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ACC 202: Accounting Information Systems Assessment 3


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ACC 202: Accounting Information Systems

Assessment 3 - Final Case Study

Assessment Instructions:

Select a process from the following, based on the last digit of your student ID. This will be referred to as “Selected Process” for this assessment

Student ID -last digit



Choose the Supplier [ Expenditure Cycle]


Create the Purchase Order [ Expenditure Cycle]


Accept the delivery [ Expenditure Cycle]


Approve the payment [ Expenditure Cycle]


Make the payment [ Expenditure Cycle]


Check inventory level [Revenue Cycle]


Check Credit [Revenue Cycle]


Create invoice [Revenue Cycle]


Receive payment [Revenue Cycle]


Record payment [Revenue Cycle]

List the process selected, as per the student ID - last digit ______________

This will be referred to as “Selected Process” for this assessment

Before the end of the workshop, you need to submit your answers electronically using the link on the student portal under assessments. Only one (1) Excel file can be submitted. Descriptive notes can be suitably inserted in the Excel sheets, to address the Assessment Questions.

Assessment Questions:

Q 1      Answer any two (2) of the following Q 1, a, b and c

5 X 2 = 10 marks

Q 1 a

Briefly list and describe at least one (1) each, general and application controls, for the process you have selected.

Q 1 b

Briefly justify the type of systems documentation you can use to describe the process you have selected . (Diagram not necessary)

Q 1 c

What data is likely to be stored by the organisation to support the process you have selected?

Q 2

Discuss, justify, and briefly illustrate any five (5) of the following Excel features that can help with strategic decision making for the selected process.                                               5 X 4 = 20 marks

•   Pivot Tables

•   Chart / Graphs

•   Forecasting

•   Index Match Function

•   IF with And / OR

•   Max / Min

•   CountIF

•   Vlookup

•   Data Validation

Use suitable data for the purpose of illustration, on separate sheets. Feel free to use data from any sources. Professional presentation is expected all through

Before the end of the workshop, you need to submit your answers electronically using the link on the student portal under assessments overview and submission. Only one (1) Excel file can be submitted.