关键词 > MTH007

MTH 007 Linear Algebra


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Linear Algebra

MTH007:  Ch 1.3 Vector Equations

1.  Let A =    102      32(4) .(、)  and b =    414.(、) .  Denote the columns of A by a1 , a2 , a3 , and let W = span(a1 , a2 , a3 ).

(a)  Is b in (a1 , a2 , a3 ) ?  How many vectors are in (a1 , a2 , a3 )?

(b)  Is b in W ?  How many vectors are in W .

(c)  Show that a1  is in W .


2.  Construct a 3 ( 3 matrix A, with nonzero entries and a vector b è R3  such that b is not in the set spanned by the columns of A.

3.  Let v1 ,..., vk  be points in R3  and suppose that for j = 1,..., k, an object with mass mj  is located at point vj .  Physicists call such objects point masses. The total mass of the system point masses is

m = m1 +...+ mk .

The center of gravity (or center of mass) of the system is

 =  (m1v1 +...+ mkvk).

Compute the center of the gravity of the system consisting of the following point masses. Determine if  is in Span(v1 ,..., vk) ?



v1 = (5, 4, 3) v2 = (4, 3, 2)

v3 = (4, 3, 1) v4 = (9, 8, 6)






MTH007:  Ch 1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax = b

1.  Let A = / 26   31  and b = /b(b)2(1)  .

❼ Show that the equation Ax = b does not have a solution for all possible b ❼ Describe the set of all b for which Ax = b does have a solution.


╱   0(1)               01            ╱   0(1)   

2.  Let v1 = 01 , v2 = (   1(0) , v3 = ( 0.  Explain whether (v1 , v2 , v3 ) span R4  ?


3.  Let A be a 3 ( 4 matrix.  Let y1  and y2  be vectors in R3  and w = y1 + y2 . Suppose y1 = Ax1,   y2 = Ax2

for some vectors x1  and x2  in R4 . Show that Ax = w is consistent.