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Economics 114B / Summer 2022 Economic Development


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Economics 114B / Summer 2022

Economic Development

Course Description

This course introduces several of the main economic issues confronting developing countries today. The first part covers proximate aspects of development such as factor accumulation and productivity, and the second part on analyses fundamental aspects such as institutions, culture and geography. No lecture notes will be handed out but additional readings will be posted online. You should take the recommended readings seriously. The required textbook is: 

Weil, David N. (2019) Economic Growth, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley

All class material including the problem sets will be posted on gauchospace. There is no official TA for the class. Please notice that the first and second editions contain most (but not all) of the same material covered in class. You are responsible for any discrepancy between both editions.

Office hours and problem sessions

Office hours are Thursday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm in my office NH 3037, if requested, or over Zoom at a link to be distributed. Questions by e-mail are welcome to the e-mail above. Please check the announcements section of the class webpage for changes in OH.


There will be six problem sets, only the best 5 would count, and one in-class final on Wednesday September 7th. The date is unchangeable. I’ll  try to upload the problem sets to GS for easy access and grading. Students are encouraged to work together on problem sets but every student enrolled in the course must hand in an individual copy. Simply copying other person's work is considered cheating, and will be penalized accordingly. You cannot miss more than one problem set. No late problem sets will be graded. Letter grades are based on the overall score in the class. The final grade will be set according to the following percentages:

5 Problem sets 70

Final 30

Questions about the grading of your problem sets or exams should be addressed by a written submission of the objection accompanied by the item for revision.

Course Outline

The textbook is divided in 17 chapters so we’ll try to cover a chapter and a half per week. If needed, we will skip certain parts of the textbook such as Chapters 5 and 16.