关键词 > PHP代写



HOME PAGE For Part 2 the login/logout section WILL need to authenticate a user (i.e. database access IS required).

REGISTRATION PAGE For Part 2 the registration page WILL need to store the registration data (i.e. database access IS required).

CAFÉ MENU PAGE It will display a total cost of all items selected to be ordered. It will display a user’s account balance which will decrease or increase in value as menu items are added or removed from an order. There must be an order collection time selected from a drop-down list.  All order collection times will be on the quarter hour e.g. 8:30am,10:45am,12:30pm. All order collection times must be at least 30 minutes after opening and at least 60 minutes before closing. It will not allow a user to order more than their account balance can pay for. For Part 2 the café menu page WILL need to store a submitted order and update a user’s account balance as required (i.e. database access IS required).

USER ACCOUNT PAGE This page can only be accessed while a user is logged in. Here a user can view their account balance and deposit more funds. For Part 2 the user account page WILL need to retrieve and update a user’s account details as required (i.e. database access IS required).

MENU MANAGEMENT PAGE This page can only be accessed while the café manager is logged in. Here the café manager can add or remove items from the menu and can change the café opening and closing times.  Opening and closing times must be on the quarter hour.

USER MANAGEMENT PAGE Here: • users can change their password, mobile number or e-mail address, • a Board Member can  o add or remove café staff, o allocate café staff to be managers, o allocate staff to a café.

MASTER FOOD & BEVERAGE LIST PAGE For Part 2 the master food & beverage list page WILL need to modify the list of food and beverages that will be available for selection by the café managers to use in their menus (i.e. database access IS required).

CAFÉ ORDERS PAGE This page is only available to the café staff and café manager, and lists all orders and the order details placed. Only the current days orders will be visible.