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ELG3106 Electromagnetic Engineering Fall 2022 Assignment 1


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Electromagnetic Engineering

Fall 2022

Assignment 1

In this assignment we will consider the polarization of a uniform plane wave.


Consider an arbitrary EM wave propagating in the +z-direction. Its phasor representation is E (z ) = Ex (z ) + Ey (z ) ,

where the phasor components in the x- and y-directions are, respectively

Ex (z ) = Ex0e-jkz   and Ey (z ) = Ey 0e-jkz .

The complex amplitudes of these components may be given in terms of magnitude and phase as Ex0  = ax ejx(6)    and Ey 0  = ay ej6y   .

The corresponding instantaneous field is

E (z, t ) = Re E (z )ejot } = ax cos (ot - kz + x(6) )+ ay cos (ot - kz +y(6) ) .

For convenience, we define the relative polarization by6 =y(6)  -x(6) , with 6 < 0 indicating right

hand polarization, and 6 > 0 indicating left hand polarization.

The Polarization Ellipse

Consider Figure 1 below. The electric field vector will trace out an ellipse whose ellipticity and tilt (and whose handedness that is, the direction the electric field vector spins) depends on the values of ax ,  ay    and  6 . Let us carefully describe the ellipse with respect to two coordinate systems: the conventional Cartesian coordinate system aligned horizontally and vertically (the x-y coordinate system, or lab system), and the Cartesian coordinate system aligned with the major and minor axes of the ellipse (the ξ-η coordinate system, also known as the principle axis coordinate system). The latter is rotated by an angle γ with respect to the former. This angle γ is known as the rotation angle and it is bounded within the range -"2 y 共"2 .


Figure 1 Polarization ellipse in the x-y plane with the wave

traveling in the z direction (out of the page).

The length of the polarization ellipse is given by  2a  and the width by  2an . The shape of the ellipse and its handedness are characterized by the ellipticity angle X , which is defined as

an            1

a           R

where the plus sign corresponds to left-handed polarization (LHP) and the minus sign to right- handed polarization (RHP); X is bounded within the range -爪4 4 (0 for linear and X =土爪4  for circular). The quantity  R = aa   is called the axial ratio of the polarization

ellipse; R is bounded within the range  1 R < w  (1 for circular polarization, and  w for linear polarization).

With respect to the x-y coordinate system, the polarization ellipse is bounded by the rectangle whose dimensions are 2ax   by 2ay   (dashed red rectangle in Figure 1). This permits one to define what the textbook calls an auxiliary angle  v0   as

tanv0  =  ,

where v0    is bounded within the range  0 共v0  2  (0  for x-polarized linear and  2  for y-polarized linear; values in between are elliptically polarized at various rotation angles).

The polarization angles Y and X are related to the wave parameters ax , ay   and 6 by

tan (2Y) = tan (2v0 )cos6 ,

sin (2X) = sin (2v0 )sin 6,

where we require  > 0  if cos6> 0  and  < 0  if cos6< 0 ; note that  X > 0  if sin6> 0  (and vice-versa) denotes LHP while X < 0  if sin6< 0 (and vice-versa) denotes RHP.


Figure 2 Polarization states for various combinations of the polarization angles (, X) for a wave traveling out of the page.

The assignment

Figure 2 shows the polarization states for various combinations of the polarization angles (, X) . These may be generated with the Module 7.3 java app, which may be found at the textbook author’swebsite. Click on the Module 7.3 link on this webpage to open the applet directly.


Figure 3 Screenshots of the Module 7.3 java app instruction and operation windows.

For all 25 combinations of (, X) given in Figure 2, tabulate the corresponding values ofax , ay and 6 that generate them. Also explicitly state whether the wave is right or left polarized. Use the equations given above to find their values. Confirm that these values are correct by using    them as the inputs in the app. Keep Phase X” set to zero, and use 6 for “Phase Y” .

Your report should be given in standard technical report format. The task should be clearly    stated. The introductory theory can be kept brief, but you must at least give those equations   outlined above in red. Your calculations are to be automated (i.e., in Excel, or some other      program, or your own code). You must clearly explain how your calculations are being done. Develop an algorithm that describes the calculation process and present it as a flow diagram. Include any derivations that you do. You do not have to show all the derivations, but any       equation that produces a numerical value must be given and its origin briefly explained.

The results should be the tabulated values, including screenshots (neatly arranged) of the Model  7.3 full window for 10 of the 25 combinations of (, X) – specifically, those for the left and right elliptical polarizations.

Your conclusions should discuss in general terms any observation that study of the tabulated      results and ellipses that strikes you as insightful. Try to verbalize the relationship between (, X)

and the generating ax , ay   and 6 . Also comment on any challenges you may have had in ensuring that the polarization handedness was correctly determined; that is, whether you had problems      keeping track of minus signs, and how you did so (which should also be mentioned in the body   of your report.