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CS535 Homework 3


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CS535 Homework 3


1. Let D = (V A; c) be a flow network and x be a b-TS in D under c. Note that c(V))= b (V) = 0. Describe a linear-time algorithm for finding the minimal set U containing a given node v 2 V satisfying that c(U)) = b (U).

2. Let D = (V A; c) be a flow network with positive integer edge capacities, and f be an integer maximum s-t flow in D from a source s to a sink t. Suppose now an edge a 2 A has capacity reduced by 1. Describe a linear-time algorithm for finding a maximum s-t flow in D after the capacity change.

3. Let D = (V; A; c) be a flow network with distinct source s and sink t. An edge a 2 A is essential if it is saturated by all maximum s-t flows. Given a maximum s-t flow f, describe a linear-time algorithm for finding all essential edges.

4. A set J of jobs are to be scheduled on m identical machines. Each job j 2 J has a processing requirement pj (denoting the number of machine days required to complete the job), a release date rj (representing the beginning of the day when job j becomes available for processing), and a due date dj > rj + pj (representing the beginning of the day by which the job must be completed). We assume that a machine can work on only one job at a time and that each job can be processed by at most one machine at a time. However, we allow preemptions (i.e., we can interrupt a job and process it on different machines on different days). The scheduling problem is to determine a feasible schedule that completes all jobs before their due dates or to show that no such schedule exists. Formulate this problem as a maximum flow problem.

5. A commander is located at one node p in a communication network D and his subordinates are located at nodes denoted by the set S. Let cj be the effort required to eliminate arc (i;j) from the network. The problem is to determine the minimal effort required to block all communications between the commander and his subordinates. Formulate this problem as a minimum cut problem.

6. [PhD Session only] Let D = (V; A; c) be a flow network with positive integer edge capacities, and f be a maximum s-t flow in D from a source s to a sink t. Denote m := |A| and n := |V|. Describe an O (nm2)-time algorithm for decomposing f into a convex combination of at most m integer maximum s-t flows in D.