COMPSCI 705 & SOFTENG 702 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction 2021


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Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction 


Question 1. (20 marks)

Emoji evaluation. A student creates a new set of emojis and wants to evaluate them. They construct the following 7-point Likert question:

                Question: How expressive are these emojis?

                Scale: 1 "Not at all Expressive" to 7 "Very Expressive"

Is this survey question an example of a constructivist or postpositivist research approach? Briefly define all 8 terms in Table 1.1 in Creswell (below), and use them to argue for your position.

Postpositivist: Determination; Reductionism; Empirical observation and measurement; Theory verification

Constructivism: Understanding; Multiple participant meanings; Social and historical construction; Theory generation

Question 2. (20 marks)

Literature review. The literature review lecture focussed on identifying and ensuring the quality of literature which we access. For your literature review for the group project identify what steps you took to ensure the quality of literature that was identified. Which piece of literature do you think had the highest quality from those you identified? Identify the paper and give your reasoning as to why this is the highest quality paper.

Question 3.  (20 marks)

Empirical quantitative evaluation. Describe one possible empirical, quantitative evaluation that can be done for your project, and structure this description using the terminology for experimental research in HCI from the homework reading (Gergle and Tan).

Question 4. (20 marks)

Qualitative research. Explain how a) curiosity, b) creativity, and c) surprise are analytic tools for qualitative research.  Is bias avoided in qualitative research?  Why or why not?  What are three methods to maintain rigour in qualitative research? Explain how each maintains rigour.

Question 5. (20 marks)

Emerging paradigms. Consider the Human-Centric Software Engineering biases and future work discussed in the emerging paradigms lecture. Reflect on the biases and describe one which could impact on your group project for the course, and how much impact this would be. Describe what considerations you would need to address in your group project to ensure that the impact of this bias is factored into your approach for the project.  

Question 6.  (20 marks)

Methods. From your literature review, chose one research article using experimental or empirical methods, give the full citation and describe one experiment or study performed there in your own words, using the terminology for experimental research in HCI from the homework reading (Gergle and Tan).