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ECE 175: Computer Programming for Engineering Applications Lab 3


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ECE 175: Computer Programming for Engineering Applications

Lab 3

Topics: nested loop and File I/O

Demo to TA or ULA your code for each problem by the end of your lab session in order to earn your lab 3 score.

Problem 1 (15 points):

Write a C program that lets a user enter only a number between 1 and 9 and display the following output pattern. Your program should make sure that a user enters only a positive number between 1 and 9.

Hint: Nested loops should be used.

Note: Your code must work for any user input from 1-9. If you hard-code the pattern in your program, you will get 0 point for this problem.

Sample code execution 1: Bold text indicates information entered by a user Enter only integer 1-9: -5

Enter only integer 1-9: 0

Enter only integer 1-9: 12

Enter only integer 1-9: 4





From the output pattern above,

first row, 3 spaces then 1 digit of 1 is displayed second row, 2 spaces then 3 digits of 2 are displayed third row, 1 space then 5 digits of 3 are displayed fourth row, 0 space then 7 digits of 4 are displayed

Sample code execution 2: Bold text indicates information entered by a user Enter only integer 1-9: 9










Problem 2 (15 points):

Write a C program that read values data size in bits from a file called “data.txt” and convert it to kilo bytes, bytes, and bits (in this order).

Note: 1 kilo byte (Kbytes) = 1024 bytes and 1 byte = 8 bits

Given data in “data.txt” 4500 8192 7 2500 0 99999 8 190

(you have to create this text file before running your program)

Sample code execution: If any of the units is equal to zero, it should not be printed.

4500 Data: 562 bytes 4 bits

8192 Data: 1 Kbytes

7 Data: 7 bits

2500 Data: 312 bytes 4 bits


99999 Data: 12 Kbytes 211 bytes 7 bits

8 Data: 1 bytes

190 Data: 23 bytes 6 bits