关键词 > INFS3202/INFS7202

INFS3202/INFS7202 Web Information Systems


INFS3202/INFS7202 Web Information Systems

In-Class Quiz 01 (Mock)

Held during YOUR REGISTERED practical session

Total marks: 5%

Duration: 100 minutes

1. Quiz Conditions

● There are two tasks in this quiz.

● This is an open book quiz

○ You are allowed to find solutions from the Internet or Lecture Notes.

○ You are allowed to use your own computer to do the quiz.

● You should write your code in the specified areas or modify the code as instructed. Otherwise your submission will NOT be marked.

● This is an individual assessment.

○ You are NOT allowed to get help from other people.

○ You are NOT allowed to reveal the quiz questions to other students.

2. Quiz Setup

● Ensure that your UQzone is properly setup. Refer to Blackboard/Learning Resources/Week 3/Week 3 Prac.

● You are provided a Bash file quiz.sh (setup Quiz1 Enviroment)and CodeIgniter project infs3202_Mock.zip with incomplete PHP scripts.

● Login to your zone using ssh. . Refer to Blackboard/Learning Resources/Week 2/Week 2 Prac.

● Run following commands wget --no-check-cert https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4wkd9f7z35cdf8/mock.sh sudo chmod -x mock.sh && sh mock.sh sxxxx (replace sxxxxx with your student id)

● Check if the Quiz working properly (https://infs3202-xxxxxxxx.uqcloud.net/mock/quiz1You can use either build in vscode (https://infs3202-xxxxxxxx.uqcloud.net/vscode ) or other IDE on your own preference to complete this Quiz. Build in VSCode Editor in UQzone

3. Submission

● Find your controller file Quiz1.php.

● Make a copy of Quiz1.php and rename it using the format of sxxxxxxx_quiz1.php. (i.e., your student number)

● Submit sxxxxxxx_quiz1.php to your corresponding Practical Folder on Blackboard.

Assessment → Quiz 1 Submissions → [Your Prac]

● Do NOT rename any function names as auto marking will be conducted.

● Any submission with a file name in the wrong format will not be marked.

● Late submission is not accepted. The submission link will expire when the practical session ends.

Task A (1 mark)

Task description

In this task, you are required to complete the function task_a in the controller Quiz1.php to load a single web page with CodeIgniter PHP framework. This page consists of three parts generated by header.php, body.php and footer.php in Views.

The expected layout of the page (http://infs3202-zone_id/mock/quiz1/task_a) is shown in Figure 1.

Task B (4 marks)

Task description

In this task, you are required to complete the function task_b in the controller Quiz1.php to load the required page content in the following two scenarios. 

Note that, the default layout of http://infs3202-zone_id/mock/quiz1/task_b is shown in Figure 2.

Scenario 1 (2 marks):

When a user visits http://infs3202-zone_id/mock/quiz1/task_b, enters a page number (e.g., 1) and clicks the Confirm button, the content in the corresponding page (e.g., /views/1.php) should be loaded. The layout of the page should be the same as Figure 3.

Scenario 2 (2 marks):

Load the required page content by simply appending the page number to the URL for task B (i.e., http://infs3202-zone_id/mock/quiz1/task_b). For example, you will be able to load the page content of /views/1.php via http://infs3202-zone_id/mock/quiz1/task_b/1.

The layout of the page should be the same as Figure 3.