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COMP3900/9900 2022, Term 3 Proposal Assessment


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2022, Term 3

Proposal Assessment

令 Project Proposal (due Monday 3 October 2022 Week 4 @ 10.00am) (worth 10%): Students will choose a project from a list of possible projects with a given brief and generic description and scope. They will produce a proposal that describes: the background   for   their   project,   at   least   eight   (8)   specific   and   distinct objectives/requirements/functionalities  (including, at  least, two  (2) functional novelties with respect to existing related systems), the product backlog to be used for satisfying all project objectives, an initial sprint backlog, user storyboards, and the system architecture. The requirements and criteria for the proposal are described below.

Please make sure you also look at the WebCMS Proposal assessment submission page for submission instructions and follow those submission instructions.

Students may request to undertake a custom/own project only if eight (8) distinct project objectives of similar technical depth and scope to existing projects (including, at least, two (2) functional novelties with respect to existing related systems) are clearly defined with the request. A clear project description should also be included with the request. Such requests are subject to mentor approval and amendment and are to be sought by end of Week 1 by filling in and agreeing to the terms on the custom project form that can be found in WebCMS under Projects page.

The proposal should be self-contained, (i.e., no content should be outside of the report and simply linked to), and follow the following formatting requirements:

a)  Include a title page containing course code, course title, project title, a nominated group name, each member’s name, email, student ID, role, and proposal submission date.

b)  Be at least 10 pages long (at most 12pt font with reasonable margins and spacing), not including the title page, the table of contents, and references page, and be in PDF format that is readable with Acrobat.

c)  Include a table of contents, and page numbers.

d)  Include full references and in-text citations. Use either APA referencing style (https://student.unsw.edu.au/apa) or Harvard referencing style                   (https://student.unsw.edu.au/harvard-referencing).

 The proposal should include:

a)  Background (10%)

.  Clearly identifies the problem(s) being solved.

.  Identifies at least two existing work or systems in the same problem domain, and their drawbacks.

b)  User stories and Sprints (50%):

.  Product backlog of correctly structured user stories, describing the functionality to be delivered, with screenshots showing all these user stories defined in Jira. The entire text of each user story should be readable inside the report.

.  Defines the start and end dates for all sprints envisaged during the term.

  Note: ensure that the sprints you define allow you to undertake a progressive demo

in each of Weeks 5 and 8; as well as a retrospective before each of the labs in Weeks 7 and 9.

.  Identifies user stories in scope for the first sprint with screenshots showing all user stories allocated to the first sprint in Jira. The entire text of each user story should be readable inside the report.

.  Clearly communicates how all project objectives are satisfied by user stories that are defined.

.  Describes  how  some  of the  defined  user  stories  provide  novel  functionality compared to existing systems.

c)  Technical depth, scale, report formatting (40%)

.  Report conforms to the formatting requirements specified above; and is easy to read.

▪  Interface and flow diagrams (Storyboards for user stories)

•   Storyboards should be developed to illustrate the system functionality, and how users interact with the system. One storyboard can cover multiple user stories. All user stories should be covered by these storyboards.

  System Architecture

•   A clear description showing the presentation, business and data layers in the system, and what each layer contains.

•   A clear description of the external actors (e.g., user types) and how they interact with the system.

•   A clear description of the technologies/languages planned for use (e.g.,         MySQL, SQL Server, MSNG, .NET, Python, Java, etc), including all third party functionality planned to be used (e.g., clouds/services/APIs/libraries/code).

令 Proposal is marked out of 10, contributes 10% towards the final mark for the project, and is marked according to the marking criteria below.

Project Proposal Marking Criteria




Team Mark


Background (10%)

Problem domain, existing work/systems, and their drawbacks





Clearly identifies problem(s) being solved




Clear evidence of research as to existing work or     systems in the same problem domain and what their drawbacks are.





User stories and sprints (50%)




Product backlog of correctly structured user stories,        describing the functionality to be delivered, with              screenshots showing all these user stories defined in Jira





Defines the start and end dates for all sprints envisaged during the length of term




Identifies user stories in scope for the first sprint with      screenshots showing all user stories allocated to the first sprint in Jira





Clearly communicates how all project objectives are satisfied by user stories that are defined




Describes how some of the defined user stories to be implemented provide novel functionality compared to existing systems





Technical depth, scale, report formatting / readability (40%)




Report conforms to the formatting requirements specified for the Proposal assessment item and is easy to read





Clearly includes a detailed software architecture diagram




Interface and flow diagrams provided




Total Mark (out of 10)