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MATH2088/2988 Number Theory and Cryptography Semester 2, 2019


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Number Theory and Cryptography

Semester 2, 2019

Sample Quiz — Solutions

1. Find gcd(1020, 84).

Solution   1020 = 220 × 520 and 84 = 22 × 3 × 7, so gcd(1020, 84) = 22 = 4.

2. Find the smallest prime which divides 123456789123456789.

Solution  The sum of the digits of this number is 90, so it is divisible by 3; and it is clearly not even, so the answer is 3.

3. Find which element of {1, 2, . . . , 58} is inverse to 17 modulo 59.

Solution  Since 7 × 17 = 119 = 1 (mod 59), 7 is an answer, necessarily the unique answer. This could be found using the extended Euclidean Algorithm, for instance.

4. Find the order of 5 modulo 31.

Solution  Since 53 = 125 = 1 (mod 31), and obviously 52 ≠ 1 (mod 31), the order of 5 modulo 31 is 3.

5. Find the residue of 31010 modulo 7.

Solution  The order of 3 modulo 7 is 6 (in fact, all we need to know is that it divides 6, which holds by Fermat’s Little Theorem). Since 1010 = 2 (mod 6), 31010 = 32 = 2 (mod 7). So the answer is 2.

6. Find the unique x e {0, 1, 2, . . . , 194} such that x = 3 (mod 13) and x = 2 (mod 15).

Solution  Substituting x = 3 + 13k into the second congruence and simplifying, it becomes 13k = - 1 (mod 15). An inverse of 13 modulo 15 is 7, so this is equivalent to k = -7 = 8 (mod 15). Substituting k = 8 + 15l into the expression for x we get the general solution x = 107 + 195l. So 107 is the unique solution in {0, 1, 2, . . . , 194}.

7. Find the residue of 21010 modulo 111.

Solution   The prime factorization of 111 is 3 × 37, so φ(111) = 2 × 36 = 72. By the Euler–Fermat Theorem, 272 = 1 (mod 111). Since 1010 = 2 (mod 72), we have 21010 = 22 (mod 111), so the answer is 4. An alternative is to find the residue of 21010 modulo the primes 3 and 37 separately, and then combine that information by solving a system of simultaneous congruences.

8. Find α(640), the sum of the positive integer divisors of 640.

Solution  Since 640 = 27 × 5, we have α(640) = α(27)α(5) = (28 - 1)(1 + 5) = 1530.

9. What is the smallest positive integer with exactly 10 positive divisors?

Solution  If n = p1(k)1 . . . pr(k)r , then the number of divisors T(n) = (k1 + 1) . . . (kr  + 1). The only ways to write 10 as a product of integers 2 2 are 10 and 5 × 2, so for T(n) = 10 we must have either n = p1(9) or n = p1(4)p2 . The smallest number of the first form is 29 = 512 and the smallest number of the second form is 243 = 48, so the answer is 48.

10. If a simple substitution cipher encrypts the word SUGAR as JWZXD, what is the decryption of XDZWJ?

Solution   A simple substitution cipher replaces each particular letter of the alphabet with the same substitute letter, no matter where in the message it is. In this cipher S is replaced by J, U by W, and so on. So the decryption of XDZWJ is ARGUS.

11. What would be the output of the following MAGMA commands?

> V:=VigenereCryptosystem(3);

> encipheringkey:=V!”BAY”;

> Enciphering(encipheringkey,Encoding(V,”HOTEL”));

Solution   These commands tell MAGMA to use a Vigenere cipher with keyword BAY to encipher the word HOTEL. Since the first letter of the keyword is B which follows A in the alphabet, the first and fourth letters should be moved one letter further on in the alphabet; since the second letter of the keyword is A, the second and fifth letters should be left unchanged; since the third letter of the keyword is Y which is two letters before A (working mod 26), the third letter should be moved two letters back in the alphabet. So the output will be IORFL.

12. Suppose you are given two long ciphertexts sct1 and sct2 and told that one of them is some ordinary English text enciphered with a block transposition cipher and the other is the same English text enciphered with a Vigenere cipher. If you see the following MAGMA code, which one was (probably) enciphered using the block transposition cipher?

> CoincidenceIndex(sct1);


> CoincidenceIndex(sct2);


Solution   Transposition ciphers do not change the coincidence index, since they just permute the letters of the plaintext, whereas Vigenere ciphers tend to lower it because they even out the frequency distribution of letters. So we can be fairly certain that sct1 is the ciphertext which was enciphered using the block transposition cipher.

13. If an RSA cryptosystem has public key (22, 3), what is the decryption exponent?      Solution  The decryption exponent is the inverse of 3 modulo φ(22) = 10, which is 7.

14. Suppose that an RSA cryptosystem has a public key of (33, 3). Encrypt the message [4, 6].

Solution  To encrypt, we raise each letter of the plaintext to the power 3 and reduce modulo 33. Since 43 = 64 = 31 (mod 33) and 63 = 62 × 6 = 3 × 6 = 18 (mod 33), the answer is [31, 18].

15. What would be the output of the following MAGMA commands? > p:=NextPrime(100);

> 6Ap mod  p;

Solution  These command tell MAGMA to define p to be the next prime after 100 (actually 101, but we don’t need to know that) and then calculate the residue of 6p modulo p. By Fermat’s Little Theorem, the answer is 6.