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Math 10 Introduction to Statistics Fall 2022


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Math 10 Introduction to Statistics

Fall 2022

Course Overview

This course provides social science students and others with no technical majors an appreciation of the fundamentals of probability and statistics.


Elementary Statistics, 10th Edition, Blumen, McGraw Hill, 2018

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete Math 10 will be able to:

1. Demonstrate mastery of the computational skills necessary to solve problems whose difficulty level is appropriate for transfer-level class.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use statistical methods to test hypothesis involving real-world scenarios.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of and ability to use the standard normal curve in analyzing appropriate data sets.


This is a 100% online class. All the class materials are on Canvas. It is your responsibility to officially withdraw from the course. A student may be dropped due to excessive missing assignments and tests.

Grading Policy – Every student starts with an “A”

The Academic Grade represents the student’s level of mastery of mathematical concepts and how well the student demonstrates the use of these concepts to solve problems. During the semester each student will receive a grade of: A, B, C, D, or an F determined by the average of all tests, completed homework assignments, and semester final. The final grade will consist of the following distribution:

· Semester Final Exam = 25%

· Tests = 60%

· Homework = 15%

The semester final letter grade will be determined by the following amount of percentage points:

· 89.5%-100% = A

· 79.5%-89.4% = B

· 69.5-79.4% = C

· 59.5-69.4% = D

· 59.4% or below = F

Exams include semester final and tests. These exams are designed to assess and monitor student progress. All exams must be completed on Canvas or will not receive a grade.

There will be 3 tests and 1 Final Exam administered throughout the semester; there is no make- up test/final allowed!!!

Homework assignments will be assigned every chapter. Homework will be due on the date of the exam. All work must be completed on time and submitted on Canvas in order to receive credit. Late homework will not be accepted!

Final exam for this class is on Tuesday, December 20, 2022.

The final exam will cover chapters 2 - 11. No make-ups!!


Every student is required to have the following items every day:

· Textbook

· Paper (ruled, 8 ½” X 11”)

· One 3-ring binder, you will be taking notes on loose-leaf paper and kept in this binder. You must complete all homework on loose-leaf paper

· Writing Utensils. All of your homework assignments should be completed in pencil unless I tell you otherwise. I will not accept work done in pen

· Scientific calculator, graphing calculator recommended

· Access to Canvas

Academic and Testing Accommodations for Disabilities

All students who have been authorized for academic adjustments/accommodations for examinations/tests/quizzes should submit the proper authorizations forms within the first two weeks of the course.

Academic Honesty Policy

Saddleback College students are responsible for regulating their own conduct in accordance with the Code of Conduct set by the District Board of Trustees. The Code of Conduct is outlined in the Student Handbook. Cheating will not be tolerated. I strongly recommend that each student read and understand the Students Rights and Responsibilities as outlined in your Student Handbook.


I retain the right to modify the contents of this syllabus at any time during the school year.