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CP1406/CP5638 Assignment 2 – Full Website Project


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CP1406/CP5638 Assignment 2  Full Website



In this assignment, you will continue working on from your basic florist website. You will ensure that the site is responsive, you will perform usability testing, and publish the website to a web server. Your finished          website will have web form functionalities and use JavaScript to perform user data validation. In this              assignment, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are to be employed.

Because you already have a simple site and received feedback from Assignment 1, you should be able to        improve your website accordingly. You must document items specified in the feedback on Assessment 1 and how you improved them.

You have two (2) milestones but will submit your documentation and website together as part of this one project. These are summarised  here with further details below:

Milestone 1 Response to Feedback & Design Comps

Milestone 1 Part 1-3 are to be submitted together with Milestone 2. Name your Word document for your Milestone 1 “report.docx”.

     Part 1: Design Mocks (during Week 8 prac):

Create design mock-ups for two levels” or styles of pages. You may create your mocks either as images (using a drawing or design program like Photoshop, Balsamiq or figma.com) or as web     pages.

•     Home page

•     Content-heavy page designed for reading, not scanning (like About Us or something – this depends on your plan and what pages you decide on)

Include your design mocks in your report.docx.

     Part 2: Response to feedback (during Week 9 prac)

Copy and paste your feedback into your report.docx and specify how you addressed any issues raised here.

     Part 3: Usability Test Plan (during Week 10 prac)

Your site should be mostly complete by the start of week 10, so that it is ready for usability   testing. You will follow a prescribed usability testing process involving realistic users, whom  you will need to organise for a live testing session. You will create and use a testing plan for  usability testing in week 10. Document your usability testing results and feedback from the   users in your report.docx. Any changes you make to your website based on the feedback are to be recorded in the report.

Milestone 2 - Finished Product

This is the full, finished product website, the result of you going through the complete website design and development process. Use the outputs of Milestone 1 to develop a functional, finished site.

Finished site components at a minimum are:

Important: The requirements here are not specified as pages, but as features or functionality.               The information architecture is up to you to decide for whatever you think is best as a result of careful consideration in your planning.

Upload your Assignment 2 to SiteGround web server:

     Name your assignment folder “a2” .

     Upload the folder a2” to public_html” folder on SiteGround web server.

     When you have done the above steps correctly, the link to your website homepage should look

something like https://username.sgedu.site/a2

Milestones 1 & 2: 40% for CP1406 and 35% for CP5638

Due:  Milestone  1 is to be presented to your tutor during Week 8-10.  Both Milestones  1 and 2 are to be submitted by 11.59pm on Friday 23/09/2022.

Please note that it is acceptable to find and use code for parts of your site. You must write the core               functionality yourself. You cannot use any existing content management systems or existing templates. The work you submit must be substantially your own.

You may only use the images provided for the site (no other images unless you create something yourself). Please ask on Slack if you are unsure about what is considered acceptable.

You must reference any code that you use that you did not create in your report.docx. You may include additional images if required.

Items required for submission:

1.    Design Comps (report.docx)

2.    Response to Feedback (report.docx)

3.    User Testing Report and Further Development Suggestions (report.docx)

4.    Updated website (all files including html, css, js files, and images).


1.   Upload your site (not report) to your webserver.

2.   Upload a zip file containing all the files (report.docx and all the files for your website) for this assessment to LearnJCU.

3.   Write the text of the link to your published web site in the LearnJCU submission text area; it should look something likehttps://username.sgedu.site/a2/