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COMP3600/6466 - Algorithms Semester 2, 2022 Tutorial 4


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Semester 2, 2022

Tutorial 4

COMP3600/6466 - Algorithms

Exercise 1                                    Randomized Algorithms and Its Analysis

1. Recall RandQuickSort from the lecture. What value would the function Partition(A, p, r) returns if all elements of A[p, ··· ,r] have the same value? How should we change Partition(A, p, r) if we want this function to return「⌋ when all elements of A[p, ··· ,r] have the same value?

2. Is it useful to analyse the worst case analysis of a randomized algorithm? Please explain why or why not.

3. Suppose A is an array of integers. Will the algorithms below return a random permutation of the input array? Please explain why or why not.

Algorithm 1 Permutation1(A)

(a)   1:  n = A.length

2:  Let B[1 ··· n] be a new array

3:  offset = Random(1, n)

4:  for i = 1 to n do

5:       dest = i + offset

6:       if dest > n then

7:            dest = dest n

8:       B[dest] = A[i]

9:  return B

Algorithm 2 Permutation2(A)

(b)   1:  n = A.length

2:  for i = 1 to n do

3:       Swap A[i] with A[Random(1,n)]