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MAST20004 Probability Semester 2, 2022 Assignment 2


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MAST20004 Probability

Semester 2, 2022

Assignment 2: Questions

Important instructions:

(1) This assignment contains 4 questions, two of which will be randomly selected to be marked.  Each marked question is worth 10 points and each unmarked question with substantial working is worth 1 point.

(2) To complete this assignment, you need to write your solutions into the blank answer spaces following each question in this assignment PDF.

• If you have a printer (or can access one), then you must print out the assignment template and handwrite your solutions into the answer spaces.

• If you do not have a printer but you can figure out how to annotate a PDF using an iPad/Android tablet/Graphics tablet or using Adobe Acrobat, then annotate your answers directly onto the assignment PDF and save a copy for submission.

Failing both of these methods, you may handwrite your answers as normal on blank paper and then scan for submission (but note that you will thereby miss valuable practice for the exam process).

Scan your assignment to a PDF file using your mobile phone (we recommend Cam - Scanner App), then upload by going to the Assignments menu on Canvas and submit the PDF to the GradeScope tool by first selecting your PDF file and then clicking on ‘Upload PDF’.

(3) A poor presentation penalty of 10% of the total available marks will apply unless your submitted assignment meets all of the following requirements:

• it is a single pdf with all pages in correct template order and the correct way up, and with any blank pages with additional working added only at the end of the template pages;

• has all pages clearly readable;

• has all pages cropped to the A4 borders of the original page and is imaged from directly above to avoid excessive ’keystoning’.

These requirements are easy to meet if you use a scanning app on your phone and take some care with your submission - please review it before submitting to double check you have satisfied all of the above requirements.

(4) Late submission within 20 hours after the deadline will be penalised by 5% of the to- tal available marks for every hour or part thereof after the deadline.  After that, the Gradescope submission channel will be closed, and your submission will no longer be accepted. You are strongly encouraged to submit the assignment a few days before the deadline just in case of unexpected technical issues. If you are facing a rather excep- tional/extreme situation that prevents you from submitting on time, please complete the assignment extension request form that is available on Canvas.

(5) Working and reasoning must be given to obtain full credit. Clarity, neatness, and style count.

Q1.  The high-water mark X (in metres) measured from the bottom of a river is a continuous random variable having the cumulative distribution function

8 0;

FX (x) = P(X x) = < c1     ;

( c1     

(a) Prove that c =  and c2  =  .

if x < 2;

if 2 ≤ x < 4;

if x  4.


(b) Find the pdf of X .


(c) The river bank is three metres high (measured from the bottom of the river) and excessive water fills the wetland next to the river. Find the probability that the wetland receives water from the river.


(d) Compute E (Xk ) for all k 2 R.


(e) Compute V (X).


Q2.  In Victoria, Road Safety Rule 141(2) states that, ‘The rider of a bicycle or an electric scooter must not ride past, or overtake, to the left of a vehicle that is turning left and is giving a left change of direction signal.’Assume that a bike rider is not aware of the rule, and each day on their way to their new workplace, there is a probability of 0.01 of meeting a left turning vehicle, resulting in an incidence of forcing the vehicle to give way to them.

(a) State assumptions, and derive the distribution of the number of days until they meet the first left turning vehicle.


(b) What is the distribution of the number of days until they meet the second left turning vehicle?


(c) What is the probability that there are at most 60 incidence free days till they meet the second left turning vehicle?


(d) What is the probability that on the fifth day of the first week, they meet the second left turning vehicle?


(e) Assume that the rider plans to work in the new job for five years with  1150

working days, find a suitable Poisson approximation to the distribution of the number X of days that they meet left turning vehicles in five years.


(f) Let Y have the Poisson distribution in (e), use the Matlab to compute


d = |P(X = i) - P(Y = i)|.


Report the value d and attach the Matlab commands here.


Q3.  Mr X plants 20 seedlings.  After one month, independent of the other seedlings, each

seedling has the probability 0.1 of being dead, the probability 0.4 of showing slow growth and the probability 0.5 of showing satisfactory growth.

(a) What is the probability that after one month exactly 2 seedlings are dead?


(b) What is the probability that after one month exactly 2 seedlings are dead and

exactly 11 seedlings show satisfactory growth?


(c) What is the expected number of seedlings showing satisfactory growth?


(d) What is the probability that no more than 2 seedlings have died and no more than 3 have shown slow growth?


Q4. A professor examined the performance of their students in a math subject, and a simplified version of the model they fit to the scores is tabulated below.

Score (value of X)

45      55      65      75      85      95



0.23   0.20   0.17   0.17   0.16   0.07

(a) Compute E (X) and E (X2 ) using the formula on lecture slide 143.


(b) Write down the cumulative distribution function FX  of X .


(c) Compute E (X) using the formula on lecture slide 158.


(d) In a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, plot the lines 1) y  =  1; 2) y = FX (x); 3) x = 0; and 4) x = 95; shade the region surrounded by the four lines and calculate the area of the shaded region.


(e) Compare the results in (c) and (d), comment on your findings.