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FIT4005/FIT5125 Research Methods for IT Semester 2 2022


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Research Methods for IT

Semester 2 2022

Assignment Criteria

This assignment comprises the post-workshop exercises for Weeks 7,8 & 9.

Week 7 Qualitative Analysis Week 8 Descriptive Statistics Week 9 Inferential Experiments

Weighting: 20 marks

Weighting: 20 marks

Weighting: 20 marks

See page 3.

See page 4.

See Page 5.

This is an individual assignment; it must be your own work and expressed in your own words.

Marking guides to help you position your work are available on Moodle.

There are specic requirements for le names on your submission (see the instructions for each

Assessment criteria:

1. The following criteria will be used to determine the score for the assignment:

Content and completeness of tasks

Clarity and relevance of content

Level of critical analysis

Logical structure and organization of ideas

Use of references (where appropriate)

Format, grammar, spelling etc.

2. Note that plagiarism detection procedures may be applied to each submission. See the University rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and resulting penalties. Any case of plagiarism detected will mean automatic failure of the entire assignment.

3. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% per day.

4. Submissions (Word and PDF) should include:

Student's name and student ID number

Tutor's name and studio name

5. Monash policy on Special Consideration is available at


6. In line with Monash policy we aim to mark and return work within 10 working days of submission where possible.

Assessed Exercise (Week 7)

"Qualitative Analysis"

We have conducted three interviews in which people discuss

their grocery shopping habits and how using technology transformed their experience

These are available to download on Moodle.

Task 1: Thematically analyse the transcripts of all three interviews and derive THREE themes (groups of codes). Write down your theme names, and the names of the associated codes, using the Week 6 template.

Remember the order in which analysis was carried out in the workshops: i) thoroughly read the

Task 2: For each code you included in Task 1, provide a description of the code and at least 2 illustrative quotes from the transcript. Use the Week 6 template.

Limit your description of each code (not including the illustrative quotes) to no more than 50 words.

Task 3: Write a description of each theme included in your response to Task 1. Your description should include a justication for its inclusion, and an explanation of how the theme captures something interesting about students' experience of, and beliefs about, feedback. Use the Week 6 template.

Limit your description of each theme to no more than 150 words.

1. A PDF based on the week 7 submission template, filled in with your response named "STUDENT-ID-Week7.pdf"

There are strict word limits, as described above. For submissions that include descriptions over this length only the words within the limit will be awarded marks.

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash Universitys policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing the exercise, but they will help clarify your understanding of the question.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities and this should be of help to you in completing the exercise.

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your understanding of qualitative analysis, and your skills in using thematic analysis to analyse real focus group data.

Assessed Exercise (Week 8)

"Applying descriptive statistics"

For this assessment you will be using data captured during the Week 5 studio survey. As you are aware, all  students participated in an online survey, resulting in a large amount of both qualitative and quantitative data. We have selected a sub-set of this data for you to download from the Moodle as an anonymized CSV.

The data for this exercise is a selection of responses provided by students to an anonymous questionnaire on

how technology has transformed the weekly grocery shop

completed by FIT students. This data is available for download, as a CSV file, on the Week 8 Moodle page.

Complete the following:

1. Select a single metric that relates to a personal characteristic of the respondents (from Q1-Q8).

2. Design a MATLAB script to compute the population standard deviation and the Interquartile Range of this metric. Annotate each line of your script to describe what it does and the result it produces.

3. Imagine that this data is a sample of a wider population (e.g. all students at Monash). Create a script to compute the sample standard deviation. Annotate each line of your script to describe what it does and  the result it produces

4. Select a numeric scale metric from the data, use MATLAB to produce a boxplot of this metric, and label the boxplot appropriately. Annotate your boxplot using MATLAB to indicate what each element means. Annotate each line of your script to describe what it does.

Make sure your submission clearly shows how you got to your results.

1. A PDF document, named "STUDENT-ID-Week8.pdf", containing a screenshot of each MATLAB script that you created (including annotations), and an image of the resulting graph, including annotations (made using MATLAB), and the output of each of the scripts.

There is no word limit for this activity.

What to Know

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash Universitys policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing the exercise, but they will help clarify your understanding of the question.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities and this should be of help to you in completing the exercise.

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your understanding of basic statistics, and to assess your ability to correctly apply basic statistical computations.

Assessed Exercise (Week 9)

"Working with hypotheses"

In this exercise you will formulate a hypothesis, prepare a plan of your study (including statistical testing) and justify it, including the potential limitations of it. Consider the topic of the survey that you participated in during the unit, and used for the Week 8 assessment task. Imagine you are asked to develop this research area       further.

Complete the following:

1. Propose a hypothesis. It should be something you can realistically test using one or more of the          statistical tests covered in this course. It can concern any topic or natural phenomena which relates in some way to the survey topic (max. 50 words).

2. Write down the null hypothesis (max. 50 words).

3. Write down the independent and dependent variables as well as at least three confounding variables (max. 50 words).

4. Imagine you had a budget of up to 1000AUD (in addition to up to 100 hours of your time to conduct the study). Explain what data you will collect to investigate this hypothesis and how you would obtain the   data in a practical fashion (max. 100 words).

5. What statistical tests do you expect to conduct to test the hypothesis. Please explain the circumstances in which you would conduct each test (max. 150 words).

6. What are the limitations of your study? Write a paragraph that explains these limitations as well as potential future investigations you might conduct (max. 200 words).