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ECON 6002 Problem Set 2 (RBC)


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Problem Set 2 (RBC)

ECON 6002

1. Abstracting from long-run growth by setting n g = 0 nd from persistent shocks by setting ρA ρtt = 0, with A˜t   lnAt  lnA¯ and tt˜t   lnttt  lntt¯, and normalizing the population to N = 1, the following nine equations describe the “baseline” RBC model in Chapter 5:


Yt =  Ct + It ttt (1)

Yt =  Kα (AtLt)1−α (2)

Kt =  Kt−1 + It  δKt−1 (3)

A˜t =   ϵA,t (4)

tt˜t =   ϵtt,t (5)

rt =   α(AtLt/Kt−1)1−α  δ (6)

wt =   (1  α)(Kt1/AtLt)αAt (7)

where e−ρ = β.




1  Lt

= βEt

= wt b

   1 (1 + r Ct+1


)Σ (8)


(a) Find the steady state for this economy under the following calibration: α = 1/3, δ = 0.05,

r¯ =  0.025,  A¯  =  1,  and  L¯

= 0.5 and tt¯

such  that  tt¯/Y¯

= 0.2. In particular, find the

remaining parameter values b and ρ that are consistent with steady state and determine

steady-state values for the endogenous variables, Y¯ , C¯I¯tt¯K¯ , and w¯.

(b) Log-linearize the seven equations above excluding equations (4) and (5) for A˜t  and tt˜t.

(c) Write a Dynare .mod file to simulate this economy.  Assume that A˜t  ρAA˜t1 + ϵA,t and

tt˜t  ρtttt˜t1 + ϵtt,t are the log-linearized shocks.  Set α = 1/3, δ = 0.05, ρA ρtt .8,

e−ρ = 0.99, σϵ σϵ = 1, and b = 1.  Provide a graph of the impulse response of one


standard deviation shock to technology and government spending.  (Hint:  This  model   is nearly identical to the one we went over in class. Rather than start from scratch try modifying the Dynare .mod I have provided on Canvas.  Also, you need to use tt¯/Y¯  = 0.2 to figure out the steady parameter values needed to do your simulation.)

(d) What is the effect of a positive government spending shock on the real wage? Explain.