关键词 > ACCT90002

ACCT90002: Semester 2, 2022 Assignment


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ACCT90002: Semester 2, 2022


· This assignment can be performed in groups (up to 4 members) or individually.

· Each team will need to decide details of their project such as what companies they will be researching. Hint: Avoid banking and financial industries.

· The task is to analyze and compare fundamental value of firms selected. Teams should also issue recommendations in the report.

· Teams are required to apply the financial statement analysis framework (i.e., four steps and abnormal earnings/NOPAT model) in performing the analyses. Hint: You should also consider to perform sensitivity analysis/robustness checks.

· Select an industry sector and a number of companies in that sector. The companies must be listed on the same stock market (e.g., either on the Australian Stock Exchange or an international stock exchange). Include most recent years in your analysis.

· For groups of 1-2 members, two companies should be selected. For groups of 3-4 members, three companies should be selected for the group assignment. 

· It is important to undertake a comparative analysis.

· Apart from financial reports, other public information might also be used in the analysis (e.g., new release, media coverage, industry reports by other analysts, etc.)

 Assignment Report

The assignment should be completed and submitted via the LMS Turnitin Portal by 5pm Sunday 16 October 2022. Your file for submission should be named as Group+”group

 number”, for example, “Group40.pdf”. More detailed information will be released in due course regarding submission.

On the cover page of your report, you should clearly specify name, student number, and email for each member in your team. The report is to be a maximum of 4,000 words (Note: groups can submit a shorter, but not longer, report; the word count does not include any references, tables, or appendices). Font size should be at least 11 and 1.5-line spacing.

 The assessment will be based on the depth of the research; the clarity of expression; and the use of graphs/tables to illustrate findings.

Further, it is optional to also submit a supporting file to show the calculations. The file

 should be named as, for example, “Group xx.xls”

It is worth 20% of the total marks. Each member receives the same mark.