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Programming assignment 1


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Programming assignment 1

The objective is to implement various search strategies to solve the 8-puzzle, as described on page 70 of the textbook.

Submit your completed code, as a single zip file of all .java source files and the self-assessment               document described later, to Moodle.  The name of the zip file should consist only of your Dickinson        username and “ .zip” . For example, my own submission would be called jmac.zip” .  If working as a pair,   both usernames should appear in the filename separated by a hyphen. For example, if I had worked with Prof Wahls we could name our file “jmac-wahlst.zip” .

Please see the course webpages for a general statement on the criteria for grading code.

Note that while developing a solution, you will probably need to print out plenty of debugging             information.  However, the submitted version must produce output in exactly the same format as the code framework provided, without any additional output.

The code framework for this assignment, available on the course webpages, contains an incomplete       version of breadth-first search for the 8-puzzle.   Familiarize yourself with the framework by reading the code and the comments, and ensure that you can run the main method in EightsPuzzleMain from    the command line, using java EightsPuzzleMain bfs tree -1 -1.  (The code will not yet            produce the correct output.)

Question 1 (30%)

Improve the existing algorithm in the following five ways:

     Fill in the missing code in the following two methods from the EightsPuzzleWorldState

class: getValidActions(), and apply().  The program should now find a solution, but it     ignores some of the command line arguments and does not compute the number of expanded and generated nodes.  Specifically, the output should be:

Solution found.

Expanded nodes: 0

Generated nodes: 1

     At present, the algorithm does not compute the number of expanded and generated nodes

correctly. Add this functionality. The output should now be as follows (some minor variation in   the number of expanded and generated nodes is permissible, since this depends on your precise definitions):

Solution found.

Expanded nodes: 43

Generated nodes: 121

     At present, the algorithm ignores the value of maxNodes in the ClassicalSearch class.

Ensure that the algorithm terminates with failure if it attempts to expand more than maxNodes.

The special value maxNodes == -1 indicates no maximum on the number of nodes expanded. (From this point on in the assignment, you will need to carefully test the behavior of your            algorithm to ensure that it is correct. The expected outputs will not be provided.  Creating           suitable JUnit tests would be one effective way of testing your code.)

     At present, the algorithm ignores the value of maxDepth in the ClassicalSearch class.

Ensure that the algorithm terminates with failure if it has explored all nodes at depths up to and including maxDepth without finding a solution.  The special value maxDepth == -1 indicates   no maximum on the depth.

     At present, tree search is implemented but graph search is not.  Ensure that when the graph

option is specified on the command line, the algorithm never expands the same state more than once.

Question 2 (20%)

Implement depth first search, by creating and implementing a DepthFirstSearchNode class that          extends SearchNode.  Also make the necessary changes to EightsPuzzleMain so that the dfs option now works from the command line.

Question 3 (10%)

Implement A* search with the number-of-misplaced-tiles heuristic described as h1  on page 103 of the      textbook.  This can be accomplished by creating and implementing an AStarNumTiles class that           extends SearchNode.  Also make the necessary changes to EightsPuzzleMain so that the as1 option now works from the command line.

Question 4 (15%)

Implement A* search with the Manhattan distance heuristic described as h2  on page 103 of the                 textbook.  This can be accomplished by creating and implementing an AStarManhattan class that         extends SearchNode.  Also make the necessary changes to EightsPuzzleMain so that the as2 option now works from the command line.

Question 5 (10%)

Your AStarNumTiles and  AStarManhattan classes contain some shared functionality. Refactor your code to eliminate the shared functionality. Hint: one way to do this involves creating a new        abstract class.

Question 6 (10%)

Make any changes necessary so that the code works on different sizes of puzzle.  For example, by           redefining START_BOARD as { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7},{ 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, and declaring a  suitable goal board, the code should now be able to solve 15-puzzles.  It should also work for arbitrary   rectangular puzzles (e.g. a 3x4 board). Note: if your code was written using good software development technique, no other changes should be required — or at most, changes to one or two constants. If you find that further changes are required, make note of how you could avoid such problems in future projects, by avoiding the use of hard-wired assumptions in your code.

Question 7 (5%)

Include with your submission a separate document that we will call the self-assessment document.  The  main purpose of this document is to encourage you to test and assess your own work; the document will also help with grading as described below. The document should be no more than one page in length.    For each of the questions 1-6 in this assignment, write up to three sentences explaining whether or not   you completed the question correctly. If you were not able to complete the question, briefly describe      what problems you observed in your code, indicate roughly which parts are working correctly and which parts are not working correctly, and if possible give a reason for the problems you observed.  If you were able to complete the question correctly, give a brief description of how you tested for correctness.    The instructor will use the self-assessment document to help with grading. Incorrect self-assessments will      lose a few extra points compared to correct self-assessments.

Suggested further work

(Sorry, no extra credit is available. Completing this further work will, however, be extremely beneficial for understanding the algorithms and increasing your maturity as a computer scientist.)

     Examine the number of nodes explored and generated for each of the algorithms implemented.

Do the numbers make sense?

     The goal state provided in the code framework is a very easy goal.  Rerun your algorithms on a

moderately difficult goal (e.g. {{0,3,1},{7,6,2},{4,8,5}}) and a difficult goal (e.g. {{7,2,4},{5,0,6},{8,3,1}}).  Again, do the results make sense?

     Implement iterative deepening search.

Acknowledgment: Several of the above questions are based on a lab created by Prof. Grant Braught in 2008, and I’m grateful for his permission to incorporate this material.