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Math 230 – Finite Mathematics With Applications Syllabus Fall 2022


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Math 230 – Finite Mathematics With Applications


Fall 2022

Course Information

Course Description:  This course will cover topics in set theory, probability, optimization, linear programming, and introduce matrix methods. It is designed for students in the behavioral, management and social sciences.

Prerequisites: Math 221

Credit Hours: Three

Course  Delivery:  The class meets in person every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the times and locations listed at the beginning of the syllabus. You should also be enrolled in a discussion section that meets in-person every Tuesday or Thursday.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Formulate and solve systems of linear equations using a variety of techniques, including matrix methods.

2. Perform matrix operations

3. Apply methods of linear programming to formulate and solve optimization problems.

4. Understand basic concepts in set theory and combinatorics, and apply these concepts to practical problems.

5. Model and solve problems using graphs, Venn diagrams, and trees, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

6. Apply basic concepts of probability, including conditional probabilities, understand their relationship to inde- pendence, and apply these concepts to practical problems.

Learning Resources

Required Materials

1. WebAssign: An online platform for assigning and grading homework which also includes access to the eBook for this course. The cost of WebAssign will be charged to your university account after the add/drop deadline. (Students who drop ahead of this cutoff will not be charged.)

For instructions on how how to register for WebAssign, visit the following link: How to Register for WebAssign in Canvas.

Note:   A class key is not required to register for the WebAssign course because it has been integrated with Canvas—in particular, all Webassign assignments can be accessed via Canvas.

2. Textbook:   Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 12th edition by  Tan.  Since the eBook is included with WebAssign, it is not required that you have a hard copy of the text. But for those who prefer physical books, one may be purchased from the Barnes and Noble UD Bookstore for an additional cost.

3. Scientific Calculator (e.g, a TI-30)

**Graphing calculators and cell phone calculators are NOT permitted on exams . **


Canvas:  A class web page will be created using Canvas, UD’s online learning management system.  All course- related material including announcements, assignments, lecture notes additional resources will be posted on Canvas. You should expect to log into the site a few times a week.  Canvas is accessible via MyUD or directly from IT’s Canvas@UD website.

UD Capture: Lectures will be recorded using UD Capture and posted to Canvas. They can be found in the media gallery.

Course Assessment

Assessment of your progress in this course will be based on two midsemester exams, WebAssign homework, quizzes, discussion activities, and a cumulative final exam.

Final Grade Breakdown

The final course grade will be calculated based on the following categories and weights:





Discussion Assignments


Canvas Quizzes


Midsemester Exams (2 @ 20% each)


Final Exam


Homework: All homework assignments are to be completed on WebAssign. Be sure to pay careful attention to the due dates as shown in WebAssign/Canvas. For questions on homework you may use the “Ask Your Teacher”feature, which will get forwarded to your instructor’s email accompanied with a link to the homework problem. If you email me directly, I suggest you include a screen capture of the problem and/or your work on the problem so that I can better assist you.

Discussion Assignments: There will be a graded assignment in many of the discussion sessions. Generally, these are intended to be completed in the discussion section, but you may be given some extra time to complete it. If you must be absent from class when an assignment is collected, please send an email to your TA as soon as possible. If you have a legitimate reason for missing the session, then you may be given an extension or an excused absence, at the discretion of the TA. See the course calendar on Canvas for a tentative schedule of discussion assignments.

Canvas Quizzes: Quizzes consisting of multiple-choice and short answer questions will be given on Canvas to check your knowledge of important concepts. Each quiz will open 48 hours before its due date and will remain open and available to take for the 48 hours following its due date. Quizzes taken during the 48-hour window following its due date will be penalized (see policy section for more info). Once you start a quiz, you’ll have 20 minutes to complete it. You are free to use your textbook, notes, and calculator. You get two attempts per quiz and your highest score will be kept.

Midsemester Exams: The two midsemester exams will be given in class on the following dates:

Exam 1: Monday, October 10 (2.1–3.4)

Exam 2: Monday, November 14 (6.1–7.6)

You are permitted to bring one 5\\  x 8\\  index card (or smaller) to each quiz and exam to use as a reference. You are encouraged to write down key formulas but may fill both sides of the card with any material you wish.

Final Exam: The final exam will be scheduled by the University during finals week (December 10– 16). Please be sure your travel arrangements for summer break do not conflict. The final is cumulative, which means that any/all of the material covered in the course may appear on the final exam. You will have 120 minutes to complete the final exam.

Grading Scale

Course grades are assigned as follows based on a student’s final numerical average

Grade    Percentage         Grade    Percentage

A   A- B+ B   B- C+

[90, 100]

[87, 89)

[84, 87)

[80, 84)

[77, 80)

[74, 77)







[70, 74)

[67, 70)

[64, 77)

[60, 64)

[57, 60)

< 57

• No exceptions will be made to the grading scheme.

• There is no extra work that may be completed for extra credit in this course.

• There is no curving of course grades.

• Grades are not negotiable and cannot be discussed via email.


Course Policies

Attendance: Students are expected to attend each lecture and remain for the entirety of the session.  Cell phones, as well as other electronic devices, are to be turned off and put away during class unless directly used to access course materials .  These are a distraction to others around you and directly impact the learning environment in the classroom.

Make-up Exams: Students who have a verified, approved, and documented university excuse for missing a regularly scheduled exam will take a makeup exam that will be scheduled by the course instructor.  If you miss a midterm without a valid excuse, it will be scored as a zero.

Note:  Absences on religious holidays listed in university calendars are recognized as an excused absence. Neverthe- less, students are urged to remind the instructor of their intention to be absent on a particular upcoming holiday. Absences on religious holidays not listed in university calendars, as well as absences due to athletic participation or other extracurricular activities in which students are official representatives of the university, shall be recognized as excused absences when the student informs the instructor in writing during the first two weeks of the semester of these planned absences for the semester.

Calculator Policy: A scientific calculator (such as the TI-30) is allowed during exams. Calculators with any graph- ing calculator-like capability are not permitted. If you are uncertain if your calculator meets these criteria, bring it to your instructor for approval. All cell phones and other electronic devices (including smart watches) are prohibited from use on exams and must be turned off and stowed away out of sight.

Automatic WebAssign Extensions: You can request an automatic extension on each assignment by clicking Ex- tension Request” under the assignment. Once you click “Accept Automatic Extension”, you will have an additional 48 hours to work on the assignment. There will be a penalty of 25% off any questions answered correctly during the extension period. The extension period will close 4 days after the original due date of the assignment, regardless of when the extension was requested.

Late Quiz Policy: Each quiz will close 48 hours after its due date. Quizzes taken during this window are considered late and will be penalized at 10% per day.  For example, if a quiz is due on Friday at 11:59PM and you complete it sometime on Sunday you can earn up to 80% credit.  Students who have a verified, approved, and documented university excuse for missing a regularly scheduled quiz will get the opportunity to take a make-up (without penalty).

Early WebAssign Submission Bonus:  To encourage early completion of WebAssign assignments, a 10% bonus will be given to WebAssign questions answered correctly more than 48 hours prior to the due date.

University Policies

The Safety of Our Learning Environment: Student learning can only occur when students and their instructors feel safe, respected, and supported by each other. To ensure that our learning environment is as safe as possible, you are expected to abide by the most up-to-date University of Delawares COVID-19 Guidelines.

Academic Integrity:  Please familiarize yourself with UD policies regarding academic dishonesty.  To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, to cheat on an assignment, to re-submit the same assignment for different classes, or to allow or assist another to commit these acts corrupts the educational process. Students are expected to do their own work and neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance.  View the uni- versitys academic integrity policies and procedures.  Office of Student Conduct, 218 Hullihen Hall, (302) 831-2117. E-mail: [email protected]

Statement on Disclosures of Instances of Sexual Misconduct: If, at any time during this course, I happen to be made aware that a student may have been the victim of sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, or stalking), I am obligated to inform the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The University needs to know information about such incidents in order to offer resources to victims and to ensure a safe campus environment for everyone. The Title IX Coordinator will decide if the incident should be examined further. If such a situation is disclosed to me in class, in a paper assignment, or in office hours, I promise to protect your privacy—I will not disclose the incident to anyone but the Title IX Coordinator.

For more information on Sexual Misconduct policies, where to get help, and how to report information, please refer to www.udel.edu/sexualmisconduct. At UD, we provide 24-hour crisis assistance and victim advocacy and coun- seling. Contact UD Helpline 24/7/365, at 302-831-1001, to get in touch with a sexual offense support advocate. For emergencies, call 911.

Accessibility for Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accom- modations, please contact the Office of Disabilities Support Services at (302) 831-4643 or https://sites.udel.edu/ dss/.  Information regarding a disability will be treated in a confidential manner.  Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.

Non-Discrimination:  The University of Delaware does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, disability, religion, age, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in its employment, ed- ucational programs and activities, admissions policies, and scholarship and loan programs as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies.  The University of Delaware also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence.

For inquiries or complaints related to non-discrimination policies, please contact:  Office of Equity & Inclusion- mailto:[email protected], 305 Hullihen Hall Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-8063

For complaints related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact: Office of Disability Support Services, mailto:[email protected], Alison Hall, Suite 130, Newark, DE 19716 (302) 831-4643 OR contact the U.S. Department of Education - Office for Civil Rights