关键词 > C代写 CS专业代写 CSE240

CSE 240 – Assignment 5



  • C/C++ Syntax
  • Pointers
  • Functions
  • Dynamic Allocation of Memory
  • Data Structures: Linked Lists
  • Object Orientation

Overall Specifications:

You are to create a Linked List or Binary Search Tree data structure from scratch. This structure should be Templated so that any data could be stored within it.

For a maximum of B on specifications – you can make your structure non-templated – meaning it stores only the data required for the problems.

The primary goal of this assignment is to make a Linked List that you can use and re-use. The Linked List itself is the majority of the specifications grade.

Specifications Scoring Breakdown:

Templated Linked List/BST + Problem – 100% of specifications
Templated Linked List/BST only – 80% of specifications
Untemplated Linked List/BST + Problem – 80% of specifications
Untemplated Linked List/BST only – 70% of specifications


When you use a templated type in C++ ALL templated code must be done in the .h file. This means that ALL of your methods will be defined in the .h file as well as your class.

You should still forward declare Classes above then Methods below.

Your .h file should have your LinkedList/BST class and your Node class and the method definitions for both. Remember to use your :: operator correctly.

Feel free to use friendship if needed.

Option 1

“I like trains” - Linked Lists

You will create a Linked List Class and a Node Class/Struct
The Linked List should contain the following methods in its public interface:

NOTE: T stands for the template data type, so T data means the variable of type T (whatever T is)

  •  Constructor
  •  Destructor
  •  AddToFront(T data) – create a node containing T data and add it to the front of the list
  •  AddToEnd(T data) – create a node containing T data and add it to the end of the list
  •  AddAtIndex(T data, int index) – create a node containing T data and add it to the list at index. The new node containing the data will be the #index node in the list. Return boolean for success or failure (optional: you could also return an integer with failure codes since this method can fail multiple ways)
  •  RemoveFromFront() – Delete first item and return its contents
  •  RemoveFromEnd() – Delete last item and return its contents
  •  RemoveTheFirst(T data) – find first instance of T data and remove it
  •  RemoveAllOf(T data) – find each instance of T data and remove it
  •  ElementExists(T data) – Returns a T/F if element exists in list
  •  Find(T data) – Look for data in the list, return a pointer to its node
  •  IndexOf(T data) – returns an index of the item in the list (zero-based)
  •  RetrieveFront – returns the data contained in the first node, does not delete it
  •  RetrieveEnd – returns the data contained in the last node, does not delete it
  •  Retrieve(int index) – returns the data contained in node # index, does not delete it, returns null if index is out of bounds or data does not exist
  •  ToArray – Create an array from the contents of the list and return it
  •  Empty – Empty out the list, delete everything
  •  Length – How many elements are in the list 
More methods private or public should be created as needed to facilitate the functionality of the Interface methods. If you feel your list needs more functionality, feel free to create it. 

As per usual, I have not made a perfect representation of the parameters you might need, etc. I have made suggestions where appropriate, but you might need more depending on how you code things. 

Node Class

  • Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Getters & Setters (if class)
The node class should be fairly rudimentary. It should be templated so you can store anything in it.

Note: Node can be a struct if you so choose. 


The goal of this problem is to simulate a train delivering cargo and people. This is a very rudimentary demonstration of the idea and does not necessarily reflect real world policies regarding trains.

For this section you will use many (but probably not all) of the functionality of your linked list.

You will create a Struct or Class called TrainCar. This TrainCar will have three major pieces of information: int id, char (or enum) typeOfCar and int numberOfStops.

Use a static variable to make sure each car gets a unique ID number. char typeOfCar:

  • ‘P’ – passenger car, goes on the front of the train
  • ‘C’ – cargo, goes in the middle of the train
  • ‘M’ – miscellaneous, goes at the end of the train
Each type of car will use their own insertion algorithm: addToFront, addAtIndex, and addToEnd respectively. 

The trains should start with 10 random cars with random numberOfStops values (say 1 to 5).

At every stop you will reduce the numberOfStops by 1. Each car will have a random number (between say 1 and 5) of stops before it is removed from the train.

At each stop you will add between 1 and 5 new RANDOM cars and add them to the train where they should go.

You then send the train on its merry way.

You must show the results of every stop. You should output the cars being removed, the cars being added and the resulting train. You should give the user an interface to determine how many stops they want the train to run for. When the train runs for that many, prompt the user to either run more stops, or to end the program. 

Sample output:
Stop #2:
Train Arriving: [5:P:1][6:P:4][3:P:2][2:C:3][4:C:1][1:M:1][7:M:3]
Removing cars:
[5:P] removed
[4:C] removed
[1:M] removed
Adding cars:
[8:P:3] added
[9:M:2] added
Train Exiting: [8:P:3][6:P:3][3:P:1][2:C:2][7:M:3][9:M:2]

Option 2:

Word Frequency Analysis – Binary Search Tree

You will create a Binary Search Tree Class and a Node Class/Struct

The Binary Search Tree should contain the following methods in its public interface:

  •  Constructor
  •  Destructor
  •  Insert(T data) – create a node containing T data and add it to the tree (REMEMBER: NO DUPLICATES)
  •  Remove (T data) – find instance of T data and remove it
  •  ElementExists(T data) – Returns a T/F if element exists in tree
  •  Find(T data) – Look for data in the list, return a pointer to its node
  •  ToArray – Create an array from the contents of the tree and return it
  •  Empty – Empty out the list, delete everything
  •  Length – How many elements are in the list
More methods private or public should be created as needed to facilitate the functionality of the Interface methods. If you feel your tree needs more functionality, feel free to create it.
Note: I’m leaving some of these vague so that you can customize your tree a bit. For example, insert often returns a pointer to the node that was created when you add the element to the tree – or if it was a duplicate, it returns a pointer to the node where the element was found. Sometimes insert just returns a Boolean stating that the operation was successful or not. Etc.


The goal will be to parse a large text file and determine the word frequency of every word in the text file.

You will use file input to read in, analyze and output statistics about the file. You should provide an adequate user interface to accomplish the following tasks:

  •  Read in a text file and analyze it. The text files will come from the Gutenberg Project (http://www.gutenberg.org/) so you should be able to possibly analyze an entire novel.
  •  Provide the user a summary of the analysis including:
    • Total words
    • Total unique words
    • The 5 most and least frequently used words
  •  Hint: there are multiple ways of doing this, some more brute force then others
  •  Allow the user to input a word and retrieve the frequency of that word
  •  Allow the user to output the frequency analysis to a file for review
    •  Bonus Opportunity: Give the option to sort alphabetically or by frequency
You will use a Binary Search Tree to accomplish these goals (and any other algorithms or data structures needed to accomplish those goals - i.e.: if you need a stack for certain algorithms, you may use it ... if you need a linked list, you may use it ... but remember the star of the show is the BST

Your word counts should ignore capitalization, so the, The, THE, and tHe all increase the count for the word “the” by one. For purposes of this assignment, a word is any consecutive string of letters and the apostrophe character, so don’t counts as a single word, and best-selling counts as two words: best and selling. Notice that a blank space will not necessarily occur between two words. Numbers such as 27 and 2/3 will NOT be counted as words. 

Grading of Programming Assignment

The TA will grade your program following these steps:
  1.  Compile the code. If it does not compile, If it does not compile you will receive a U on the Specifications in the Rubric.
  2.  The TA will read your program and give points based on the points allocated to each component, the readability of your code (organization of the code and comments), logic, inclusion of the required functions, and correctness of the implementations of each function.


What to Submit?

You are required to submit your solutions in a compressed format (.zip). Zip all files into a single zip file. Make sure your compressed file is labeled correctly - lastname_firstname7.zip.

For this home assignment, the compressed file MUST contain the following:

  • Makefile
  • README.txt – instructions for using the makefile
  • Your code files:
    •  lastname_firstname_assn5.cpp
    •  lastname_bst.h / lastname_list.h
    •  If you didn’t template, also include the .cpp files for your .h files
  • any other code/library files you create or use for the sake of the assignment
No other files should be in the compressed folder.

If multiple submissions are made, the most recent submission will be graded, even if the assignment is submitted late.

Where to Submit?

All submissions must be electronically submitted to the respected homework link in the course web page where you downloaded the assignment. 

Academic Integrity and Honor Code.

You are encouraged to cooperate in study group on learning the course materials. However, you may not cooperate on preparing the individual assignments. Anything that you turn in must be your own work: You must write up your own solution with your own understanding. If you use an idea that is found in a book or from other sources, or that was developed by someone else or jointly with some group, make sure you acknowledge the source and/or the names of the persons in the write-up for each problem. When you help your peers, you should never show your work to them. All assignment questions must be asked in the course discussion board. Asking assignment questions or making your assignment available in the public websites before the assignment due will be considered cheating. 

The instructor and the TA will CAREFULLY check any possible proliferation or plagiarism. We will use the document/program comparison tools like MOSS (Measure Of Software Similarity: http://moss.stanford.edu/) to check any assignment that you submitted for grading. The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering expect all students to adhere to ASU's policy on Academic Dishonesty. These policies can be found in the Code of Student Conduct: 

ALL cases of cheating or plagiarism will be handed to the Dean's office. Penalties include a failing grade in the class, a note on your official transcript that shows you were punished for cheating, suspension, expulsion and revocation of already awarded degrees.