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CGT 141 Test-Out Exam


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CGT 141 Test-Out Exam


This exam is designed to assess your web development skill. It will test your ability to code in xHTML/CSS/JavaScript, create web-ready graphics, and (c) create/interpret production documentation. To succeed you must achieve an 80% on the exam on both Part A (Practical) and Part B (Theory) parts of the exam.

Deliverables: When you are done, please zip all of the files associated with each question and submit your test via BlackBoard. Please make sure to use a naming convention that makes sense.

Part A --- Practical

1. Implement the page shown in “MockupB.jpg”. You will need to:

a. Create all of the necessary graphics

b. Semantically mark up the page to work with screen readers

c. Validate against XHTML STRICT

d. Do all of styling and page layout using CSS (no tables)

e. Use JavaScript to implement the shown menu. As the mouse goes over any given menu option, it should grow and increase in opacity. This should be undone when the mouse is no longer over the given menu option.

2. Implement page and relative floating panels shown in “ColHeliPPT.ppt”. You should:

a. Create all of the necessary graphics. You may use stock photography or creative common images, etc. However, you responsible for making sure the design is graphically appealing.

b. Semantically mark up the page to work with screen readers

c. Validate against XHTML STRICT

d. Do all of styling and page layout using CSS (no tables)

e. Layout should be elastic

f. Horizontal menu should be implemented as styled list of link. The menu should have the choices shown (Operations, Maintenance, Business, etc.)

i. Menu should use MS Trebuchet as first choice then fallback to Helvetica, Arial, and finally to any Sans Serif font.

g. The image of the helicopter should switch out at a pre-determined interval.

h. Clicking on any of the info buttons (which you are free to place anywhere) will bring up a new layer which allows the user to flip amongst images in an image gallery (see page 3 of PPT).

i. Image gallery should be implemented in javascript

i. Click on any of the jobs will fade the entire homepage by 50% and bring up a new layer of job openings (see Page 4).

i. You are free to hard code the jobs.

ii. The table should show the columns “Job Title”, “Type of Job”, “Town/City”, “Date updated”, and a check box for selecting the job

iii. The submit button should implemented as a graphics or CSS styled element as shown( “Apply” )(see Page 4)

j. Selecting any of the jobs and clicking “Apply” should bring up the form shown on page 5 of the PPT.

i. Use javascript to validate that none of the fields are black and that the email address at least has an at (@) and a period (.) in it before submitting the form.

ii. You are not responsible for implementing a server side page to handle this form submission. However, set the action of the form to www.MorVid.com/submitThis.php

3. Implement your own version of a page that is structured similar to this one. You should:

a. Create all of the necessary graphics. You may use stock photography or creative common images, etc. However, you responsible for making sure the design is graphically appealing.

b. Semantically mark up the page to work with screen readers

c. Validate against XHTML STRICT

d. Do all of styling and page layout using CSS (no tables)

e. Layout should be liquid.

f. Clicking the left and right arrows (see Callout G) should scroll the in the appropriate direction and clip the first image in the direction of scroll while displaying the a new image from the other direction.

g. The page should be centered

h. The background should use a vertical gradient graphics repeated in the x direction.

i. The form elements visually match the shown design. However, it does not need to be functional.



4. Implement the four pages shown on “MobileSubset.pdf.” You should:

a. Create all of the necessary graphics. You may use stock photography or creative common images, etc.

b. Semantically mark up the page to work with screen readers

c. Validate against XHTML STRICT

d. Do all of styling and page layout using CSS (no tables)

e. Layout should use JavaScript to dynamically resize based on the resolution of the user’s device.

f. The video should be set up to stream via RTMP, then fallback to HTTP pseudo streaming, and then finally to a simple HTML5 video progressive download.

i. For the RTMP please provide videos that are i-frame aligned and compressed at 5 mbs, 3mbs, and 1 mbs

ii. You may use any streaming server such as Wowza or even a CDN such as bits on the runs… as long as they give you access to the level of granularity that you require to complete the assignment.

g. Package your app into a native mobile app using phonegap, titanium, Rho Mobile, or other appropriate tool.

Part B:

5. RTMP and HTTP pseudostreaming can both be used to stream video for web-site. What steps would you take to create a website that used both of these technologies to deliver video to a user in manner that adjusted to their bandwidth and capabilities of their devices. Be sure to explain the server set-up and their components, the components of receiving webpage, and how the video need to be treated in order to function properly (compression, GOP alignment, etc.). Be as specific as possible and discuss all relevant technical details.

6. The use of toolkit such as PhoneGap, Rho Mobile, and Titanium have made it possible to use JavaScript, CSS, and XHTML to create native mobile applications. However, there are limitation to the capabilities of these toolkits in comparison to using the native SDKs for mobile app development. From a technical perspective, the criteria that you would use to determine if an app is appropriate for development using this type of environment. Please be as specific as possible in discussing technical capabilities and the limitations of the exposed API’s.

7. (T/F) The following excerpt from an xhtml document is well-formed.

<p><strong>This text is bold and italic</p></strong>

8. An xHTML document has an external and an internal style sheet as shown below. What color will the text inside of this paragraph be?

An external style sheet

p { color: blue ; }

An internal style sheet

p { color: red }

9. How many colors would you be able to produce from a 32-bit file?

10. (T/F) The CSS rule:

p > strong { color: red }

Would result in the word store being rendered in red when applied to:

<p> I went to the <em>party <strong>store </strong>  today</em> and got some shoes.</p>