关键词 > SIT281



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This is an individual assignment. The aim of the assignment is that the student applies concepts and methods studied in weeks 2-10 to solve problems on discrete logarithms, ElGamal public-key system, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, secret sharing, and public- key cryptography.

The assignment has a value of 138 points and is worth 20% of the unit marks.   It consists of ve problems that are to be solved.


Students must submit the workings in the assignment in clear handwriting or typeset. The solutions should be clear enough so that a fellow student can understand all their steps; and they should demonstrate the student’s understanding of all procedures used to solve the problems. No marks will be awarded for answers without workings.

The assignment is due on Friday 23 September 2022 (Week 10) at 8pm.  The student should submit the assignment electronically through the CouldDeakin unit site by the due date and time.

Note 1: A student should attempt all problems he/she can solve.

Note 2: The student is solving the assignment by hand, and then (after that) he/she is verifying the answers of some questions with sagemath. Sagemath code should be provided only when the question asks the student to do so.

Note 3: Only three les must be submitted: one pdf le with the workings for questions 1-4, and one PowerPoint presentation and one .mp4 video for question 5. You will lose 5% of the marks if you submit a le or les that do not follow this instruction. It is your responsibility to ensure your les is not corrupted and can be read by a standard .pdf viewer or media viewer. Failure to comply will result in zero marks.

Note 4: Only one submission is allowed; that is, only one .pdf le, only one PPT presentation, and only one .mp4 video. Students should submit the assignment when they are sure of their answers.


(1) Learning materials of Weeks 2-10 of the SIT281 Unit site on CloudDeakin.

(2) Trappe and Washington, Introduction to cryptography with coding theory 3e.

(3) A. McAndrew, Introduction to Cryptography with open-source software.


(1) This problem computes discrete logarithms.

(a) Describe a Baby Step, Giant Step attack to nd x in 3z  = 57  (mod 137).     (b) (D grade question) In this exercise you will independently study the Pohlig-

Hellman algorithm  (Section of 10.2.1 of the textbook).  Apply the Pohlig- Hellman algorithm to nd y in 3y  = 45  (mod 137).

(c) (HD grade question) Without using a Baby Step, Giant Step attack or the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm or brute force,  compute manually 33   =  95 (mod 137).

Note: In this whole question, you may use sagemath to compute the intermediate modular exponentiations that you will encounter.

10+18+6=34 marks

Part (a)

The student receives 10 marks for a correct application of the Baby step, Giant step attack. This includes 8 marks for the creation of the two relevant lists, and 2 marks for giving the correct answer. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 9 and 0 marks.

Part (b)

The student receives 18 marks for a correct application of the Polih-Hellman algorithm. This includes 14 marks for the correct application of the algo- rithm to certain factors, 4 marks for the correct application of the Chinese remainder theorem and for the nal answer. For dierent levels of correct- ness, the student receives between 17 and 0 marks.

Part (c)

The student receives 6 marks for a correct answer, with all the steps well justied. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 5 and 0 marks

(2) This exercise is about the Diffie-Hellman exchange protocol. Alice and Bob agrees to use the public prime p =  1051 and the public primitive root α = 7. Alice also chooses a secret random number x = 113. And Bob chooses a secret random number y = 53.

(a) Describe what information Alice and Bob send each other.  Justify your an- swer.

(b) Determine the shared secret that each obtains.

(c) Suppose that Eve witnesses this entire exchange, the information that Alice sent to Bob, the information that Bob sent to Alice, and the public informa- tion of this exchange. That is, Eve has p = 1051, α = 7, αz   (mod 1051) = 7113 (mod 1051), and αy   (mod 1051) = 753   (mod 1051). Eve cannot compute dis- crete logarithms directly, but she is able to compute modular exponentiation with positive exponents only. Describe how she can obtain Alice’s and Bob’s shared secret,  namely αzy   (mod 1051);  this involves solving the necessary equations that Eve should solve.

Note: In this whole question, you may use sagemath to compute the intermediate modular exponentiations that you will encounter.

4+4+12=20 marks

Part (a)

The student receives 4 marks for a correct procedure, with all the steps well justied. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 3 and 0 marks.

Part (b)

The student receives 4 marks for a correct procedure, with all the steps well justied. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 3 and 0 marks.

Part (c)

The student receives 12 marks for a correct procedure, with all the steps well justied. This involves setting up the correct procedures to compute the relevant modular exponentiations. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 11 and 0 marks.

(3) Alice and Bob has designed a public key cryptosystem based on the ElGamal. Bob has chosen the prime p = 113 and the primitive root α = 6. Bob’s private key is an integer b = 70 such that β = αb  = 18  (mod p). Bob publishes the triple (p, α, β).

(a) Alice chooses a secret number k = 30 to send the message 2022 to Bob. What pair or pairs does Bob receive?

(b) What should Bob do to decrypt the pair or pairs he received from Alice? During the computation, make sure Bob does not compute any inverses.

(c) Verify the answer of Parts (a) and (b) in sagemath.

(d) Before choosing k = 30, Alice was thinking of choosing k = 32. Do you think that Alice should have chosen k = 32? Give an answer and justify it.

10+7+(3+2)+3=25 marks

Part (a)

The student receives 10 marks if all the steps of the computation are cor- rect and all the relevant workings are present. This includes 2 marks for correctly breaking the message into smaller messages, 6 marks for giving all the steps to encrypt the message, and 2 marks for stating the message that

Bob receives. For dierent level of correctness the student receives between 9 and 0 marks.

Part (b)

The student receives 7 marks for following all the steps to decrypt each small message. This includes 5 marks for correctly decrypting each small message, and 2 marks for the correct procedure to avoid computing inverses. For dierent level of correctness the students receives between 6 and 0 marks.

Part (c)

The student receives 5 marks if a correct sagemath code is provided for each part. For dierent levels of correctness, the student receives between 4 and 0 marks.

Part (d)

The student receives 1 mark if he/she gives a correct answer, and 2 marks for a correct justification. For different level of correctness the students receives between 2 and 0 marks.

(4) This question is about secret sharing.

(a) You set up a (3, 37) Shamir threshold scheme, working modulo the prime 227. Three of the shares are (1, 4), (2, 8), and (3, 16). Another share is (5, x), but the part denoted by x is unreadable. Find the correct value of x, the relevant polynomial, and the message. Justify all your steps.

(b) In a  (4, 41) Shamir threshold scheme working modulo the prime 229, the shares (1, 9), (2, 27), (3, 81), and (4, 243) were given to Alice, Bob, Jerry, and Charles. Calculate the corresponding Lagrange interpolation polynomial p(x) modulo 229; that is, write p(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3  with a0 , a1 , a2 , a3  e Z229 . Also, identify the secret.

(c) Verify the solutions of Parts (a) and (b) in sagemath.

24+14+5=43 marks