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CSCI 3160: Designing User Interfaces Fall 2022 Assignment 1


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CSCI 3160: Designing User Interfaces

Fall 2022

Assignment 1

20 Marks

In this short assignment you will independently research, brainstorm, and propose an application concept.

Preparing for the assignment:

1.   Go to thehttps://sharpen.design/website, filter for Products & UX, then Digital Products.

2.   Click New Challenge to generate design challenge descriptions , to find a challenge to complete for this assignment.

a.  When you see one that interests you, take a screenshot or otherwise record the text.

b.  Your final choice must contain one or more of the following keywords in the first clause of the challenge description: kit, app, flow, tool, or prototype.

c.   Note that you can lock a portion of a design challenge description (click the corresponding lock icon) while generating new ideas.

d.   Ignore the and” clause if one appears at the end of a challenge description.

Important notes and recommendations:

-    Think carefully about who your user(s) will be and do some background research.     For example, if your challenge is to design a homepage for a hotel in Paris you could select a neighbourhood in Paris and review hotel websites in that area, taking note of costs, amenities, nearby attractions, and other relevant details. Your research should help you answer the following questions: what are the unique needs and                    circumstances of your user population that will influence your design? What other      tools will they likely be familiar with? What device(s) will they likely have access to?

-    Use a technique or tool that you are familiar with to mock up your design. For example, you could use:

o Paper sketches


o PowerPoint

o Graphics software

Assignment requirements

A)  Create a 500-750-word (1- 1.5 pages, single-spaced) document containing the following elements:

a.  A 1-2 paragraph description of your intended user base and their specific     needs and characteristics . Be sure to reference your sources of information. (4 marks)

b.  A 1-2 paragraph overview of your design and how it functions. (3 marks)

c.   A 1-2 paragraph justification for your design in terms of how it suits its intended user base and context . (3 marks)

B)  Produce a mockup that highlights key aspects of your application design. This might include sketches of UI screens, a storyboard illustrating the design in use, or any     other graphical representation that you think will effectively communicate your          design. (10 marks)