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SENG1120/6120 Assignment 2 Discipline of Computing and Information Technology Semester 1, 2022


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Discipline of Computing and Information Technology

Semester 1, 2022 - SENG1120/6120

Assignment 2


In lectures we have discussed the use of templates to provide the compiler with bluepri nts for functions and classes. These are used by the compiler to produce code t hat implements functions and/or classes that are suitable for the type(s) used in your program code.

Sorting is one of the pillars of computer science, and is required for several tasks, e.g. database searching, optimisation, simulations, computer graphics, etc. Additionally it is a common part of technical interviews in many large software companies:



In this task you are required to implement the support classes for the algorithm DanSort, which is a made-up sorting algorithm, of unknown complexity (invented by Alex, but named after Dan). The algorithm uses a divide and conquer approach with stacks to store sorted sub-sequences of elements.

You will not have to implement this Algorithm.


You will take your Node and LinkedList classes from Assignment 1 and produce a:

1. class template Node, which is then used as a component in the construction of

2. class template LinkedList, which is then used as a component in the construction of

3. class template LStack, which is then used by the supplied Demo files.

4. class template LQueue, which is then used by the supplied Demo files.

All Node instances should be dynamic, and LinkedList should be a private member of your LQueue and LStack implementations. You will provide a complete LinkedList, with all standard LinkedList functions present and functional (ie: you will provide valid implementation for all public interface functions - see next pages); a description of the minimum required functions can be found later in this document.

You will be supplied with two main programs, DanSortDemoInt and DanSortDemoString. Both will interface independently with your LQueue and LStack implementation.

You are NOT ALLOWED to change the demo files or the makefile. Also note that LStack, LQueue, LinkedList and Node must work with both demo files. You are not allowed to produce two versions of the files to be submitted.


You will note that two makefiles have been provided – one that works with DanSortDemoInt and the other with DanSortDemoString – named makefileInt and makefileString. To properly test with both demo files you will need to rename each of these to simply makefile when you wish to test.


Here is the pseudo-code of how our made-up DanSort Algorithm works.

Consider k unsorted elements stored in a queue, and t empty stacks (files named DanSortDemoInt and DanSortDemoString will be provided to you as a .cpp files):

// Emptying the queue and populating the stacks

for i=1 to k

Remove the front item in the queue

Place the item on the first stack whose top() is either null or greater than the



** At this point, each stack will have a small, ordered sequence of values (or will be empty), and the queue will be empty. **

// Emptying the stacks in an ordered fashion and re-populating the queue

for i=1 to k

Remove the smallest item among all the stacks // of course, empty stacks should be

// skipped. Note that you only have

// to compare the top() value of

// each stack to find the minimum.

Enqueue the item in the queue


** At this point, all stacks will be empty and the queue will be sorted. **



As discussed in lecture, your LinkedList class will become a private member of LQueue. In this class you will provide implementation for the Queue Public Interface, below:

void enqueue ( T item );

T dequeue ( );

T& front ( );

boolean isEmpty ( );

int size ( );

Only these five functions are allowed to access/communicate with the LinkedList – all other functions and manipulations of your Queue contents, must be done ONLY via these four Functions; you may not use any other public or private helper functions to access LinkedList from the LQueue class.

From here you will obviously have to implement a constructor and destructor as well, plus an output operator (operator <<), and correctly define your private members. You will also have to const appropriate functions


As discussed in lecture, your LinkedList class will become a private member of LStack. In this class you will provide implementation for the Stack Public Interface, below:

void push ( T item );

T pop ( );

T& peek ( );

boolean isEmpty ( );

Only these four functions are allowed to access/communicate with the LinkedList – all other functions and manipulations of your Stack contents, must be done ONLY via these four Functions; you may not use any other public or private helper functions to access LinkedList from the LStack class.

From here you will obviously have to implement a constructor and destructor as well, plus an output operator (operator <<), and correctly define your private members.


You are required to implement a fully functional generic version of your LinkedList; this will include the following Public Interface (Note 1. I am OK if you are using snake_case or camelCase, Note 2. I am OK with minor variations of the function names, and, Note 3. your parameter names may be different; some will require const):

// add

void addToHead ( T& item );

void addToTail ( T& item );

void addToCurrent ( T& item );

// get

T& getFromHead ( );

T& getFromTail ( );

T& getFromCurrent ( );

// remove

T removeFromHead ( );

T removeFromTail ( );

T removeFromCurrent ( );

// current manipulators

void start ( );

void end ( );

void forward ( );

void back ( );

// statistics

int size ( );

LinkedList will require a supporting Node object as well. No overloaded operators are required, however you will have to impleme nt a constructor and destructor, and correctly define your private members.


Make sure your code works with the files supplied, and DO NOT change them. For marking, we will add the main file DanSortDemoInt.cpp or DanSortDemoString.cpp to the project and compile it using the makefile, together with your own files. If it does not compile or run, your mark will be zero (as we are unable to test and validate your implementation).

Your submission should be made using the Assignments section of the course Canvas site. Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be marked. You should provide the .h/.hpp and .cpp files related to the LQueue, LStack, LinkedList and Node classes. Also, if necessary, provide a readme.txt file containing any instructions for the marker. Each program file should have a proper header section including your name, course and student number, and your code should be properly documented.

Remember that your code will conform to C++98 standards, and should compile and run correctly using Cygwin, gcc and the supplied makefile/s. There should be no segmentation faults or memory leaks during or after the execution of the program.

Compress all your files into a single .zip file, using your student number as the filename (do not use .rar, .7z, .gz, or any other compressed format). For example, if your student number is c9876543, you would name your submission:


Submit by selecting the Assignment 2 link that will be found in the Assignments section on Canvas.

Late submissions are subject to the rules specified in the Course Outline.

This assignment is worth 10.0 marks of your final result for the course.

Compiling and running your files together with the demo file for strings should output the following results:

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ make clean

rm -rf *.o core

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ make

g++ -c -Wall -c DanSortDemoString.cpp

g++ DanSortDemoString.o Node.h LinkedList.h LQueue.h LStack.h -o assignment2

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ ./assignment2.exe


This is a demo for DanSort for strings, which is a made up thing.

Original vector : Alex Dan Steve Joel Mary Karen John Fred Michelle Eve Tom Brenda Peta

Steve Daniel Cameron Josephus Ysobel Tim Ben Anna Allan Ben

8 stacks were required.

Stack 0 : Alex

Stack 1 : Allan Anna Ben Brenda Dan

Stack 2 : Ben Cameron Daniel Eve Fred Joel Steve

Stack 3 : John Karen Mary

Stack 4 : Josephus Michelle

Stack 5 : Peta Tom

Stack 6 : Steve

Stack 7 : Tim Ysobel

Array ordered : Alex Allan Anna Ben Ben Brenda Cameron Dan Daniel Eve Fred Joel John

Josephus Karen Mary Michelle Peta Steve Steve Tim Tom Ysobel

Number of comparisons : 215

The program has finished.

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ ^C

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022


… and compiling and running your files together with the demo file for integers should output the following results:

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ make clean

rm -rf *.o core

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ make

g++ -c -Wall -c DanSortDemoInt.cpp

g++ DanSortDemoInt.o Node.h LinkedList.h LQueue.h LStack.h -o assignment2

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022

$ ./assignment2.exe


This is a demo for DanSort for integers, which is a made up thing.

Original vector : 60 13 15 1 50 43 81 66 5 9 33 31 38 45 72 74 55 3 20 84 90 64 62 11 30 22 18 17 6 88 47 71 68 37 19 85 52 57 59 77 4 63 87 54 26 21 35 2 61 73

12 stacks were required.

Stack 0 : 1 13 60

Stack 1 : 2 3 5 15

Stack 2 : 4 6 9 43 50

Stack 3 : 11 20 31 33 66 81

Stack 4 : 17 18 22 30 38

Stack 5 : 19 37 45

Stack 6 : 21 26 47 55 72

Stack 7 : 35 52 62 64 74

Stack 8 : 54 57 68 71 84

Stack 9 : 59 85 88 90

Stack 10 : 61 63 77

Stack 11 : 73 87

Array ordered : 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 30 31 33 35 37 38 43 45 47 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 68 71 72 73 74 77 81 84 85 87 88 90

Number of comparisons : 745

The program has finished.

CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass2-S2-2022
