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Exercise #1 – Sustainability


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Exercise #1 – Sustainability

10% value of final grade

25 marks

DUE DATE:   Friday, October 7, 2022

Individual assignment

Submit through Blackboard SafeAssign

Across many industries worldwide, sustainability is being woven into daily business practices. The greening of industries has led to the emergence of green business certifications that specialize in almost every category.

For this exercise, you are asked to:

1. Research five leading green certification organizations in the hospitality and tourism industry. List them here and elaborate on each. (5 marks)


2. Share 5 benefits of having your hospitality/tourism business certified by a green organization. (5 marks)


3. Compare and contrast two of the five organizations by briefly discussing three similarities and three differences between them as it relates to sustainability. Please present this information in a simple table. (5 marks)


4. Explain how investing in sustainability can help an organization in enhancing customer relationships? (5 marks)


5. Following instructions, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuations, Format, APA citations (5 marks)