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SSCI 582: Spatial Databases Reading & Research Assignment #1


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Due: Tuesday, August 30th, 9:00 a.m. PT

Deliver your documents (described below) into the D2L Submission Link

Graded Numeric Score

Value: 5% of the course grade

Penalty for late delivery: This assignment will be penalized 2 points up to FOUR days late. No points will be given for submissions more than FOUR days late.

Objectives of Reading & Research Assignment 1

Describe the properties and phenomena on the Earth (e.g. hydrography), and think how we can translate the geographic world properly into data in digital forms.

An essential tenet of GIS - perhaps the essential tenet - is that "things" exist in the environment, things that can be located (by position, either absolute or in relation to other things) and also recognized, literally brought back to mind, by geometric descriptions (length, area, shape, …) and/or narrative descriptions (attribute-value pairs, ultimately). Well, is that true?

Across all cultures, some of the most visually recognizable things on Earth, more formally phenomena, are lakes and rivers. Evidently, some language-based descriptions, or properties, of lakes and rivers are recognizable as well. For GIS purposes, properties must be communicated in digital form. First, however, we need to specify those properties.


Deliver your answers to the questions below into the Week  1 Reading & Research Assignment submission link in the Week 1 folder, as a Word document (.docx).

Research and answer the questions below. Add a ‘References’ section at the end of your Reading & Research Assignment that list the references you used to answer these questions.

1. What isa lake? What are the diagnostic characteristics (appearance and assertions - location and descriptions) of lake that make a lake recognizable? Said another way: What is unchanging about   lakes, in general? [One succinct paragraph, please, ~100 words; underline characteristics.]

2. What isa river? What are the diagnostic characteristics (appearance and assertions - location and descriptions) of river that make a river recognizable? Said another way: What is unchanging about  rivers, in general? [A second succinct paragraph, ~100 words; underline characteristics.]

3. Why do lakes and rivers persist? Name three (3) other phenomena on which lakes or rivers both depend on; and for each of those phenomena, state whether it is uniquely identifiable (discrete) or broadly distributed (diffuse) across the landscape. [A third succinct paragraph, also ~100 words.]