关键词 > MATH534



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Fall 2022


The general theme of this computer project is random number generation on a computer. This is an important problem with a wide range of applications: Monte Carlo simulations, game-playing, cryptography, statistical sampling, cybersecurity, statistical modeling, evaluation of multiple integrals, and computations in statistical physics—to name a few. Specifically, the project concentrates on the problem of uniform (pseudo-) random numbers generation, with“uniform”understood as“continuous uniform”sampled from the inter- val [0, 1). As was mentioned in class, a large family of statistical distributions (e.g., exponential, normal, etc.) can be obtained from the uniform distribution merely by means of a certain transformation of variables. Hence, having a reliable and efficient uniform random number generator (RNG) is at the foundation of the entire field of computer (or software) random number generation. As trivial as the subject may seem (what can possibly be easier than making up a nonsensical sequence of numbers?), random number generation is anything but trivial, and designing a“good”RNG is an art that requires a great deal of expertise in mathematics, statistics and computer engineering. The project focuses on two famous uniform RNGs: one“good”one, and one“not-so-good”one. The“not-so-good”one is the so-called Middle-Square RNG, and it is due to John von Neumann (1951), the famous scientist and one of the key figures behind the Manhattan project. The“good”one is due to Derrick H. Lehmer (1949), the famous number theorist and one of the founding fathers of computational number theory. Lehmer’s RNG has become the basis for many of the RNGs in use today.

By and large, any software RNG that outputs a series R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 , . . . of independent numbers uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 1) involves the following two steps.  The first step is to obtain a stream of“unpredictable” integers X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . by iterating the recurrence Xk+1  = F(Xk ), k  > 0, where F(x) is a given one-way function (“one-way”means the function is easy to evaluate for any appropriately specified argument, but is very difficult to work out the argument that yields a given output). It is assumed here that X0 is a given number known as the“seed”number (or simply the“seed”for short). The integers X0 , X1 , X2 , . . . all come from a finite set {0, 1, 2, . . . , m − 1} of m  >  1 successive integers starting from zero.  Note that unless the function F(x) is carefully designed the integers Xk’s need not actually span the entire set {0, 1, 2, . . . , m − 1}. If the integers Xk  do span the entire set {0, 1, 2, . . . , m − 1}, then the RNG is said to have the full period; otherwise, the RNG is said to have only a partial period. The second step consists in scaling (or standardizing) each of the integers X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . into the unit interval [0, 1) by dividing each X by m, i.e., computing Rk  = Xk /m for all k > 0. If the RNG is good, the Rk’s will“appear”as though they are randomly and uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 (of course the randomness” and uniformity” are no more than an optical illusion, but this illusion may be sufficiently convincing for practical purposes, if F(x) is designed properly).

Consider first the so-called Middle-Square RNG proposed by John von Neumann (1951). The idea of the Middle-Square Method is deceptively simple and is best explained via an actual example. Suppose we start off with a seed ofX0  = 9 876 assuming that m = 10 000, so the“unpredictable”integers X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . all come from the set {0, 1, 2, . . . , 9 999}. To get X1 , the seed is first squared (yielding X0(2)  = 97 535 376) and then the middle four digits of the result are used as X1 , i.e., X1  = 5 353. The next “unpredictable”integer, i.e., X2 , is obtained in the same fashion from X1 : the latter integer is first squared (yielding X1(2)  = 28 654 609) and then the middle four digits of the result are used as X2 , i.e., X2  = 6 546. The process continues until the stream X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . is as long as necessary. Once all the integers are generated, they are each standardized by division by m = 10 000. For example, R0  = X0 /m = 9 876/10 000 = 0.9876, R1  = X1 /m = 5 353/10 000 = 0.5353, R2  = X2 /m = 6 546/10 000 = 0.6546, and so on.  Should it occur that say Xk(2)  for some k is shorter than eight digits, it is padded with as many leading zeros as necessary to make it eight digits long. While it is easy to see that von Neumann’s (1951) RNG is definitely based on the recurrence Xk+1  = F(Xk ), one may find the function F(x) used by the Middle-Square

RNG to be somewhat problematic to express as a mathematical formula (it is simple to compute though). Now that you understand the way the Middle-Square RNG operates, do the following:

(a) Implement the Middle-Square RNG in R as a separate function named mid_square_rng. More specifically, make the function take two input arguments: N followed by X0, where N denotes the desired length of the random sequence R0 , R1 , R2 , . . . to be generated,

and X0 stands for the seed. Your function must return the random sequence R0 , R1 , R2 , . . . , RN−1 assuming that m = 10 000. Submit your script.

(b) Set the seed to X0  = 1 010 and use your mid_square_rng to generate a series of N = 20 uniform [0, 1] random numbers. Report the obtained series.

(c) Set the seed to X0  = 6 100 and use your mid_square_rng to generate a series of N = 20 uniform [0, 1] random numbers. Report the obtained series.

(d) Set the seed to X0  = 3 792 and use your mid_square_rng to generate a series of N = 20 uniform [0, 1] random numbers. Report the obtained series. Comment briefly on the obtained series.

(e) Explain briefly why if the initial value X0 is selected from the set {0, 1, . . . , 9 999} it is impossible to ever have Xk(2)  more than eight digits long, for any k > 1.

(f) Based on the series you generated in part (b) explain briefly why the Middle-Square RNG is not a reliable source of random numbers.

(g) The series you generated in part (c) is an example of yet another problem that the Middle-Square RNG may exhibit when used as a source of random numbers. What is that problem?

Let us now turn attention to a better, more reliable RNG, viz. one proposed by Lehmer (1949), which has become probably the most popular RNG, and remains in heavy use even today. Lehmer’s RNG relies on the recurrence Xk+1  = (aXk  + b) (mod m) where m > 1 is again a given integer referred as the modulus, 0 ⩽ a < m is also preset integer referred to as the multiplier, and 0 ⩽ b < m is referred to as the increment, and is set in advance as well. The“ (mod m)”part guarantees that all Xk’s will be confined to the set {0, 1, 2, . . . , m−1}. The recurrence Xk+1  = (aXk  + b) (mod m) gives rise to a whole family of RNGs known as the linear congruential RNGs. Lehmer’s original generation method had b  = 0, although he mentioned b  > 0 as a possibility.  As was discussed in class, Lehmer’s RNG is generally better than von Neumann’s RNG, but not necessarily. It depends on the particular choice of X0 , a, b and m.

(a) Implement Lehmer’s RNG in R as a separate function named lehmer_rng. More specifically, make the function take five input arguments: N, followed by m, followed by a, followed by b, followed X0, where N denotes the desired length of the random sequence R0 , R1 , R2 , . . . to be generated, m is the modulus, a is the multiplier, b is the increment, and X0 stands for the seed. Your function

must return the random sequence R0 , R1 , R2 , . . . , RN−1 .

Submit your script.

(b) Set X0  = 1, m = 16, and b = 1. Use your lehmer_rng function to generate a series of N = 16 uniform [0, 1] random numbers for a = 3, 4, 5, . . . , 15. Visualize the series using the radarchart function: make the contours represent the value of Xk  and the radial

numbers represent the serial number of Xk in the sequence. For what values of a is the period of the series the largest? Submit your radarcharts along with your analysis.

(c) Set X0  = 1, m = 16, and a = 5. Use your lehmer_rng function to generate a series of N = 16 uniform [0, 1] random numbers for b = 2, 3, 4, . . . , 8. Visualize the series using the radarchart function: make the contours represent the value of Xk  and the radial

numbers represent the serial number of Xk in the sequence. For what values of b is the period of the series the largest? Submit your radarcharts along with your analysis.

(d) Set X0  = 6, m = 100, a = 21, and b = 1. Use your lehmer_rng function to generate a series of N = 20 uniform [0, 1] random numbers. Report the obtained series, and briefly comment on it.

(e) Set X0  = 1, m = 211 , a = 1 229, and b = 1. Use your lehmer_rng function to generate a series of N = 5 000 uniform [0, 1] random numbers.  Construct a histogram of the obtained series.  Feel free to choose the bins as you please. What does the shape of the histogram suggest as to the statistical properties of the obtained random series? Submit the histogram.

(f) For the random series you generated in the previous part create a scatterplot showing Rk+1 as a function of Rk . This kind of a plot is a standard technique used in statistics to understand the nature of inter-dependence or correlation (if any) between successive elements in the sample. What conclusion can you reach from the scatterplot about the series you generated in part (e)? Submit the scatterplot.

(g) Repeat parts (e) and (f) with X0  = 1, m = 244 944, a = 1 597, and b = 51 749. Does the new set parameters improve the quality of Lehmer’s RNG? Briefly justify your answer.

(h) Repeat parts (e) and (f) for X0  = 1, m = 231 , a = 216 + 3, and b = 0. For this choice of parameters Lehmer’s RNG is known as RANDU, an RNG proposed by IBM in the 1960s. Would you say RANDU is a good RNG? Briefly justify your answer.

(i) For the series you generated in the previous part construct a 3D scatterplot showing Rk+1 as a bivariate function ofRk and Rk−1 . This kind of a plot offers a deeper insight into the correlation structure of the sampled data. What does the 3D scatterplot suggest as to the quality of RANDU? Briefly justify your answer.


Lehmer, D. H. (1949). Mathematical methods in large-scale computing units. In Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, pages 141– 146, Harvard University. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

von Neumann, J. (1951).  Various Techniques Used in Connection with Random Digits, volume 12 of National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, pages 36–38. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.