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COMP9110 Second Semester 2022 Assignment 1


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COMP9110 Second Semester 2022

Assignment 1: CollegeTalk 

A Communication System for College Students (Requirements)

This is an individual assignment.  This real project would like to give students an experience of the overall system analysis process. In this semester, you are required to design and analyse a communication system for College Students (CollegeTalk).

Deliverables and marking criteria:

•   A written system requirements document will be submitted in the following format:

o  An electronic copy as PDF through the Canvas system.

•   A  written  plan  of  analysis,  design,  implementation,  testing  and  installation  of  the CollegeTalk system, including appropriate workplan diagrams, together.

This assignment is due on 18th  September 2022 (week 7- Sunday) at 11:59


•   This report has a value of 12 marks which will be due on 18th  September 2022 (week 7 - Sunday) 11:59 pm.

o An electronic copy of the report as PDF through the Canvas system (before 11:59 pm on 18/09/2022)

Some notes:

•   The report should include functional requirements with written use cases, non-functional requirements, a use case diagram, and a draft of the project plan.

The marking distribution is shown in the following table

Marking criteria:

Requirements Document format


Functional Requirements


Non-functional Requirements


Use case diagram


Plan for the work presented with appropriate notations


Total:      12 marks

Hints for the students:

1.   Refer to week 2 lecture material (textbook pp 96-97, 436-445) to write 6 Non- functional Requirements.

2.   Follow the techniques SMART and MoSCoW (requirements prioritization) from week 2 lecture material to write 6 Functional Requirements.

3.   Clear links between the requirements and the business value should be identified in system requests.

4.   Students  are  welcome  but  not  recommended  to  do  extra  work  for  functional requirements to polish up the deliverable; however, only 6 of them will be assessed for assignment one. It would be good if the structure of your functional requirements is well designed, but the focus of this assignment is on the correctness of the written


5.   In assignment one, both the main normal flows AND the important alternate flows are required to be considered when you design the functional requirements. Please also be advised that you are supposed to follow the format of written use-cases which have discussed during week 2 and week 3 lectures, which means, your written use-cases should at least cover the Name, ID, (Primary) Actor, Stakeholders and Interests, Trigger, and the Normal flow.

6.   You  should  also  give  a UML use-case  diagram  (ONE use-case  diagram) that summarizes the functionalities and their relationships to one another and to the actors.

7.   The consistency of the document will be marked.

8.   You  must  consult  your  tutor  (Kshitiz)  before  you  make  any  reasonable assumptions about the unclear information from the description document.

9.   You are required to use MS Project or any other tool to design a draft plan for the work. Just assume that this is a 13-week project and remember to include all the necessary timestamps.

Overview of the CollegeTalk

The Kangaroo College Student Society (KCSS) finds out from a recent survey that students in the college rely heavily upon various existing social media applications such as WhatsApp and WeChat  to  communicate  among  themselves.  Communication  between  students  who  use different social media applications is difficult since either of the students is required to switch to a new social media application for compatibility. The president of KCSS believes that having a universal platform for communication (CollegeTalk) among students will bring significant benefits by eliminating the need for adapting to multiple applications. In addition, he believes that the new platform can also enable higher efficiency in organising social events.

Since CollegeTalk targets the students in this college, it should not allow people outside the college to use the system. All the first-time users of the system need to Register and Verify their identity. To register an account, they need to supply their personal information such as Name, Student_ID, Email address, Date of Birth, and Password. Then, they will receive an email with a link for verifying their identity. After verification, they are free to log in using their Email and Password. Users are also allowed to set up their own profile using information such as Nickname and his/her Personal_Description. The Profile is publicly available to all other students.

For a user (User_A) to communicate with another user (User_B), the system requires that both parties engaging in the communication need to be the friend of each other. The process of Become_Friend needs to be simple. To become a friend” with User_B, User_A simply needs to visit the profile page of User_B and press the Send_Friend_Request button. User_B will automatically be sent an email and a message to ask for acceptance of the friend request. Once User_B has  accepted, both User_A  and User_B will have  each  other  displayed  in their Friend_List and they can send messages to each other for instantaneous communication.

Further to the messaging function, the system should also be capable of organising social events. Any user can create an event group by filling in the Event_Information: Event_NameEvent_Date and Event_Description. The created event group is similar to a chat group with additional  functions.  The  creator  of  the  Event_group  will  automatically  become  the Group_Admin. Only the Group_Admin has the authority to change Event_Information and to Invite new members into the group by Sending_Invitation. Any users who receive and accept  an  invitation  will  be  added  to  the  group.  Members  in  the  group  can  Send  and Receive_Notification.

Lastly, the system should allow users to share posts with friends. Any user can Create_Posts with any of the contents: Post_Text or Post_Image. In addition, the creator of the post is required to set the share permission option of either Public (available to all), Private (available to friends ONLY) or Limited (available to specific users ONLY). All Posts of a user are displayed under his/her profile for others to View_Subject to Share_Permission. In addition, each user has the option View_Posts to check out the recent Private and Limited posts ofhis/her friends.

System Request Document

Sponsor: Kshitiz (KCSS President)

Business Need:

To enhance the efficiency in the communication of students in the college and to provide an easy access platform for the students to organise events and shareposts. This saves studentsfrom the trouble of using multiple social media platformsfor differentfriends groups.

Business Requirements:

1. Allow students  to  register accounts, send friend requests  and accept friend requests.

2. Allow students to message friends and receive a message from friends instantaneously.

3. Allow students to create new events using chat groupsforfriends tojoin.

4. Allow students to post texts, images and videos and set share permission for others to view.

5. Allow students to comment on the posts of theirfriends.

Business Value:

1. Achieve a user base of over 1000 students in the college.

2.  Increase user satisfactionfrom the students.

3.  Reduce the time cost of organising events in the college.

4. Reduce the time cost of students in simultaneously using multiple social media platforms.

Other Issue:

Systems analysis must be completed by week 13; KCSS President is your lab tutor Kshitiz, please consult him if you need more information about this new CollegeTalk system.