this course you have been learning the basic concepts of event-driven programming in C#, concepts on which later learning will be based. This assignment is your chance to gain an  understanding of these concepts by applying them to a reasonably substantial programming task. It is important that you master these concepts yourself. 

Since you are mastering basic concepts, you are permitted to work from the course materials, but you must acknowledge assistance from other sources. You should avoid using code or algorithms from external sources, and try not to obtain help fro people other than your instructors, as this can prevent you from mastering these concepts. However, if you do get code or assistance from any external sources, you must ‘attribute’ it: both in your journal, and in comments in your code, you must clearly explain where or who the code or assistance came from, and how much help or code was provided. It is not enough to say “we Googled this” or “we got this from the internet”.

Here is a detailed guide to who you can get help from and where you can get code from. Please pay careful attention to it. In case you are not clear about the difference between getting help and getting code: getting help generally means discussing ideas, approaches, or problems, with no reference to actual code; but it can also mean getting limited assistance with resolving specific syntax errors or runtime errors (debugging). Getting code generally means copying and pasting, or copying in other ways from other people’s programs, or having other people write code in your program, or closely examining other people’s code and then rewriting and adapting it.

Obtaining code or assistance for which attribution is required without attributing it, or obtaining any code or assistance from sources marked ‘Not acceptable’, is a breach of academic integrity, and can be referred to the School Academic Conduct Officer for investigation. Furthermore, providing such code or assistance is also a breach of academic integrity, and can be treated as such.

If you do receive code or assistance for any of the assignment, there is a specific way in which you must provide the attribution in your program. We call this a reference comment.

The reference should say whether it is for externally sourced code, an externally sourced algorithm, or personal assistance. It should be given a unique identifier so that its end can be clearly marked. The beginning and end of each reference should be marked in a particular way that stands out from the code. In the examples below we use lines of ‘=’ symbols to do this.

Each reference should include:

  • its purpose: why was external code or assistance sought?
  • the date the code or assistance was used;
  • the source of the code or assistance;
  • the author of the code, if known, or the person providing assistance;
  • the url, if applicable;
  • any adaptation that was required to incorporate external code;
  • a brief description of assistance that was provided, if applicable.
Here are some examples.
// Reference A3: externally sourced algorithm
// Purpose: constrain the cursor so that it cannot leave the current form
// Date: 30 March 2018
// Source: Microsoft developer network documentation
// Author: unknown
// url: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.cursor.clip(v=vs.110).aspx
// Adaptation required: removed the cursor repositioning that was included in the example
this.Cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.Current.Handle);
Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
Cursor.Clip = new Rectangle(this.Location, this.Size);
// End reference A3
// Reference C5: externally sourced code
// Purpose: get a program to respond when user clicks on a picture box
// Date: 12 May 2018
// Source: stackoverflow
// Author: Sergey Berezovskiy
// url: https:#stackoverflow.com/ questions/13455439/adding-a-mouse-click-eventhandler-to-a-picturebox
// Adaptation required: changed variable names
private void picbxBigPic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// code to respond when picbxBigPic is clicked
// End reference C5
// Reference P7: personal assistance
// Purpose: deal with NullPointerException error
// Date: 24 Apr 2018
// Source: fellow student Susan Piper
// Assistance: explained the need to instantiate each object in the array
teamMember[i] = new Player();
// End reference P7