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Computer Science 750 (2022) Assignment 1


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Computer Science 750 (2022)

Assignment 1


1.  Question 1 [Program analysis]

Goldbachs conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers.

a) Construct an algorithm A(N) that on every even integer N > 2 decides whether N is the sum of two primes.

b) Does A(N) halt for every N? Justify with proof your answer.

c) Assume A(N) returns 1 if N is the sum of two prime numbers and 0 otherwise. Does the algorithm:

1. G = 1.

2. N = 1.

3. If A(N) = 1, N = N + 1, go to 2.

4. G = 0.

5. Stop.

halt? Justify with proof your answer.

Does it solve the Goldbach conjecture? Justify with proof your answer.

2.  Question 2 [Research quation]

Write 800- 1000 words discussing the claim that

Any function can be computable. Use can use the reference: John Baez, Computing the Uncomputable,


(a)  State and explain the main result.

(b) Explain in your own words the proof.

(c) Does the main result contradict the Halting Theorem? Justify with proof your answer.

3.  Question 3 [Mathematical modeling]

(d) Define the property “the infinite binary sequence contains a monochromatic arithmetic progression” .

(e) Does every infinite binary sequence contain a monochromatic arithmetic progression? Justify with proof your answer.

(f) Answer questions a) and b) for ternary sequences. Justify with proof your answers.