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COMP3121/9101 22T3 — Assignment 2


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COMP3121/9101 22T3 — Assignment 2

Question 1

[30 marks] Antoni is playing a game with some blocks. He starts with a line of n stacks of blocks with heights h1, . . . , hn, and in a single move is allowed to split any stack into two (thus increasing the number of stacks by 1). Stacks can only be split in-place. That is, when splitting stack  hi, the two resulting stacks become hi and hi+1. Antoni wins the game by finishing with a sequence of stacks that is in non-decreasing order.

1.1 [7 marks] Show that it is always possible to win the game.

1.2 [23 marks] Write an algorithm that finds the minimum number of moves required to win. Your algorithm should run in O(n) time.

You are only required to count the minimum number of moves. You do not need to actually perform them.

Question 2

[30 marks] UNSW is competing in a programming varsity competition, and 2k students have registered. This competition requires students to compete in pairs, and so UNSW has run a mock competition to help determine the pairings.  The  results  for  each  of  the  2k  students  have  been  stored in an array L, and each result is  a  non  negative  integer.  The  score  of  each  pair  is  the  product of the marks of the two  students,  and the final score of each university is the sum of all       pairs’ scores.

For example, if the marks of the students are L = [1, 4, 5, 3], then the pairs (1, 3) and (4, 5) give

the largest total score of 1 · 3 + 4 · 5 = 3 + 20 = 23.

2.1 [10 marks] Suppose the marks of 4 students are a, b, c, d where a  b  c  d.  Show that

ab + cd ac + bd ad + bc. You can assume that all marks are non-negative integers.

This subquestion should be solved independently of the overall question’s context.

2.2 [12 marks] Design a O(k log k) algorithm which determines the maximum score that UNSW can achieve to ensure it has the best chance of winning.

2.3 [8 marks] USYD is also competing in this competition and they have also run a mock competition. UNSW gets to choose USYD’s team pairings. Design a O(k log k) algorithm which determines the minimum score that USYD can achieve.

Question 3

[20 marks] Ryno needs your help! He has two directed acyclic graphs X and Y . Each of these graphs have n vertices, labelled 1, . . . , n. He wants to know whether there is an ordering of [1, . . . , n] which is a topological ordering of both graphs, and if so, what that ordering is.

A trivial example where this ordering does not exist is when n = 2, and X has an edge between (1, 2) and Y has an edge between (2, 1).

3.1 [5 marks] Provide another non-trivial example where this ordering does not exist. Non- trivial in this case means that an edge cannot appear in one direction in X, and in the opposite direction in Y , as per the example earlier.

3.2 [15 marks] Design an O(n2) algorithm which solves Ryno’s problem.

Question 4

probability at (where


n t=1

at = 1). Bob arrives at time t [1, ..., n] with probability bt (where

4.1 [4 marks] Provide an expression for the probability that Alice arrives k minutes before Bob (where k can be negative).

4.2    [10 marks] Design an O(n log n) algorithm that computes the probability that Alice arrives before Bob.

How might FFT fit into this problem?

4.3    [6 marks] Design an O(n) algorithm to compute the probability that Alice and Bob arrive an even number of minutes apart.

Note: this is tricky!