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ACCG8126 Corporate Accounting Session 2 2022


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ACCG8126 Corporate Accounting

Session 2 2022 Company analysis

You are required to identify a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) that has One new acquisition in any of the financial years from 2017-2021. To qualify as a new acquisition, the company must not have any existing ownership interest in the investment before the acquisition. A company may have some acquisitions during the period, and you should choose the most significant acquisition for the company.

To find companies listed on the ASX search through the official ASX list at www.asx.com.au.  Then search ‘Home > MARKETS > TRADE OUR CASH MARKET > COMPANY DIRECTORY> ASXLISTED COMPAINES . Alternatively, you can use the following link to https://www2.asx.com.au/markets/trade-our-cash-market/directoryfor a list of all ASX listed     companies in alphabetical order.

To see which of the above criteria have been met, you must review the company’s 2017-2021 annual reports. You can type the company name” and annual reports” as the Google search box keywords. It may take some time to find a suitable company that meets the criteria listed and has sufficient information to prepare the presentation.


You are required to prepare presentation slides (maximum ten slides excluding name page, table of content and references page) on your selected company which covers the following points:

•     You are expected to use the company’s information from at least three years of annual

reports.  In  addition to  annual reports,  it  is  strongly recommended to use  other  sources  of

information    about    the    selected    changes    in    ownership    interest    and    non-financial

performance,  e .g.,  announcements,  company  presentations;  newspaper  articles;  corporate

social responsibility reports, or sustainability reports.

•     Background   information   about your selected company,   including   industry,  business

segments, and key competitors. Analyze the trend of key financial results for at least three

financial years using the Tableau software.

•     In-depth   discussion   of   the   acquisition   (e.g.,   reasons   of   the   acquisition,   purchase

consideration, accounting methods) used to account for the investment and future financial


•     Discuss how an   acquiree’s   non-financial   aspects   (e.g.,   greenhouse   gas   emissions,

stakeholder engagement, technology) can potentially impact acquirers acquisition decision

and its financial performance.

•     Your  presentation  slides  are  expected  to  be  concise  but  effectively  convey  the  key

messages  using  a  variety  of visualization  tools  such  as  diagrams,  tables,  graphs  on  the



The assignment contributes towards 10% of your assessment, and it is marked out of 20 for each student. A detailed marking rubric can be viewed at the end of the document.

Submission requirements

You  are  expected  to  submit  the  PowerPoint  presentation  slides  on  Turnitin.  According  to  the

university policy, you must submit ORIGINAL WORK, where you  should not directly copy texts

from  internet  sources,  other  students  OR  your  own  previous  work.  DO  NOT  SUBMIT  WORK


plagiarism and self-plagiarism will be applied if your assignment has been found a high similarity
