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ACCT 3043 Intermediate Accounting II


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ACCT 3043

Intermediate Accounting II

3rd Project Assignment (20%)


Obtain a copy of the latest available annual report and accounts of a   public company listed either on Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) or London Stock Exchange (LSE) of your choice. Annual report and  accounts can be obtained online by going to the relevant company      website. These accounts will comply with International Accounting    Standards (IAS/IFRS/HKAS/HKFRS).


Write a mini research report to explain and discuss how the company     has applied the key international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS index is shown at the back of the textbook and the selected IAS/IFRS should relate to any chapters of Chapter 9 to 14 of the Intermediate Accounting II course, including IAS 10, IAS 12, IAS 19, IAS 37, IFRS 2, IFRS 9, IFRS 13, and IFRS 16), including but not limited to: -

–   Discuss how the IAS/IFRS chosen applies in the commercial world with reference to the published accounts.

–   Comment on the decision usefulness of the reported information in terms of relevance and faithful representation within the conceptual framework.

–   Explain the accounting for the recognition, measurement,    presentation (reporting) practices in the financial statements

Length of report depends on the number of team members (excluding the cover page,

table of contents, list of references and appendix):-

–   2-3 persons (min. 800 words; max. 1,000 words)

–   4 persons (min. 1,000 words; max. 1,200 words)

–   5 persons (min. 1,200 words; max. 1,400 words)

Number of IAS/IFRS chosen depends on the number of team members:-

–   2-3 persons (min. 2; max. 3)

–   4-5 persons (min. 3; max. 4)

Letter grades A, B, C, D, E to be awarded.

All team members will receive the same grade.

This assignment contributes 20% of the total score.

Please note:

–   Make sure the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the requirements of IAS/IFRS by the company of your choice.

–   Do NOT select companies in the following industrial sectors: Banks, Financial, Insurance (life & non-life), equity Investment Instruments, and Media.

–   You are required to submit the name of the company you have chosen and to get

approval of your teacher via email by end of week 4 before commencing the assignment. Different groups have to choose different companies and first come, first served.

–   Do NOT use summary financial statements.


–   You must attach a cover sheet, duly completed, to your assignment.

–   The report should be typed, printed in black ink, paginated, and on A-4 white paper.

–   The page layout should use double-spacing, font size 12 and have 2.5 cm margin on all sides.

–   List of references and citations should be provided where appropriate in appendix.

–   A soft copy in WORD file should be uploaded to ispace and a printed copy should be handed in to your TA on or before the due date.

–   Late submission will receive a penalty of 10% deduction from the earned total     scores. Reports submitted two weeks after the deadline will receive an F” grade.

Important Notices

–   Please note that the college’s rules and penalties on cheating, collusion and plagiarism apply to all assessed work.

Schedule (deadlines)

Voluntary forming of group and selection of the company

by end of week 2

Register with TA by following the instructions issued by TA.

Confirmation of company chosen

by end of week 4

Get approval of teacher via email. First come, first served.

Uploading of a copy of the           financial reports with disclosure   notes of the approved company to ispace

by end of week 5

Submit the annual report    & accounts with disclosure notes to the drop box on ispace.

Submission of final report

by end of week 12

Submit a soft copy to the drop box  on iSpace and a printed copy to TA.

Useful links

Hong Kong Stock Exchange

London Stock Exchange

HK Accounting Standards / HK Financial Reporting Standards

International Accounting Standards Board


https://www.londonstockexchange.com/ http://app1.hkicpa.org.hk/ebook/main.php
