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DTS102TC Programming with C++/R


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DTS102TC Programming with C++/R

Coursework 1 (Group Assessment)


The purpose of this task is to gain experience in C++ programming and develop software development skills. You are expected to write a C++ program to develop a book system.

As a necessary information management system, the book system can manage the massive books in and out of the library. The basic operations of the system include the following functions:

1. BookEntry function: inputs the information of a book through the console. The book information includes: ISBN number (bID), book name, author, price, publishing time, and publisher. And writes the entered book information to the local “book.txt” file.

2. BookMessage function: displays all book information in the system in the form of list.

3. DeleteBook function: deletes the book information with the specified bID from “book.txt”, and return error information if the bID is not found.

4. ReaderEntry function: inputs reader information through the console, including student number (sID), student name, gender, email address, and college name. And save the entered reader information to the local “reader.txt” file.

5. ReaderMessage function: displays all reader information in the system in the form of list.

6. BorrowBook function: check whether the book is in the library by entering the book bID. If the bID is in the library, continue to input the reader sID to complete the book borrowing operation.

7. ReturnBook function: return the book by entering the book sID.

8. BorrowMessage function: displays the borrowing status of all books in the system in the form of list.

9. CountBook function: gives the number of books in the library and books lent.

10. Exit the system.


You are required to use the Internet resources and refer to the library system of XJTLU to design a simple book borrowing system, and complete the system development with C ++ program language, and test the system process.

1 Program Design (20 group marks)

Read the overview of the project carefully, design the data structure and algorithm of this program.

i) Use UML tools for data structure design. The data structure design covers:

a) the storage structure of the books. (5 marks)

b) the storage structure of the students. (5 marks)

ii) Use flowcharts tools for system process design. The system process design covers:

a) Process design for normal operation. (5 marks)

b) Process design of abnormal operation. (5 marks)

2 Program Implementation (30 group marks)

Complete the program implementation using C++ language based on the program design. This sub-task covers:

i) implementation of BookEntry function. (2 marks)

ii) implementation of BookMessage function. (2 marks)

iii) implementation of DeleteBook function. (2 marks)

iv) implementation of ReaderEntry function. (2 marks)

v) implementation of ReaderMessage function. (2 marks)

vi) implementation of BorrowBook function. (2 marks)

vii) implementation of ReturnBook function. (2 marks)

viii) implementation of BorrowMessage function. (2 marks)

ix) implementation of CountBook function. (2 marks)

x) implementation of Main function. (2 marks)

xi) code quality covering naming rules of variables and comments of functions. (5 marks)

xii) object-oriented program development covering object definition and object encapsulation. (5 marks)

Task 3 Program Testing (10 group marks)

Execute the developed system and complete the system function test.

i) normal operation testing.(5 marks)

ii) abnormal operation testing.(5 marks)

3 Peer Review (40 individual marks)

Review your peers based on the project contribution. This will be done on LMO anonymously, each of the group members should log in to their LMO account and submit the marks individually. Marks should be submitted within a week after the group work submission is done. Peer review rubrics are attached in the Appendix.

4 Submission

One of the group members must submit the following files:

l Cover letter with the student ID of all group members.

l book.cpp (and book.h) Your program implementation.

l A pdf file contains all the program design, all source code and test results.

Once you have all the files, please put them in a single directory (named groupid-assign1) and compress it to .zip file.