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CSE-271: Object-Oriented Programming Homework #3: Pet Shop


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CSE-271: Object-Oriented Programming

Homework #3: Pet Shop

Phase #1: Wed Sept 21  2022 before 11:59 PM

Phase #2: Wed Sept 28  2022 before 11:59 PM

Maximum Points:  31

Key objectives of this project are:

   Gain experience with developing and working with a class hierarchy

•   Understand translating UML class diagrams to Java source code

   Recap Java programming using an IDE like Eclipse

   Review and adhere to CSE departments Style guide

•   Use Javadoc to document methods and their return values

Submission Instructions

This homework assignment must be turned-in electronically via Canvas CODE plug-in. Ensure your program compiles successfully, without any warnings or style errors. Ensure you have documented the methods. Ensure you have tested operations of your classes. Once you have tested your implementation, upload your Java source files onto Canvas via the CODE plug-in.

1.    Phase #1: The 9 Java source files developed for this phase of the project.

2.    Phase #2: The 9 classes and PetShop.java


General Note: Upload each file associated with homework (or lab exercises) individually to Canvas  Do not upload archive file formats such as zip/tar/gz/7zip/rar etc

Grading Rubric:

The source code submitted for this homework must pass necessary base case test(s) in order to qualify for earning any score at all. Programs that do not meet basic requirements or just skeleton code will be assigned zero score!     Programs that do not compile, have even 1 method longer than 25 lines, or just some skeleton code will be assigned zero score.

•  NOTE: Violating CSE programming style guidelines is an error! Your program should not have any style errors.

•  Delayed submission: Only 80% points: Submission delayed by no more than 24-hours will be accepted for a partial credit of maximum 80% of the points.

•  Conciseness, Formatting & Documentation: 3 points – Reserved for concise solution, good Javadoc, and formatting.

•  Points: Phase #1: 2 points per class – 29=18 points total. Phase #2: 10 points.

Project Overview:

An object-oriented solution is being developed for a pet shop that has different types of pets and food for them.

Phase #1: Develop hierarch of classes from UML

Analyzing the user’s requirements, a hierarchy of classes have been designed. In this part of the project, you are required to develop the Java source code (9 different classes) corresponding to

the class hierarchy shown below:


Notes on specific of the methods

1.  Notes on the constructors:

▪   For Pet objects, the order of parameters is String float foodPerDay.

▪   For Food objects, the order of parameters is float

name, float price, and

price, float weight.

2.   The return value of getKind method should be as follows:

▪   For Pet objects, the return value must be the kind value but with class name as prefix. For e.g., “Cat: Maincoon”, “Dog: Poodle” etc.

▪   For Food objects, the return of this method must be just the name of the class as in “WormCan” or “ChowBag”.

3.  Note the following toString output format:

▪   For Pets the String representation is generated via:

String.format ("%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", "Cat", kind, price, foodPerDay);

▪   For Foods the string representation is generated via:

String.format("%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", "WormCan", price, weight); 

4.  Notes for the equals methods in Pet and Food classes:

▪   Two Pet objects are equal if they are of the same Java-class and kind (ignore price and foodPerDay in comparisons)

▪   Two Food objects are equal only if they are of the same Java-class and have the same price and weight.

Testing for Phase #1:

You are expected to develop your own approach to test your classes –

•   Test each class as you develop them

•   For each class test to ensure you are able to create the class

•   Print the values returned by different methods to ensure they are consistent

Note: The tester used by CODE (on Canvas) performs similar tests. However, you are not given that tester to emulate a typical job scenario in which you will be expected to carefully test your  own source code.

Phase #2: Complete methods in the PetShop source

In this phase of the project, you will be using the classes you developed in the previous phase to develop a simple pet store application. Ideally, you should not be modifying the classes          developed in the previous phase. You are already given starter code with method stubs in in    PetShop.java for you to complete. Use the Javadoc for the methods and sample outputs      shown below to implement the various methods in PetShop.java.

Testingfor Phase #2:

For this phase of testing a simple PetShopUI.java program is already supplied to you.    Review this program and use it for testing methods in PetShop.  Sample outputs are shown below (user inputs are in green color)

Test #1: Loading things from a text file

Test #2: Load and print things

Test #3: Load and print summary of things

Test #4: Load and print food status


This homework assignment must be turned-in electronically via Canvas CODE plug-in.  Ensure

your program compiles  successfully, without any warnings or  style  errors. Ensure you have documented the methods. Ensure you have tested operations of your program as indicated. Upload the following to Canvas via the CODE plug-in:

1.   Phase #1: The 9 Java source files developed for this phase of the project.

2.   Phase #2: The 9 Java classes (submit source code) and PetShop.java