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Computer science problems.


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Computer science problems.

About the problems. This problem set explores RSA encryption, digital signatures, and their applications to electronic cash.

What you need to do. For these problems we ask you to write a program (or programs), as well as write some “paper-and-pencil” solutions (use any text editor that you see fit, or scan an actual handwritten solution; convert the result to pdf format if possible).

You may use any programming language you want for your programs, as long as its full implementation is available at no cost and with an easy installation   for both a Mac  and  Windows  (free  trial  versions  do  not  qualify).  It  is  best to implement each problem as a separate function so that we can run them separately. We will be looking for the following in your submissions:

Correct code that we can run. You need to send us all your code files, including the header files for languages like C++. If you are using standard libraries, make sure to include all “import” statements, as required by the language you are using. Make sure to send the files under the correct names, including the file extension (.java, .c, etc). Make sure that the file names do not contain any identifying information about you, such as your first or last name.

Test data for your code that you have  used (you can write it in comment  or in a separate file).  Make sure to test your code well – you don’t want     it to fail our tests!

Code documentation and instructions. Important: do not include your name in comments or in any ftle names. If you are submitting your answers to non-code problems in a separate file, also make sure that it does not have your name in the contents or in the file name. The only place where you specify your name is the zip file with your solutions which must be of the form yourlastname-CS-solution.zip (replace yourlastname by your actual last name). Make sure that you use zip compression, and not any other one, such as tar. In the beginning of each file specify, in comments:

1. Problem number(s) in the file. If you have a file with “helper” func- tions, mark it as such.

2. The programming language, including the version (Java 1.15, for in- stance), the development framework (such as Visual Studio) that you used, unless you were using just a plaintext editor (notepad, emacs, etc), and the platform (such as Windows, Mac, Linux)

3. Instructions for running your program (how to call individual func- tions, pass the input (if any), etc), either in comments in your pro- gram file or as a separate file, clearly named. Please read the instruc- tions for individual problems on the input and output data. Input/output files are assumed to be at the default location for your program’s project. Make it clear in comments where that is.

4. Some of your code may be commented out if it is not used in the   final run of your program. Make sure it is clear what needs to be uncommented to run code for each of the problems.

5. All of your test data.

6. If you were using sources other than the ones listed here (i.e. text- books, online resources, etc) for ideas for your solutions, please clearly credit these contributions.  This is a courtesy to work of others and    a part of ethics code for scholars.

7. Make sure that you clearly specify where input files are supposed to be located, provide an example input file and an example of how the file name would be specified in the input. Use relative paths (from  the top of the project or from the executable), not absolute paths.

Clear, understandable, and well-organized code.  This includes:

1. Clear separation between problems; comments that help find individ- ual problems and explain how to run the corresponding functions.

2. Breaking down code into functions that are clearly named and de- scribed (in comments), using meaningful names for variables and function parameters. Your code should be as self-explanatory as possible. While using comments helps, naming a variable average is better that naming it x and writing a comment “x represents the average”.

3. Minimization of code repetition. Rather than using a copy-paste approach, use functions for repeated code and reuse these functions.

4. Using well-chosen storage structures (use an array or a list instead of ten variables, for instance) and well-chosen programming constructs (use loops or recursion when you can, rather than repeated code).

5. While we  are not asking for the fastest program (it’s better to make  it more readable), you should avoid unnecessary overhead.

Background and problems.

We provide key definitions and ideas. For more details and discussion see [2] or any other textbook that covers RSA digital signatures.

This problem set is based on RSA encryption, a public key encryption scheme. In public key cryptography each participant generates a pair of keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. The two keys act as inverses of each other: anything that’s encrypted by one can only be decrypted by the other one. The participant, say Alice, makes her public key known to the world and keeps her private key secret. If someone wants to send Alice a secret message, they would encrypt it with Alice’s public key (anyone can do it). The message can be safely

sent via an insecure channel since no one, except Alice, would be able to decrypt it: she’s the only one who knows her private key.

There are many public key encryption schemes, each based on some com- putation that’s easy to compute from known inputs, but is computationally

infeasible to invert, i.e. restore the inputs from the result. Computationally infeasible means that the fastest known solution is exponential in the size of the inputs.

We will be using RSA encryption which is based on the prime factorization problem: given the product n of two primes p and q, there is no algorithm to find p and q faster than trying all possible candidates. Numbers that are used  for RSA encryption are very large:  over  1000  bits.  RSA  public  key  encryp- tion scheme was first publicly described in 1977  by  Ron  Rivest,  Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman It was later established that an equivalent system was

developed  in  1973  by  the  English  mathematician  Cli↵ord  Cocks,  but  its  usage remained classified until the 90s.

Problem 1: modular arithmetic. Before we start on the RSA, we need to develop some tools. Many computations in cryptography involve modular arithmetic on  integers,  i.e.  arithmetic  in  which  the  result  of  a  computation is taken modulo some  number m (called  the modulus).  The  notation a  b mod m means that a and b have the same remainder when divided by m. For instance, 16 5 mod 11 and 10 1 mod 11.

In most cases we are looking for the result of a computation modulo m in the set 0, 1, 2,. .., m 1 . For example, when we compute 2  10 modulo 11, of all possible numbers that are equivalent to 20 modulo 11 we choose 9 since 0 9 10.

Part 1. Using the above conventions, perform the following computations  by hand:

1. 10 + 9 modulo 13

2. 5 12 modulo 13

3. 11 5 modulo 13

Part 2. Prove that for any integer a and b the following holds:

1. (a + b) (a0 + b0) mod m, where a a0 mod m, b b0 mod m, and

a0, b0 2 {0, 1, 2,. .., m 1}.

2. (a b) (a0 b0) mod m, where a a0 mod m, b b0 mod m, and

a0, b0 2 {0, 1, 2,. .., m 1}.

Part 3. Compute the following by hand, using the result in Part 2, show  your computations:

1. 19 (28 + 35) (12) modulo 13.

2. (11 + 15)8 modulo 13 (think of how to apply Part 2).

While addition, subtraction, and multiplication are quite straightforward in modular  arithmetic,  division  is  very  di↵erent.  In  real  numbers  when  we  divide by 2, we multiply by the reciprocal (also called the multiplicative inverse) of 2,

which is 1 . We say that 2 and 1 (also denoted 21) are multiplicative inverses

2 2

of each other because their product equals 1. We take this as a definition of a multiplicative inverse and apply it to operations modulo m.

Consider a set 0, 1, 2,. .., m 1 and operations modulo m. Then a multi- plicative inverse of a is a number a1 in that same set such that a a1 1

mod m.  For instance, 21 7   mod  13 and 31 9 mod 13.

You may observe that every number in 1, 2,. .., 12 has a multiplicative inverse modulo 13. In general if m is prime then every non-zero natural number less than m has a multiplicative inverse modulo m. If m is composite, only numbers k such that gcd(m, k) = 1 have multiplicative inverses, where gcd(m, k) is the greatest common divisor of m and k.

Part 4. Find multiplicative inverses of the following numbers modulo 11: 1. 3

2. 10

3. 7

Part 5. Using the definition that division by a is multiplying by a1, find  the following modulo 11 (note that the result has to be between 0 and m 1

inclusive, so reduce the result modulo 11 if needed):

1. Divide 3 by 5

2. Divide 2 by  10

3. Divide 10 by  2

Part 6, programming. Multiplicative inverses for large numbers are found using Extended Euclidean Algorithm. See [2] or https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm for its description.

Implement this algorithm as a program that prompts the user for two integer numbers: the modulus m and a number k you are trying to invert. k must be positive, and less than m.  The program computes and prints k1 modulo m if    it exists. If it doesn’t exist, i.e. if gcd(m, k) = 1, the function should print “The inverse doesn’t exist”.

Use your algorithm to find the multiplicative inverse of:

1. 7 modulo 120

2. 100 modulo 22391

3. 10799 modulo 4699463680

Your result must always be in the set 0, 1,. .., m 1 .

Note: many programming languages, such as C, C++, and Java, have an operation % that acts like mod on positive numbers. However, it gives an in- correct result on negative numbers. See the following discussion of the issue and

how to fix it: https://www.delftstack.com/howto/java/mod-of-negative-numbers-in-java/

If you are using a di↵erent programming language, look up its documentation.

Part 7. What is the effi ciency  of  the  Extended  Euclidean  algorithm  in the worst case?  Your  answer may be somewhat approximate,  you don’t need  to prove  it.   However,  provide your reasoning and explanations.   If you need   to review the definition of algorithm effi ciency, see [1] or any other book on

algorithms’ effi ciency.

Part 8. In cryptography it is quite common to raise a large number to a

large power modulo some number m. As you might guess, it’s helpful to reduce intermediate results modulo m to working with very large numbers.

Consider computing 733 modulo 11. How would you perform the computa- tion? Write out intermediate steps.

Part 9, programming. Generalize your approach to arbitrary ak mod m and implement it as a program that prompts the user for a, k, and m (in that order) and computes and prints ak mod m. Your implementation should handle 6 digit powers without a noticeable delay.

Problem 2: RSA encryption. This problem introduces the RSA en- cryption scheme. We will  be using many  of its foundational properties without a proof. If you are interested, please refer to books on cryptography and/or number theory. Here we will be focusing on implementation and on some prop- erties that we will be using later. Also please note that our examples use small numbers, whereas the actual RSA numbers are very large.

As mentioned in the introduction, RSA is based on prime factorization prob- lem: given two large primes p and q, it’s easy to compute their product n = p q, but knowing n there is no better way to find p and q without trying all possible options.

To generate a public/private key pair, Alice picks two primes p and q and computes n = pq. Then she computes $(n) = (p 1)(q 1) (this is known as Eu- ler’s  totient  function https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler 27s_totient_ function). Note that someone who doesn’t know p and q cannot compute $(n). Then Alice picks a number e < n such that gcd(e, $(n)) = 1. This means that e has a multiplicative inverse modulo $(n), and it can be found by Ex- tended Euclidean algorithm. Let d = e1 mod $(n). e is known as encryption exponent (or public exponent), and d as a decryption exponent (or private expo-


Alice’s public key is a pair (n, e), and her private key is a triple (p, q, d).

Part 1. Using the following pairs of p and q, generate RSA keys for at least two di↵erent e for each pair.

1. p = 13,q = 7

2. p = 23,q = 19

Part 2. Can you always take a prime e to guarantee that gcd($(n), e) = 1?  If yes, why? If not, given an example showing when it doesn’t work and briefly explain why it doesn’t work.

Part 3. In RSA system the message to be encrypted is an integer number less than n, let’s denote it m. Then the encryption of m is c = me mod n. In

order to decrypt c Alice computes cd = med m mod n (see [2] or any other cryptography textbook for a proof).

Given p = 23, q = 19, and e = 5, find d, and then:

1. Encrypt the message 33

2. Decrypt the message 264.

You might want to use the function for raising a number to a large power modulo another number.

Note that in real life one has to be careful not to send an obvious message, such as m = 0 or m = 1. Typically a padding scheme is employed which makes the message into a larger number. Padding also prevents certain attacks based on the multiplicative properties of RSA encryption that we will discuss later.

Part 4. Knowing that there is no way to factor a product of two primes except by trial and error and that there is no way of finding d from e and n without knowing $(n), please compute the effi ciency of Alice’s computations in terms of O of n and the number of computations someone would need to do     to decrypt the message without knowing p, q, and d. What can you say about

security of RSA encryption based on your results?

Part 5. Implement RSA the following functions:

1. RSA signature generation: given two primes and an encryption exponent, compute the public key and the private key. Print out both. If the encryp- tion exponent is not relatively prime to $(p q), print an error message.

2. RSA encryption: given a public key, i.e. a pair (n, e), and a message

0 m n, return the encryption of m with this key.

3. RSA decryption: given a private key (p, q, d) and an encrypted message c, return the decryption of c.  Use the function that you wrote in Problem       1 for raising a number to a large power modulo n.  Note that there is a   way to speed up your computation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Chinese_remainder_theorem. You are welcome to use it, but you don’t have to.

4. Try your decryption on the following: p = 8783,q = 9133,e = 5,m = 34367293. Since you know p and q, you can also compute d and decrypt, to check.

Problem 3: digital signatures. We have observed that the public and private keys are inverses of each other: what one of them encrypts, the other  one decrypts.   Encrypting with one’s public key is an operation that anyone    can perform, and it guarantees secrecy: only the person who possesses the corresponding private key can decrypt and read the message. Now let’s suppose Alice encrypts the message with her private key, i.e. she computes md mod n. Anyone can decrypt it:  (md)e mde m mod n.  Therefore there is no secrecy  in the message. However, no one except Alice could’ve constrcted md mod n

since she is the only one who knows d that matches her public key (n, e). Thus this process is equivalent to signing the message m.

Note that Alice would need to send the message m in plain text along with the signature md mod n, this way a reader can verify the signature on the message.

Part 1. Assuming Alice’s public key n = 80215139,e = 5, check if the message m and its signature s(m) = md mod n match.  If  verification  fails,  show exactly which parts of the computation don’t match.

1. m = 123, s(m) = 49259120

2. m = 555, s(m) = 59131983

3. m = 1234567, s(m) = 58520412

Part 2. While one needs to know d in order to sign a message, it is actually very easy to create  a pair (m, md mod n) that  passes the verification.  How  can one do it? Is there anything they can gain from it? Clearly explain your answers.

Problem 4: hash functions and digital signatures. Typically in real life one wants to digitally sign documents, not relatively small numbers. How- ever, RSA allows only messages that are smaller than n. The problem is solved by a hash function. Hash functions, also referred to as one-way functions, are functions that take an input of any size (such as a binary representation of a  long document) and produce an output of a fixed length. For digital signatures this length must be smaller than the RSA modulus n.

Assuming that h is a hash function that all participants have agreed upon beforehand, Alice would take the following steps to produce a digital signature of a document X:

1. Compute h(X)

2. Compute s(X) = h(X)d

3. Send (X, s(X))

Part 1. List steps that another participant, Bob, needs to take to verify Alice’s digital signature of X knowing Alice’s public key (n, e). Indicate when  the signature is rejected as invalid. What is the computational effi ciency of Bob’s computations?

Part 2. You may’ve used hash functions for constructing hash tables https:

//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table. In that case a typical function to use would be h(x) = x mod k, where k is the size of the hash table. However, using hash functions for digital signatures requires using cryptographic hash functions, not just any hash functions. A cryptographic hash function has the following properties:

1. it is quick to compute the hash value for any given message

2. it is infeasible to generate a message that yields a given hash value  (i.e.     to reverse the process that generated the given hash value)

3. it is infeasible to find two di↵erent messages with the same hash value (such two messages form a collision)

4. a small change to a message should change the hash value so extensively that a new hash value appears uncorrelated with the old hash value

Explain which of these properties hold and which don’t for h(x) = x mod k.

Part 3. Explain how one can forge a digital signature if the hash function used in the scheme fails requirement 3 above.

Part 4. Explain a strategy to forge a digital signature if the hash function used in the scheme satisfies requirements 1,2, and 3, but fails the requirement   4 above.

Part 5. Assuming that you can perform 1 billion of hash computations per second, what is the largest length of the output of a hash function makes finding a collision feasible within a week with the probability of at least 1/2? What about finding a collision to a given X?

Problem 5: multiplicative property of RSA, blind signatures. Part 1. Prove that for an RSA encryption E(m) the following holds:

E(m1 m2) = E(m1) E(m2).

The result of part 1 is known as the multiplicative property  of  RSA.  It  allows an interesting use of digital signatures - so-called blind signatures. Blind signatures allow obtaining a digital signature on a message without revealing the message that’s being signed. It’s an electronic equivalent to signing a sealed envelope without knowing what’s inside. This can be used in any situation when the digital signature certifies someone’s real-life credentials (such that they are who they say they are),  but the signed document doesn’t have  their identity.   An application is described in Problem 5.

Part 2. In order to generate a digital signature, Bob sends Alice a message r m, where r is what’s known as the blinding factor. Alice sends Bob (r m)d mod n. Explain what Bob needs to send as r so that he would be able to recover md mod n (the message m signed by Alice) from what Alice sent back. Note that all that Bob knows is Alice’s public key (n, e).

Part 3. A digital signature service typically would have separate public keys (with their corresponding private keys): one for signatures, and one for secret communications, i.e. decrypting messages sent to them. Why is it a necessary security precaution, especially when the digital signatures in question are blind signatures? In other words, what can an attacker obtain if the same key is used for a digital signature service and for secret communication? Clearly describe the attack.

Part 4. Implement a blind signature process: a function that takes a mes- sage, “blinds” it by generating a blinding factor (make it based on a random number) and multiplying, calls the function that produces a digital signature for it, and then “unblinds” it to obtain the digital signature on the original

message.  The function may also take the public key for the signature or read  the key from global variables.

Problem 6: Digital cash. In this problem you will use blind signatures to implement digital cash: electronic equivalent of cash that provides anonymity of transactions while preventing double-spending and other potential issues. The idea is due to David Chaum, although an attempted implementation never took o↵.

The system assumes that there is a bank that holds all of the participants’

accounts. A customer, let’s say Alice, withdraws digital cash from her account. Then she pays a merchant, say Bob. Bob verifies that the cash is valid and deposits it at the bank. It’s credited to his account. While the bank can verify  that the cash that Bob’s depositing is valid, it has no way of tracking which customer it has come from since multiple customers have withdrawn cash.

In order for this to work we need blind signatures. The bank’s public key (n, e) is assumed to be well-known. For simplicity we assume that there is only one denomination of cash, say only 20 bills. It’s easy to generalize this to more denominations. We also assume that the bank uses a specific cryptographic hash function f and all customers can easily compute this function on any argument. First we explain a simple version of the system that doesn’t prevent double-

spending. Then we add more machinery to prevent double-spending.

In the simplified system in order to withdraw cash, Alice creates a bill number x for each bill that she would like get.  Then she computes the hash f (x) for  each bill. After that she creates a random number r for each bill, generates a blinding factor for it (the way you did it in the previous problem), and sends it  to the bank to sign. The bank can verify the request comes from Alice, it signs  the values she sent and debits her account by the required amount.

Alice then unblinds the signature and combines it with x to obtain (x, f (x)d mod n),  where d is the bank’s private exponent.  Then Alice takes the money    to pay Bob. Bob can easily verify that the money is real because of the bank’s signature.  He then checks with the bank to make sure the bill with the number x hasn’t been used before, and then accepts the payment and deposits the bill. The bank also verifies that the bill is real and credits Bob’s account. However,  the bank doesn’t know who paid Bob since Alice’s money was signed blindly.

Part 1. Please answer the following questions about this system, clearly explain your answer:

1. Why does Alice gets the signature on f (x), and not  on x itself? What kind of cheating would the cash of the form (x, xd mod n) allow?

2. f (x) is a cryptographic hash function, so no one (including the bank) can invert it to get x. Why can’t Alice send f (x) to the bank to sign it as is, not blinded?

3. Why does Bob need to call the bank before the accepts the cash, to make sure that no one has used this bill number already?

If you answered the questions above correctly, you observed that the system is good at discovering a double-spending, but not particularly good about doing

anything about it. The need for Bob to check with the bank during every transaction is inconvenient and also lets the bank to know the exact time for every transaction, interfering with anonymity.

To deal with these issues, Chaum proposed a modification to the system that allows detection of double-spending in a way that exposes double-spenders.

The idea is that one bill of digital cash is made up for multiple chunks, each  of which embeds Alice’s information (her account number and the bill number). When paying Bob,  she opens up a part of each chunk  - there are two  options    of opening it, and Bob gives her a string of 0s and 1s to indicate which ones he wants.

The trick is that opening a chunk in only one of the two ways doesn’t reveal anything. However, if Alice spends the same bill at another merchant’s, say at Carol’s, this merchant will choose a di↵erent string of 0s and 1s, so there would be chunks for which Bob and Carol selected the opposite values. But opening

the same chunk in two di↵erent ways provides enough information that, when combined, produces Alice’s bank account!

Let’s see the math behind it. In this setup the bank uses two cryptographic hash functions f and g, each taking two arguments.

When withdrawing the money, Alice needs to prepare k chunks to sign for each bill. She takes her bank account number, concatenates it with the bill number. Let’s call the result I; its length is the same for all customers. Then she randomly generates a di↵erent binary number ai for each chunk of the same length as I. She will be using ai in one part of the cash, and I ai in the other,

where is the bitwise XOR operation.

She also generates two random numbers ci and di for each chunk, of some predefined length that matches the length of the second argument of the hash function g. The purpose of these numbers is to add randomness before hashing.

Then she computes the following for each chunk i:

1. xi = g(ai, ci)

2. yi = g(I ai, di)

3. f (xi, yi)

Then she obtains digital signature on each of f (xi, yi) by sending their blinded copies to the bank.

Verifying the digital cash becomes a bit tricky. Alice would need to provide enough information to Bob for each chunk to allow him to verify the signature, but not give him both ai and I ai for the same chunk. If Bob chooses 0, Alice gives him I ai. If he chooses 1, she gives him ai.

Part 2. What other information for a chunk i would Alice give to Bob if     he chooses 0? If he chooses 1? Clearly explain how Bob would be able to verify the bank’s signature on f (xi, yi) in each case and why he wouldn’t know both ai and I ai for any chunk i.

After a merchant verifies the signature on all chunks, they send all of the information obtained from Alice to the bank in the request to deposit the cash.

The bank repeats all the verifications, deposits the cash, and saves all the in- formation in case the bill is used again.

As we mentioned earlier, if Alice tries to spend the same bill at, say, Carol’s, Bob and Carol are very likely to choose di↵erent binary values for at least one chunk, so one of them will have ai, and the other one ai I.

Part 3. How would the bank be able to determine I by combining ai and

ai I that it got from Carol and Bob?

Part 4. Explain why there is no longer a need for Bob to call the bank  before accepting cash. Note that the bank knows their customers’ real identity, address, etc., and also can freeze their account if they are caught cheating.

However, if this is the entire system then Alice will actually be able to cheat very easily: since the bank signs the chunks blindly, nothing forces Alice to embed her real account number! If she doesn’t, opening up a chunk produces some nonsense or even implicates someone else.

Therefore there is an additional step:  if Alice needs to produce k chunks,  she sends k + k0 blinded chunks to the bank (for instance, twice as many). The bank randomly selects k0 chunks and asks Alice to “unblind” them. Since the blinding factors are di↵erent for all chunks, this doesn’t reveal anything about the rest.

The bank then “opens” the ones that it chose, verifies that they have  the  right information, signs the rest blindly, and sends them back to  Alice.  Of course, if any of them are incorrect, Alice is in a big trouble with the bank - or maybe even with the law.

Part 4. It is important to have both k and k0 large enough to avoid cheating, but that increases the number of computations. Compute the following, clearly explain your answer (note that Alice has two possibilities of getting caught: when the bank opens the chunks and when two merchants have chosen di↵erent binary values for the same chunk that has wrong information):

1. If k = k0 = 10 and Alice embeds 5 chunks with a wrong account number, what are her chances to get away with double-spending?

2. If k = 10, k0 = 5, and Alice embeds 5 chunks with a wrong account number, what are her chances to get away with double-spending?

3. If k = k0 = 10, and Alice embeds 1 chunk with a wrong account number, what are her chances to get away with double-spending?

Part 5. Are there any other possibilities of cheating in the system? For example, can participants collaborate to  defraud  the  bank?  If  yes,  how?  If not, what scenarios have you considered and how is the cheating prevented? Assume that the bank is always an honest participant in all the protocols. However, the bank may be interested in tracking transactions, so all protocols should guarantee that it cannot learn who paid whom, except when someone is cheating.

Part 6. Your task is to implement this system. Since we haven’t discussed generating really large prime numbers, the RSA modulus for the bank’s digital

signatures would consist of two 6-digit primes. You can use 103141 and 197261 for testing, but keep in mind that we might use other ones for testing.  The  prime numbers and the public exponent e will be taken as inputs. The public exponent to test is 65537.

Since real-life hash functions have a larger range than the product of two 6-digit primes, you will use some digits of MD5 (neither MD5 itself, nor this way of using a hash function, are secure for any real purposes, but will be fine for our demo). A typical implementation of MD5 returns the result as a hexadecimal number or in the form that can be easily converted to a hexadecimal number,   so I am assuming this in the write-up below. You will need to do the following:

1. For the hash function f you will be taking the first 8 hexadecimal digits  (i.e.  the first 32 binary digits) of the result of MD5 on the concatenation   of the two inputs, xi and yi, in this order. For example, if MD5 returns E2FC714C4727EE9395F324CD2E7F331F in hexadecimal, you will take the E2FC714C for your hash value (and would need to convert it to decimal before digitally signing).

2. The range of g doesn’t matter as much since its output is passed to f anyway, but for simplicity we will use the last 8  hexadecimal  value  of MD5 on the concatenation of the inputs,  so if the result  of MD5 is as in  the example above, the hash value will be 2E7F331F.

3. ai, ci, di are all between 0 and 232 1 (inclusive) that are padded in the front with zeros to 10 decimal digits as needed when converted to strings for MD5. After concatenation this makes 20 decimal digits as an input to MD5.

4. All other inputs to the hash functions are converted to decimal (that includes the binary strings, such as ai and ai I, as well as xi and yi) before being passed to MD5, and they are passed as a string of decimal digits, padded with zeros if needed, just like above.

5. The customer account number is 5 decimal digits and it’s set for each customer. The bill number is also 5 decimal digits and is generated by the customer for every bill they want to create. It is the same for all k + k0 chunks sent to the bank for a signature. Note that the bill number in this case is known to the bank since it’s a part of I, but the bank will never     see it again if the cash is not double-spent.

6. You can use k = k0 = 10 for testing, but make sure it’s clear how to change it if needed.

7. Your program needs to represent the bank that keeps the accounts, digi- tally signs cash (after performing all the verification), and then deposits the cash when sent by a merchant. It also should be checking for double- spending.

8. The program needs to represent a customer who creates digital cash and sends all of the information to the bank for signing.  The customer needs  to respond to the bank with the information needed to check unblinded chunks. The customer also needs to respond with the appropriate numbers to a string of 0/1 from a merchant.

9. The program needs to represent the merchant who receives the cash, per- forms all of the necessary checks, and then sends all the needed information to the bank (note that all of the information that the customer reveals to prove that the cash is valid is also sent to the bank).

10. The blinded chunks that are sent to the bank for signature need to be printed to a file to sign.txt as one value per line. When the bank responds with the randomly chosen chunks to unblind (this could  be  done by  a function call or also via a file),  the customer writes to a file  bank verify.txt the blinding factors ri for each chunk that’s open and with the other information needed to verify the cash.  Information  for each chunk in the file is one line and includes the following, in this order: ri, ai, ci, di. The order of chunks is the same as before, only skipping the ones that don’t need to be opened. The bank reads the file, checks the values, and if it checks out writes the signed chunks to the file signed.txt.

11. The merchant reads the signed chunks from the file signed.txt and gen- erates a string of 0/1 that tells the customer what to reveal for each chunk. The string can be sent via a file or via a function call.