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Homework Assignment 1


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Homework Assignment 1

Part I

1.  (ex1) Implement the given expression in Racket and bind it to variable ex1. Note that we are interested in syntactically equivalent expressions, not just semantically equivalent, e .g. 2 + 3 is syntactically different than 3 + 2, although semantically equivalent.

For this exercise, each student has their own mathematical expression. To obtain your expression, upload an incomplete submission ( e .g., file hw1.rkt) to our grading server and follow the URL given.

2.  (ex2) Implement the sequence of evaluations of expression ex1 down to a value and bind that list to variable ex2, as we learned in the course.  For instance, if in ex1 you were given expression 3.14159 × (10 × 10), then you would write the following term.

(define ex2


    (* 3.14159 (* 10 10))

    (* 3.14159 100)


3.  (ex3) Implement the given Python-like ex3 function in Racket.  Please use a function definition and not a basic definition.  Additionally, note that the solution must be syntactically equivalent, not just semantically equivalent, that is, the body of ex3 should be syntactically equivalent to the Python code. Important: If your expression contains ==, then use Racket’s =.

For this exercise, each student has their own mathematical expression. To obtain your expression, upload an incomplete submission ( e .g., file hw1.rkt) to our grading server and follow the URL given.

Part II

4. Your goal is to implement the code in Listing 1 in Racket, as we learned in class: by using lists to define a user data-structure .

To this end, you will need to implement the constructor and selectors of each field, as well as the operation to insert a node in the BST. The code in Listing 1 is a Python implementation of binary tree taken from the Wikipedia page on BST’s1 .

• This exercise is about transferring your knowledge, from Python into Racket. You are being asked to “translate” an algorithm, not to rethink the algorithm.

• The equivalent of None in Racket is null.

• The equivalent of testing if a value is None in Racket is to call function null?.

• Please use the function names declared in the homework assignment template, as otherwise you will get 0 points in this assignment.

5. Your goal is to check if a datum is syntactically valid, with respect to the specification we introduced in class . Recall function quote we learned in class.  This function produces a logical representation of the code given as parameter. The serialized code that results from quote is known as a datum, or a quoted term. In the following exercises, the quoted term shall not include boolean expressions and conditionals. A quoted expression will include numbers, define, lambda, and function application.

Listing 1: A binary search tree written in Python.

class Tree:

def __init__(self, left, value, right):

self .left = left;

self .value = value;

self.right = right;

def set_left(self, left):

return Tree(left, self.value, self.right)

def set_value(self, value):

return Tree(self.left, value, self.right)

def set_right(self, right):

return Tree(self.left, self.value, right)

def insert(node, value):

if node is None:

return Tree(None, value, None)

if value == node.value:

return node.set_value(value)

if value < node.value:

return node.set_left(insert(node.left, value))

return node.set_right(insert(node.right, value))

•  For the sake of simplicity, there is no need to recursively check the syntactic validity (eg, you do not

need to check the if the body of a lambda is syntactically valid).  For instance, given a lambda are

the parameters symbols?  Does the body of a lambda has expected number datums as we discussed

in class?

• You do not need to check the semantic validity of the datum (eg, check if a variable is defined).         (a) Function lambda? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is a lambda.

You can check if a datum is a list of symbols with a combination of functions symbol?2 and andmap:3 (b) Function lambda-params takes a quoted lambda and returns the list of parameters (symbols) of the

given function declaration. Hint: Your solution can safely assume that the input is valid, no error checking required.

(c) Function lambda-body takes a quoted lambda and returns a list of terms of the given lambda. Hint: Your solution can safely assume that the input is valid, no error checking required.

(d) Function apply? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is a function application.

(e) Function apply-func takes a quoted function application expression and returns the function being called. Hint: Your solution can safely assume that the input is valid, no error checking required.

(f) Function apply-args takes a quoted function application expression and should return the arguments (expressions) of the function being called. Hint: Your solution can safely assume that the input is valid, no error checking required.

(g) Function define? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is a define. Hint: Solve this exercise after you solve define-basic? and define-func?.

(h) Function define-basic? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is a basic definition, according the specification we learned in class.

(i) Function define-func? takes a datum and returns a boolean whether or not the quoted term is a function definition, according to the specification we learned in class.