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CSCI 165


Course Outline
  Winter 2021
  Course No:
  CSCI 165
  Course Credits:
  Ken Chan, Dip. EE, B.Sc., MSEE
  Jetic Gū
  Course Section No:
  Section 8 (Hybrid)
  Total Hours:
  5 per week
  Total Weeks:
  Instructor Office:
  Online (Zoom Meeting)
  Course Title:
  Classroom No.
  Online (Zoom Meeting)
  Instructor Email:
  Class Meeting Days/Time:
  Instructor Office Hours:
  Course Format:
  4 Hours of lecture and 1 hour of lab per week
  Course Prerequisites:
  Course Corequisties:
  ENGL 098
  Transferability to:
  Please search in BCTransferGuide

Course Description:

This course is an elementary introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web. Students will learn the client-server model, Internet protocols, domain names and URLs, websites and Web hosting. They will also learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. Students will program both in client and server-side environments and develop data-driven Web applications. They will also learn to deploy applications on web hosting servers.

Additional Course Details:

1. Laptop: Student must have a laptop.

2. Internet Access: Mandatory.

3. Camera on device: Camera may be used during classes if requested by the instructor (Hybrid) and quizzes, tests, and exams (Hybrid). Proctoring software may be used.

4. Check-in: Must check your student portal, email, and Moodle regularly.

5. Time required to spend on course: Recommended to spend a minimum of 5 hours each week working on this course outside of class time.

6. Attendance: - Attendance will be taken through the formative assessments given during/after every lesson.

7. Final Exams: Cameras are required. 

Required Texts/Readings/Learning Resources:



Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. understand and explain the high-level ideas of internet and the world wide web such as internet protocols, domain name servers, internet service providers, etc.

2. use different levels of CSS to style HTML pages

3. design, implement, and deploy interactive HTML pages that perform tasks based on input data.

4. use JQuery and Raphael libraries

5. do basic server-side programming with PHP

6. put different programming components together to make a complete web application.

Course Content/Schedule*

  Reading Texts/Readings/Le
  arning Resources by Week
  List All Assessments:
  Briefly describe each listed Assessment and the Course
  Learning Outcome(s) being measured or assessed
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web
  • Part 1 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Tutorial #1
  • Describe several major hardware and software
    components, including how they are related to the
    Internet infrastructure.
  • Structure of the Internet and basics of networking.
  • Describe the roles and importance of TCP/IP on the
  • Describe how the DNS system works.
  • Define the terms "domain" and "top-level domain".
  • Markup and HTML
  • Part 2 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Assign #1
  • Tutorial #1
  • Lab #1
  • List several application levels of protocol (e.g., POP,
    SMTP, FTP, and HTTP).
  • Understand the basics of web design for creating
    usable web sites.
  • Fundamentals of website development.
  • Website design principles.
  • Basics of web programming.
  • Describe how computers are connected to the
  • Explain how information is transmitted over the
  • List some of the services and protocols available on
    the Internet.
  • Explain the difference between the Internet and
    the World Wide Web.
  • Styling with CSS
  • Part 3 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Quiz #1
  • Tutorial #3
  • Lab #2
  • Assessing if the student can use introductory HTML tags,
    attributes, etc., and different CSS levels.
  • More CSS
  • JavaScript Introduction
  • Part 3 and 4 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Assign #2
  • Tutorial #4
  • Lab #3
  • Assessing if the student can make a JavaScript program
    to solve a problem.
  • JavaScript (continue)
  • Part 4 and 7 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Test #1
  • Tutorial #5
  • Lab #4
  • Assessing the student's knowledge of taught
    concepts and their ability to put these concepts in
  • Events and behaviors
  • JavaScript and HTML5 Graphics
  • Part 5 and 6 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Tutorial #6
  • Lab #5
  • Assessing if the student can make an interactive HTML
    page as a user interface for the problem they solved.
  • Use markup form tags (e.g., buttons, text, text area,
    radio, checkbox, select) to collect user input.
  • HTML5 Graphics (continue)
  • Part 5 and 6 of study guide
  • Lecture notes
  • Assign #3
  • Quiz #2
  • Tutorial #7
  • Lab #6
  • Describe the Document Object Model (DOM) and
    properties and methods of form elements.
  • Use events and event handlers to create an
    interactive web page.
  • Use graphics files with web pages.
  • More JavaScript
  • Part 7 of study guide (continue)
  • Lecture notes
  • Tutorial #8
  • Lab #7
  • Use the appropriate markup to create sections for styling
    (for example, div and span in XHTML).
  • Assessing if the student can make proper use of one or
    two of programming components such as timer,
    built-in libraries, etc.
  • More CSS
  • JQuery
  • Part 4 and 6 of study guide (continue)
  • Lecture notes
  • Assign #4
  • Tutorial #9
  • Lab #8
  • Assessing the student's knowledge of taught
    concepts and their ability to put these concepts in
  • JQuery (continue)
  • Raphael
  • https://www.w3schools.com/php/
  • Lecture notes
  • Test #2
  • Tutorial #10
  • Lab #9
  • To learn more JavaScript libraries and graphics.
  • Server-side Programming
    (PHP, ASP, and others)
  • https://www.w3schools.com/php/
  • Lecture notes
  • Tutorial #11
  • Lab #10
  • Write a server-side script to create a web page in
    response to a request, collect data from a web
    page visitor or send an email.
  • More Server-side Programming (PHP, ASP,
    and others)
  • https://www.w3schools.com/php/
  • Lecture notes
  • Tutorial #12
  • To learn and understand more server-side features
    and scripts.
  • Review
  • Lecture notes
  • Study more examples
  • Assessing if the student has managed to combine many
    of learned concepts to make a meaningful web

*Timing subject to change

Evaluation Criteria

  Evaluation Methods **
  Summarize the list in the Course
  Content/Schedule (column 4 above)




  Final Exam


Classroom Code of Conduct:

Students at Columbia College are expected to show respect for the rights of other students, in particular the right to study and learn. Any behavior in an online class that interferes with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class will be treated as disruptive; the penalties for disruptive behavior are set out in the College Calendar and include suspension and even expulsion from the College. In general, students are expected to be attentive and courteous during class and lab time, to complete assigned work and to accept responsibility for their own achievement. In particular:

1. Students will aim to arrive at all classes early to be ready when the class begins – this means logging in and getting out paper, pens, necessary texts (and e-texts) and so on before the class starts.

2. Students must agree to have their camera turned on during class (including quizzes, tests, exams, etc.) if requested by the Instructor.

3. Students should not use their student number during class time as a means of identifying themselves due to privacy reasons.

4. Students will not expect to leave the class before the instructor has finished. On those rare occasions when a student must leave a class early, he/she should seek the permission of the instructor before the class starts via email. If a student must excuse himself/herself during a class, the student should request permission via chat and leave as quietly as possible.

5. A secondary device may only be used during a class to engage in the class or source course material, unless given permission by the instructor.

6. Students will speak respectfully when asking a question or answering a question posed by the instructor or a student.

7. Students will communicate respectfully in discussion groups, during office hours and in any type of electronic communication.

8. Students will respond to emails/messages from the instructor or other classmates in a timely manner.

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:

Columbia College expects all students to uphold the principle of academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism (presenting another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) are not acceptable behaviour at any educational institution. Depending on the severity of the offense such acts can result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, a failing grade (F) in the course, or expulsion from the college. In all cases, the circumstances and the penalty are recorded in the student’s file.

College Policies:

Please see the college calendar for more information and a complete list of academic policies.

Indigenous Statement of Acknowledgement (optional)

Columbia College acknowledges that we gather, work, and study on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, including xwməθkwəyəm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səlílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (TsleilWaututh) Nations. We also want to acknowledge all non-status peoples and members of other tribes who live in Vancouver.

Course-Specific Policies: (If any, optional)

Grading System

  Grade Percentage
  Grade Points
  A+ 90-100
  A 85-89

  A - 80-84
  Very Good
  B+ 76-79

  B 72-75

  B - 68-71
  C+ 64-67

  C 60-63
  C- 55-59

  D 50-54
  Marginal Pass
  F 0-49
  N Below 50
  Failure for non-completion or non-attendance

Please see the college calendar for more information about grading and related policies.