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SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2022


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SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development


Project 2, Semester 2, 2022


In this project, you will create a fantasy role-playing game called ShadowDimension  in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1.  We will provide a full working solution for Project 1; you may use all or part of it, provided you add a comment explaining where you found the code at the top of each file that uses the sample code.

This is an individual project. You may discuss it with other students, but all of the implemen- tation must be your own work.  By submitting the project you declare that you understand the Universitys policy on academic integrity and are aware of consequences of any infringement.

You may use any platform and tools you wish to develop the game, but we recommend using IntelliJ IDEA for Java development as this is what we will support in class.

Note: If you need an extension for the project, please complete this form. Make sure you explain your situation with some supporting documentation such as a medical certificate, academic adjust- ment plan, wedding invitation, etc. You will receive an email saying if the extension was approved or if we need more information.

If you submit late (either with or without an extension), please complete this form.  For both forms, you need to be logged in using your university account.  Please do not email any of the teaching team regarding extensions or late submissions (as you will be redirected to the online forms). All of this is explained again in more detail at the end of this specification.

There are two parts to this project, with different submission dates.   The first task, Project 2A, requires that you produce a class design demonstrating how you plan to implement the game. This should be submitted in the form of a UML diagram showing all the classes you plan to im- plement, the relationships (e.g. inheritance and associations) between them, and their attributes, as well as their primary public methods. You do not need to show constructors, getters/setters, dependency, composition or aggregation relationships. If you so choose, you may show the relation- ship on a separate page to the class members in the interest of neatness, but you must use correct UML notation. Please submit as a PDF file only on Canvas.

The second task, Project 2B, is to complete the implementation of the game as described in the rest of this specification.  You do not need to strictly follow your class design from Project 2A; you will likely find ways to improve the design as you implement it. Submission will be via GitLab and you must make at least 5 commits throughout your project.

Game Overview

“A dark evil has arrived in your hometown.  A group of government scientists have opened a gate in their laboratory to another dimension called the Over Under.  The Over Under is ruled by Navec (an evil creature of immense power) and his henchmen are called demons .  The scientists thought they could control these creatures but alas they failed and are being held captive in the  Over  Under. Navec has created sinkholes that will destroy the lab and is planning on eventually destroying your world.

The player’s name is Fae, the daughter of one of the scientists .  In order to save your father and your town, you need to avoid the sinkholes, find the gate in the lab and defeat Navec & his demons in the  Over  Under. . . ”

The game features two levels : Level 0  is in the lab and Level 1  is in the Over Under. In Level 0, the player will be able to control Fae who has to move around the walls  and avoid any sinkholes that are in the lab. If the player falls into a sinkhole, the player will lose health points. To finish the level, the player has to get to the gate, located in the bottom right of the window. If the player’s health reduces to 0, the game ends. You have already implemented Level 0 in Project 1 (the only change required is to the winning message screen which is explained later).

When the player finishes Level 0, Level 1 starts - Fae is now in the Over Under. To win the level and the game, the player must fight and defeat Navec. However, the player has to deal with more sinkholes and demons too. The player can cause damage to the demons and Navec when the player presses a certain key. Likewise, the demons and Navec can cause damage to the player. The player will also have to move around trees  (they don’t cause any damage like the walls in Level 0).

Level 1 will also give the player the opportunity to change the timescale  so that the difficulty of the game can be changed.  Pressing a certain key will increase/decrease the speed of the demons and Navec (this is explained in more detail later). Like in Level 0, the game will end if the player’s health reduces to 0 or less.

An Important Note

Before you attempt the project or ask any questions about it on the discussion forum, it is crucial that you read through this entire document thoroughly and carefully. We’ve covered every detail below as best we can without making the document longer than it needs to be.  Thus, if there is any detail about the game you feel was unclear, try referring back to this project spec first, as it can be easy to miss some things in a document of this size. And if your question is more to do on how a feature should be implemented, first ask yourself:  ‘How can I implement this in a way that both satisfies the description given,  and helps make the game easy and fun to play?’  More often than not, the answer you come up with will be the answer we would give you!

Figure 1: Completed Level 0 Screenshot

Note : the actual positions of the entities in the levels we provide you may not be the same as in these screenshots.

Figure 2: Completed Level 1 Screenshot

The Game Engine

The Basic Academic Game Engine Library (Bagel) is a game engine that you will use to develop your game. You can find the documentation for Bagel here.


Every coordinate on the screen is described by an (x,y) pair.  (0, 0) represents the top-left of the screen, and coordinates increase towards the bottom-right.  Each of these coordinates is called a pixel. The Bagel Point class encapsulates this.


Bagel will refresh the program’s logic at the same refresh rate as your monitor.  Each time, the screen will be cleared to a blank state and all of the graphics are drawn again. Each of these steps is called a frame. Every time a frame is to be rendered, the update() method in ShadowDimension is called. It is in this method that you are expected to update the state of the game.

The refresh rate is typically 60 times per second (Hz) but newer devices might have a higher rate. In this case, when your game is running, it may look different to the demo videos as the constant values in this specification have been chosen for a refresh rate of 60Hz. For your convenience, when writing and testing your code, you may either change these values to make your game playable or lower your monitor’s refresh rate to 60Hz. If you do change the values, remember to change them back to the original specification values before submitting, as your code will be marked on 60Hz screens.

It is highly recommended that you store this refresh rate as a constant in your code, which can be used to calculate timers and cooldowns.  For example, let’s say we want the player’s attack cooldown to be 500 milliseconds.  To check whether it’s been 500ms since the last attack, we can have a counter variable that gets incremented by 1 in each update() call, and by dividing this counter value with the number of frames per millisecond, we can calculate the exact number of seconds it’s been. Thus, if it’s been 30 frames since the player’s last attack, and the refresh rate is 60 frames per second, we can calculate that it has been 30/ = 500 milliseconds since that last attack, so the player should be able to attack again in the next frame. Note that this is purely an example, and there are different ways to implement the cooldowns, so we’ll allow some room for error in these calculations. As long as the game still plays as intended, it’s okay if you miss some cooldowns by a couple milliseconds!


It is sometimes useful to be able to tell when two images are overlapping. This is called collision detection and can get quite complex. For this game, you can assume images are rectangles. Bagel contains the Rectangle class to help you.

The Levels

Our game will have two levels, each with messages that would be rendered at the start and end of the level.

Window and Background

In Level 0, the background (background0 .png) should be rendered on the screen to completely fill up your window throughout the game. In Level 1, the image background1 .png should be used for the background. The default window size should be 1024  *  768 pixels.

Level Messages

All messages should be rendered with the font provided in res folder, in size 75 (unless otherwise specified).   All messages should be centered both horizontally and vertically  (unless otherwise specified).

Hint: The drawString() method in the Font class uses the given coordinates as the bottom left of the message.   So to center the message, you will need to calculate the coordinates us- ing the Window .getWidth(),  Window .getHeight()  and  Font .getWidth() methods, and also the font size.

Level Start

When the game is run, Level 0 should start with a title message that reads SHADOW  DIMENSION should be rendered in the font provided. The bottom left corner of this message should be located at (260,  250).

Additionally, an instruction message consisting of 2 lines:



should be rendered below the title message, in the font provided, in size 40.  The bottom left of the first line in the message should be calculated as follows: the x-coordinate should be increased by 90 pixels and the y-coordinate should be increased by 190 pixels.

There must be adequate spacing between the 2 lines to ensure readability (you can decide on the value of this spacing yourself, as long as it’s not small enough that the text overlaps or too big that it doesn’t fit within the screen). You can align the lines as you wish. Nothing else, not even the background, should be rendered in the window before the game has begun.

At the start of Level 1, the following instruction message with these 3 lines should be shown:




This message should be rendered in the font provided in size 40 and the bottom left of the first line in the message should be located at  (350,  350).  The spacing and alignment of the lines is

the same as described above.  Nothing else, not even the background, should be rendered in the window at this time.

Each level begins once the start key (space bar) is pressed. To help when testing your game, you can allow the user to skip ahead to the Level 1 start screen by pressing the key ’W’(this is not assessed but will help you when coding, especially when working on Level 1).

World File

All the actors will be defined in a world file, describing the types and their positions in the window. The world file for Level 0 is level0 .csv and Level 1 is level1 .csv. Both world files will contain the level bounds at the end of each file.  A world file is a comma-separated value (CSV) file with rows in the following format:

Type,  x-coordinate,  y-coordinate

An example of a world file:







You must actually load both files—copying and pasting the data, for example, is not allowed. Note: You can assume that the player is always the first entry in both files, the Level 0 world file will have a maximum of 60 entries and the Level 1 world file will have a maximum of 29 entries.

Level Bounds

This is a rectangular perimeter that represents the edges of the level, which will be provided in the level’s CSV file (TopLeft for the top-left (x, y) coordinate of the perimeter, BottomRight for the bottom-right). You can assume that all entities provided will have a starting location within this perimeter.  Moving entities, like the player and the enemies, should not be able to move outside of this perimeter.  For example, if the player tries to move past the left boundary, they should simply remain at the position they were at when they tried to cross this perimeter until the player is moved in a different direction.

For enemies, they should simply start moving in the opposite direction if they collide with the level bounds (e.g.  if they were moving up when they reached the top edge, they should start moving down after the collision).

Win Conditions

For Level 0, once the player reaches the gate, this is the end of the level.  To reach the gate, the player’s x coordinate must be greater than or equal to 950 and the y coordinate must be greater than or equal to 670.  A winning message that reads LEVEL  COMPLETE! should be rendered as described earlier in the Level Messages section. Note that nothing else (not even the background) must be displayed in the window at this time and this message should be rendered for 3 seconds before displaying the start screen for Level 1.

In Level 1, once the player defeats Navec (Navec’s health reduces to 0 or below), this is considered a win.  A winning message that reads CONGRATULATIONS! should be rendered as described in the Level Messages section. Once again, nothing else (not even the background) must be displayed in the window at this time, and there’s no need to terminate the game window while this is being displayed.

Lose Conditions

On either level, while there is no win, the game will continue running until it ends. As described earlier, the game can only end if the player’s health points reduce to 0. A message of GAME  OVER! should be rendered as described in the Level Messages  section.  Note that nothing else (not even the background) must be displayed in the window at this time, and there’s no need to terminate the game window while this is being displayed.

If the player terminates the game window at any point (by pressing the Escape key or by clicking the Exit button), the window will simply close and no message will be shown.

The Game Entities

All game entities have an associated image (or multiple!)  and a starting location  (x,  y) on the map which are defined in the CSV files provided to you.  Remember that you can assume the provided images are rectangles and make use of the Rectangle class in Bagel; the provided (x,  y) coordinates for a given entity should be the top left of each image.

Hint: Image has the drawFromTopLeft method and Rectangle has the intersects method for you to use, refer to the Bagel documentation for more info.

The Player

In our game, the player is represented by Fae.  The game should display some information about her current state, as described below.

The player is controlled by the four arrow keys and can move continuously in one of four directions (left, right, up, down) by 2 pixels per frame whenever an arrow key is held down.

The player has health points, which is an integer value that determines their current amount of health.  The player will always start a level with the maximum number of health points, which is 100.  The player also has damage points, which determines how much damage they inflict on enemies when they overlap; the player starts with 20 damage points. When receiving damage by overlapping with an enemy, the player will lose health points (based on the enemy’s own damage points as described later).  If the player’s health points reduce to 0, the game ends.  The player’s health points do not become negative.

Moreover, the player can now be in one of three states which determines its behavior when colliding with other entities as well as the image associated with the player. These three states are IDLE, ATTACK and INVINCIBLE.

The player will always start a level in the IDLE state, facing the right direction.  In this state, nothing happens to any enemies that the player may collide with (though these entities may still impact the player in some way). To render the player in this state, either of the two images below will be used, depending on the direction they are moving to (i.e.  when they are moving in the left direction, the image associated should be faeLeft .png, and faeRight .png for when they’re moving to the right).

(a) faeLeft.png                                                                   (b) faeRight.png Figure 3: Player images in IDLE state

Pressing the‘A’key will place the player in the ATTACK state (no other event should trigger this). In this state, they can still move around, but colliding with any enemies will inflict the player’s full damage points to those entities (i.e. the entities’health points will be reduced by the damage points of the player). This implies that the player can damage multiple enemies at once, depending on how many enemies they overlapped with while in the ATTACK state. To show that the player is in the ATTACK state, we’ll use the images below for rendering. Again, the image used will depend on the direction that the player is moving to (they may still change direction while in the ATTACK state). Also note that you’re free to decide whether the player is rendered over or under the enemy when they overlap.

(a) faeAttackLeft.png                                                         (b) faeAttackRight.png Figure 4: Player images in ATTACK state

Once the‘A’key is pressed, the player will be in the ATTACK state for only 1000 milliseconds. This means that they will return to the IDLE state only after this time period has passed, so moving in a different direction should not cancel out the ATTACK state.  After they have returned to the IDLE state after attacking, there is a cooldown of 2000 milliseconds that must pass until the player is allowed to attack again. During this cooldown, pressing the‘A’key should do nothing.

If the player takes damage from an enemy (only a demon or Navec, not a sinkhole), they go into the INVINCIBLE state for 3000 milliseconds. In this state, any attack on the player will not cause any damage to them. Once this state elapses, the player goes back to its previous state. Note that the INVINCIBLE state may overlap with the other two states (i.e. the player can attack an enemy whilst being invincible).  There are no separate images for this state - the player will have the same state images they had before going invincible.

Note: The player should have the same functionality in both Level 0 and 1.

Health Bar

The player’s current health points value is displayed on screen as a

percentage of the maximum health points.  This can be calculated as

. For example, if the player’s current Health Points

is 15 and their maximum is 20, the percentage is 75%. This percentage

is rendered in the top left corner of the screen in the format of k%,

where k is rounded to the nearest integer. The bottom left corner of this

message should be located at (20,  25) and the font size should be 30.

Initally, the colour of this message should be green (0,  0 .8,  0 .2). When the percentage is below 65%, the colour should be orange (0 .9,  0 .6,  0) and when it is below 35%, the colour should be red (1,  0,  0).

Hint: Refer to the DrawOptions class in Bagel and how it relates to the drawString() method in the Font class, to understand how to use the RGB colours.


These are entities that can attack the player.  But, as described previously, the player can fight back against them, so they can die and disappear from the screen. Note that enemies are allowed to overlap with each other as well as the player during movement.


Demons feature in Level 1.  Demons can be of two types (passive or aggressive) which is set randomly at creation.  Passive demons are stationary  and aggressive demons can move  in one of four directions (left, right, up and down), randomly selected upon creation, at a random speed between 0.2 to 0.7 pixels per frame.  If an aggressive demon collides with a sinkhole, tree or reaches the level boundary, it will rebound and move in the opposite direction.  A demon has 2 states which determine its behavior: ATTACK and INVINCIBLE.

In the ATTACK state, to render the demon, either of the two images shown in Figure 6 will be used.  The direction that the passive demon is facing is set randomly at creation.  The aggressive demon’s image will depend on the direction it is moving to (ie.  when the demon is moving in the left direction, the image associated with the demon entity should be demonLeft .png, and demonRight .png for when it’s moving to the right).

In the ATTACK state, both types of demons have an attack range which is an invisible circle of radius 150 pixels, which is centred at the center of the demons image (not its top-left coordinate!). If the player enters a demon’s attack range, it will shoot fire (rendered with fire .png) from one of four points (top-left, bottom-left, top-right or bottom-right of the demon’s image). The point is chosen based on how close the player is to each point and this is explained later in the Fire section.

The fire will be rendered until the player leaves the demon’s attack range.  If the player collides with the fire, it will cause 10 damage to the player’s health.  A demon will always start in the ATTACK state.

(a) demonLeft.png

(b) fire.png

Figure 6: Demon images in ATTACK state

(c) demonRight.png

If a demon gets attacked by the player, it should go into an INVINCIBLE state for 3000 millisec- onds, rendered using the images below to visualize that they’re invincible. In this state, any attack by the player will not cause damage to the demon. Once this time elapses, the demon goes back to its default behavior. Note that the INVINCIBLE state may overlap with the ATTACK state (i.e. the demon can still shoot fire while it’s invincible).

(a) demonInvincibleLeft.png                                              (b) demonInvincibleRight.png Figure 7: Demon images in INVINCIBLE state

Figure 8: Enemy health

A demon starts with 40 health points and its current health value is dis- played as a percentage using the same calculation logic explained above for the player. This health bar is rendered on top of the demon’s image at (x,  y  -  6) where (x,  y) is the top left of the image, as shown here. The font size should be 15 and the color logic is the same as explained above for the player. If a demon’s health points reduce to 0 or less, they will die and disappear from the screen.


Navec is a special aggressive demon that features in Level 1. Navec shoots fire that deals twice the damage value of a normal demon and has a maximum health points value twice that of a normal demon.  His attack range is also bigger than a normal demon (200 pixels).  The fire shot by Navec will be rendered with navecFire .png. All other behaviors of Navec, as well as its speed, are the same as a normal demon as explained above.

(a)            nave-



(c)          navec-


Figure 9: Navec images

(d)  navecInvin-


(e)   navecInvin- cibleRight.png


Fire is shot by a demon or Navec as described earlier.  The fire gets rendered if the player enters an enemy’s range and will be rendered from one of four points of the demon’s image (top-left, bottom-left, top-right or bottom-right). This is chosen based on how close the centre of the player’s image is to the centre of the enemy’s image (Remember that the given coordinates in the CSV are for the top-left of each image).

For our game, the logic is simplified as shown below (X-P stands for x-coordinate of the player’s centre, Y-P for y-coordinate of the player’s centre, X-E and Y-E are for the enemy’s centre) :

• if X-P <= X-E and Y-P <= Y-E, fire should be drawn from top-left.

• if X-P <= X-E and Y-P >Y-E, fire should be drawn from bottom-left.

• if X-P >X-E and Y-P <= Y-E, fire should be drawn from top-right.

• if X-P >X-E and Y-P >Y-E, fire should be drawn from bottom-right.

The given fire image should be rotated when used from the bottom-left, top-right and bottom- right positions. Hint: to rotate an Image in Bagel, you can include a DrawOptions parameter in the draw() method.  A DrawOptions instance allows you to specify detailed options for drawing images, and has a setRotation() method for setting the rotation value, measured in radians.

Stationary Entities

These are entities placed throughout the level that do not move, at locations specified by the level CSV file.  These may apply some effect on the moving entities that collide with them, and may need to disappear at some point (i.e. the game should stop rendering and updating them).


Figure 10: Wall

A wall is a stationary object that features in Level 0, shown by wall .png. The player shouldnt be able to overlap with or move through the walls, i.e. the player must move the player around any areas on the level where blocks are being rendered. A wall has no damage points and cannot in- flict damage on the player.


A tree has the image tree .png and is only featured in Level 1. Like the wall, the player shouldn’t be able to overlap with or move through the trees, i.e. the player must move around any areas on the level where trees are being rendered. This rule also applies to any moving enemies that may collide with a tree (they should move in the opposite direction upon collision).


Figure 11: Tree

A sinkhole is a stationary object that features in both levels and is shown by

sinkhole .png. Each sinkhole has a damage points value of 30. The sinkhole

should behave similar to a wall and prevent the player from moving through it. If the player falls into (i.e. collides) with a sinkhole, it will inflict damage on the player (according to its damage points value). After collision, the sinkhole will disappear from the screen and the player should be able to move through the area it was placed at before.

If any moving enemy collides with a sinkhole, they should move in the opposite direction upon collision and the sinkhole will remain as it was.

Figure 12: Sinkhole

Timescale Controls

The movement speed of the enemies (demons and Navec) in Level 1 assumes a timescale of 0. When

the‘L’key is pressed, the timescale should increase by 1 (if possible). When the K key is pressed, the timescale should decrease by 1 (if possible).

The timescale should not go below -3 or above 3. Each change in timescale makes the movement speed of the enemies decrease or increase by 50%. The effect of a change in the timescale should be reflected immediately within the game.

Note: The players speed is not affected by the timescale controls.