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BUS708 Statistics and Data Analysis Assessment 4


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BUS708 Statistics and Data Analysis

Assessment 4

Word Document Report

Trimester 2, 2022


This assignment will test your skill to present and summarise data as well as to make basic statistical inferences in a business context. You will use the results and any feedback given in the first assignment (Assessment 3,  Excel  Report) and  produce a single report in a word document. You will  need to construct interval estimates, perform suitable hypothesis tests and regression analysis, and make conclusion and suggestion for management action.

Your report should be written in a word document (or other word processing application) and should be submitted to Turnitin either as a .docx or .pdf file format following the requirement explained below.


There are two datasets involved in this assignment: Dataset 1 and Dataset 2, which are the same datasets used in the first assignment (Assessment 3, Excel Report). Please refer to Assessment 3 Description for the details about these datasets. All data processing and calculation should be

performed in Excel or Statkey (http://www.lock5stat.com/StatKey), hence you should not use a          statistical table to find critical value or p-value. Specific instructions as to which computer tools           should be used for each section will be given during tutorials.                                                                        Your tasks are to answer the following research questions given in Section 2 to Section 6 below using dataset 1 or dataset 2 as indicated in each section. To answer each question, you will need to first present the relevant numerical summary (summary statistics) and graphical display, which you should have done in Assessment 3 (Excel Report), and then perform suitable statistical analysis to make inferences and to provide conclusions.

Your tasks are described below.

1.   Section 1: Introduction

Provide a brief and clear introduction about the report (e.g. the objective(s) of the report, the datasets involved, etc.).

Find 1-3 articles (minimum one article, maximum three articles) which are relevant to any  of the  research  questions given  in  Section  2 to  Section  6  and write  a  proper literature review. Your literature review should include in-text citation and you will need to add a reference list at the end of your report.

It is expected that this section will be around 2 – 3 paragraphs.

2. Section 2: Is 70% a plausible value for the proportion of all Sydney Airbnb with the room type Entire Home/Apartment”?

Using Dataset 1, provide the frequency and the proportion (either as a decimal or a percentage) for each category for the variable room_type. You also need to provide a graphical display that easily shows the proportion of each category.

Then, construct a 95% confidence interval of the population proportion related to the question above.

Finally, write a comment about your findings and answer the question  using the confidence interval.

3. Section 3: Is the average Daily Price of Airbnb less than $200?

Using Dataset 1, describe the distribution of the variable price. You need to provide numerical summary (sample size, mean, standard deviation and median) as well as graphical display which shows the outliers, if any.

Then perform a suitable hypothesis test related the question above at 5% level of significance.

Finally, write a comment about your findings and answer the question using the hypothesis test result.

4. Section 4: Is there a difference in the Daily Price among the four popular neighbourhoods of Sydney Airbnb?

Using Dataset 1, provide the numerical summary for the variable price grouped by    four neighbourhood: Manly, Randwick, Sydney and Waverly. Note that you will need to filter the variable neighbourhood to include only those four neighbourhoods. You also need to provide graphical display which shows any outliers.

Then perform a suitable hypothesis test relevant to the question above at 5% level of significance.

Finally, write a comment about your findings and answer the question using the hypothesis test result.

5. Section 5: Can we predict the daily price of Sydney Airbnb using the number of bedroom?

Using Dataset 1, describe the relationship between the variable bedrooms and the variable price. You need to provide both numerical summary as well as graphical   display.

Next, perform a regression analysis and provide the regression output.

Finally, interpret the correlation coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the relevant p-values and use them to answer the question above.

6. Section 6: Is there an association between the two categorical variables (relevant to your own research question)?

Using Dataset 2 that you collected in the previous assignment, describe the  relationship between the two variables. You need to provide both numerical summary and a graphical display.

Then, perform a suitable hypothesis test to answer the research question that you proposed in the previous assignment. Use a 5% significance level.

7. Section 7: Conclusion

Write a summary of all the findings in the previous sections and then write       concluding statements that would benefit a stake holder (Airbnb hosts, tourist industries, travellers, etc.) to take management action.

Finally, suggest further research by discussing an interesting topic or a research question that can be further explored related to the datasets and/or the findings.


Deadline to submit the report: Sunday, 18 September 2022, 11:59pm (Sydney Time)

You need to submit a word document file (or a pdf) of ±1500 words to Turnitin (the link is given on Moodle under the heading Assessment 4). Your document should show all computer outputs (numerical summary & graphs) and discussion. You should not need to submit the dataset. You      should not need to submit the Excel file.

You should submit a correct file, in any case of submitting an incorrect file, resubmission may be approved for a valid reason, but this may attract mark deduction.


Students are advised to read the marking rubric provided on Moodle, as well as detailed marking criteria based on this rubric.


Late submission penalty: - 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved. This means 0.75 marks (out of 15 marks) per day.

For extension application procedure, please refer to Section 3.2. b) of the Subject Outline. Please do NOT email the lecturer or tutor to seek an extension, you need to follow the procedure described in the Subject Outline.

Please read Section 3.2. c) Referencing and Plagiarism, from the Subject Outline. Below is part of the statement:

“Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction through to 0 marks for a first offence for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases . Exclusion has     serious visa implications.”

“Authorship is also an issue under Plagiarism KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both   assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is      their own original work.

The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties:

•     Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines.

•    Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied. ”